Course name Chemistry and technology of drugs
Study-unit Code 65418308
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Emidio Camaioni
  • Emidio Camaioni
  • Roccaldo Sardella (Codocenza)
  • 90 ore - Emidio Camaioni
  • 2 ore (Codocenza) - Roccaldo Sardella
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Sector CHIM/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian. Some slides and notes will be in English.
Contents The course is focused on the analytical methods for drugs registered in the Official Italian Pharmacopoeia, in the European Pharmacopoeia and in the International Pharmacopoeia. The lectures are focused on the rational path, on chemical assays and on instrumental analytical techniques that allow to confirm a pharmaceutical substance in accordance with the corresponding official monograph. The course thus deals with qualitative and quantitative instrumental analytical techniques, such as, polarimetry, refractometry, IR spectroscopy, UV-vis spectrophotometry and HPLC chromatography. The laboratory exercises are designed with the aim of fixing the theoretical concepts through their practical application.
Reference texts V. Cavrini, V. Andrisano "Analisi Farmaceutica" Esculapio Ed.
A. Carta, M. G. Mamolo, F. Novelli, S. Piras "Analisi Farmaceutica Qualitativa" EdiSES Ed.F.
Savelli, O. Bruno "Analisi chimico-farmaceutica" Piccin-Nuova Libr. Ed.
E. Camaioni "Compendio teorico-pratico di analisi farmaceutica" Bertoni Ed.
Italian and European Pharmacopoeia.
Educational objectives Knowledge of basic and advanced analytical techniques to perform a quantitative analysis of a drug. Ability to recognize and to apply techniques and methodologies necessary for the quality control of a substance of pharmaceutical interest. Ability, based on experimental results, to interpret the information obtained and evaluate the results. Ability to use the specific language of this discipline and to present the results obtained and the methodologies used in a report clear, comprehensive and meaningful to describe the problem completely. Ability to update and expand their knowledge by consulting other library materials such as books and scientific publications.
Prerequisites Knowledge of of the theoretical basis of Organic Chemistry (mandatory), Medicinal Chemistry (optional), Physical Methods in Organic Chemistry (mandatory) and Analytical Chemistry (important).
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical trainings. Attendance to the lessons and trainings is compulsory.
Other information For practical trainings is mandatory to have passed the exam of "Metodi Fisici in Chimica Organica".
For further information about DSA:
Learning verification modality Lab practical exam and oral exam. Lab practical exam is done as lab experiments concerning the analysis of substances listed in the European Pharmacopoeia. This exam is mandatory to access to the oral exam.
Oral exam: consisting of open questions about the theoretical and practical aspects of the course with the aim to assess the level of preparation, the knowledge and understanding of the student. Online registration (esse3) is nedeed.
Extended program Introduction. Characters: physical state, solubility: definition, expression, factors that influence the solubility: temperature, purity, chemical nature and structure; solubility in water, ethyl ether, acids and bases. Chemical assays for the recognition of functional groups, ions (anions and cations), salts and some classes of pharmaceutical compounds: acetates, acetyl, carboxylic acids, alkaloids, alcohols, halogens, aluminium, amides, amines, aminoacids, antimony, silver, arsenic, ascorbates, barium, benzoates, bismuth, borates and tetraborates, calcium, carbohydrates, carbonates and bicarbonates, citrates, unsaturated compounds, edetates, esters, phenols, hydrazines and hydrazides, iron, phosphates, glycerophosphates, gluconates, guanidines, iodates, lactates , lithium, magnesium, manganese, mercury, nitrates, nitroderivatives, lead, potassium, copper, ammonia salts, salicylates, silica and silicates, sodium, sulphates, stearates, strontium, tartrates, surfactants, thiosulphates, xanthines, zinc. Determination of physico-chemical constants: melting and boiling points, density and viscosity. Refractometric analysis: refractive index, Snell's law, Abbè Refractometer, applications. Polarimetric analysis: polarimeter, optical activity measurement, applications. IR-ATR spectroscopy. UV absorption spectrophotometry: instrumentation, Beer-Lambert law, qualitative and quantitative applications. Overview of concepts of quality control. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): principles of liquid chromatography, chromatographic parameters, HPLC instrumentation, scale-up from analytic to preparative scale analysis, quantitative aspects. Chromatographic separations of optically active compounds. Analysis for biopharmaceuticals.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Salute e benessere; istruzione di qualità