
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Bartocci Luca
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+39 075 585 5080
Professore ordinario
Bartolucci Francesco
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+39 075 585 5227
Professore ordinario
Bastianini Claudia
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Bellino Andrea
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Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Bellucci Andrea
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+39 075 585 5253
Professore associato
Bigerna Simona
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Professore associato
Boccaccio Marco
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+39 075 585 5209
Professore ordinario
Boiti Cristiana
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Professore associato
Bollino Carlo Andrea
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+39 075 585 5421
Professore ordinario
Buccellato Francesco
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+39 075 585 2462
Budelli Simone
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+39 075 585 2465
Professore associato
Burchi Alberto
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+39 075 585 5248
Professore associato

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.