
Person Email Telephone Role Office
Mezzasoma Lorenzo
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Professore ordinario
Micheli Silvia
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Professore associatoSede di Terni
Montesi Cristina
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+39 075 585 5283
Montrone Alessandro
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Professore ordinario
Musile Tanzi Paola
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00 39 075 585 5078
Professore ordinario
Nadotti Loris Lino Maria
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Professore ordinario
Nasini Andrea
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+39 075 585 5248
Pandolfi Silvia
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Professore associato
Patacca Marco
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Perugini Cristiano
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+39 075 585 5423
Professore ordinario
Pettirossi Valentina
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Ricercatore a tempo det. - L.240/10
Petturiti Davide
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Professore associato
Picciaia Francesca
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Professore associato
Picciotti Antonio
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Professore associato
Pierri Francesca
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+39 075 585 5234
Pizzoli Ubaldo
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075 585 5296
Personale Tecnico Amministrativo
Polinori Paolo
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+39 075 585 5002
Professore ordinario
Pompei Fabrizio
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+39 075 5855290
Professore associato
Renga Luisa
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Personale T.A.Tempo determinato
Rizzi Francesco
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Professore associato

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.