Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code A000576
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Francesco Galli
  • Francesco Galli
  • 28 ore - Francesco Galli
Course Regulation Coorte 2018
Supplied 2021/22
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector MED/49
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course will provide basic knowledge on the pathological processes standing behind the most prevalent endocrine and metabolic diseases and on dietary approaches to prevent their onset or treat them eventually combining pharmacological therapy and clinical management.
The course will focus on the main pathologies of the endocrine system, such as diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenals and pancreas, and will provide insights into the role of the adipose organ and liver in age-dependent metabolic diseases, including overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The causal relationship with age and lifestyle will also be dealt with and the main associations with other age-dependent chronic disease will be defined, particularly in the case of cardio-cerebrovascular risk and neurodegeneration.
Prevention and treatment strategies will be treated with regard to: 1) variations in recommended dietary allowance and adequate intake values, and specific nutritional prescriptions in subjects at risk of developing diseases and during the disease development; 2) the use of supplements, functional food and nutraceuticals; 3) the role of intestinal dysbiosis and its treatment; 4) the importance of coordinating nutritional interventions with other aspects concerning healthy life styles (physical activity and individual and collective activities and psychological support programs).
Reference texts lecture notes
Educational objectives The course aims to provide the students with a good critical ability in assessing medical evidence during the consultation of the available literature, as well as of medical prescriptions and clinical interpretation of disease and nutritional profiles, laboratory indices of human metabolism and and endocrine function, and nutritional advising.
Prerequisites To follow the course and make profit of the proposed program, students should have a solid background of general and clinical biochemistry, physiology, and human nutrition. At least basic knowledge on general medicine and specialties such as endocrinology, gastroenterology, immunology and cardiovascular medicine is warmly recommended
Teaching methods Frontal teaching
Other information Dr Desirée Bartolini and Rita Marinelli will support student examination and the cycle of seminars.
Learning verification modality Student examination will consist of an oral evaluation to be performed in one session of approx. 20 min. with three or more questions. The student should demonstrate a proficient and flexible knowledge of all main concepts delivered during the course.
Extended program 1. Introduction
2. Food-related pathogenic aspects of metabolic disorders associated with specific organs and endocrine functions:
• liver,
• pancreas
• intestinal tract in general,
• adipose tissue,
• thyroid,
• adrenal
• gonads;
3. Endocrine / metabolic bases of cancer;
4. Laboratory investigation of endocrine functions and diseases, metabolic indices and diagnostics, monitoring of nutritional and therapeutic interventions.
5. Nutritional prevention and dietary prescriptions, and nutraceuticals.