Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code A000247
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Michele Pauluzzi
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2019/20
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 55106206
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Antonio Boccuto
  • Antonio Boccuto
  • Antonio Boccuto
  • 21 ore - Antonio Boccuto
  • 20 ore - Antonio Boccuto
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector MAT/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents The program is divided into four parts:
1) Elements of analytic geometry, trigonometry, inequalities, sets, real numbers, elementary functions, injective, surjective and bijective functions. Percentuals, equivalences.
2) Limits, derivatives and study of functions, and related theorems.
3) Integrals and applications to probability and statistics. Definite and indefinite integral.
Fundamental theorems. Improper integrals.
Gamma function. Distribution function. Probability density.
4) Combinatorics and probability. Conditioned probability. Bayes formula.
Elements of descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode, variance, mean square error, quartiles, percentiles, covariance, correlation coefficient, regression line.
Reference texts 1) Material given by the teacher.

2) Mat&matica. Corso di base per discipline bio-farmaceutiche
di M. Cristina Patria, Gaetano Zanghirati, with a particular look at several applications.

3) D. Benedetto, M. Degli Esposti, C. Maffei, "Matematica per le scienze della vita", Epitesto, Milano, 2008.

Concerning the exercises, see the "eserciziario di ispirazione" on the web page of the teacher
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to introduce, form and illustrate the basic mathematics to well understand natural phaenomena and several applications to various branches of sciences, taking into account the poetry and the art hidden in Mathematics, to arouse the curiosity of the students. It is required that the student handles fluently the fundamental tools and have the basic notions of Linear Algebra and Statistics, which
are useful for successive studies in several sciences, in order to investigate some fundamental aspects of them. It is requested also that the student is able to work in team, but also in autonomy.
Prerequisites To better understand the topics covered in the course the student should be familiar with notions like decomposition of simple algebraic expressions, set theory (union, intersection, complement, difference, Venn diagram, algebra of sets), resolution of linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, investigation on polynomials.
Teaching methods The frequence is not officially obligatory, but warmly suggested, AS WELL AS A DAILY SERIOUS AND RESPONSIBLE STUDY.
The course is split into theoretical lessons and practical lessons, which will be given by means of a projector and/or a computer, in these latter several exercises are carried out in class. The course is organized by means of these kinds of lectures and supplementary didactical activities, which
include the tutorial service and in which the students will be followed individually by the teacher.
Other information The part 1) of the program is exactly the OFA part.

The teacher will put on the unistudium platform his lectures and some other teaching material.
Learning verification modality The program is divided into four parts:
1) Elements of analytic geometry, trigonometry, inequalities, sets, real numbers, elementary functions, injective, surjective and bijective functions. Percentuals, equivalences.
2) Limits, derivatives and study of functions, and related theorems.
3) Integrals and applications to probability and statistics. Definite and indefinite integral.
Fundamental theorems. Improper integrals.
Gamma function. Distribution function. Probability density.
4) Combinatorics and probability. Conditioned probability. Bayes formula.
Elements of descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode, variance, mean square error, quartiles, percentiles, covariance, correlation coefficient, regression line.

The exam consists in a series of exams verifications,
to establish together with the students, which can be done even during the academic pauses, as exams "in itinere", obviously AFTER treating and investigating the part of the program during the lectures.

A very precise calendar-agreement with the students is fixed, in which the exams are NECESSARILY BOOKED.

Every part has a written and an oral sub-part, BOTH OBLIGATORY,
on the WHOLE program, included exercises, theorems and basic notions, IN WHICH THE ORAL PART IS DONE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE WRITTEN PART.

Anyway, if somebody cannot attend the lectures, there is the UNISTUDIUM platform and the website of the teacher, in which the lectures are put.
Extended program The program is divided into four parts:
1) Elements of analytic geometry, trigonometry, inequalities, sets, real numbers, elementary functions, injective, surjective and bijective functions. Percentuals, equivalences.
2) Limits, derivatives and study of functions, and related theorems.
3) Integrals and applications to probability and statistics. Definite and indefinite integral.
Fundamental theorems. Improper integrals.
Gamma function. Distribution function. Probability density.
4) Combinatorics and probability. Conditioned probability. Bayes formula.
Elements of descriptive statistics: mean, median, mode, variance, mean square error, quartiles, percentiles, covariance, correlation coefficient, regression line.


Code A000371
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Michele Pauluzzi
  • Michele Pauluzzi
  • 42 ore - Michele Pauluzzi
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline matematiche, fisiche, informatiche e statistiche
Sector FIS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction: fundamental units, vectors and scalars. Kinematics and Mechanics: Newton laws; Forces, Work and Energy; Momenta, Collisions; Rigid bodies and Rotational motions. Fluid mechanics and Dynamics. Electricity and Magnetism: Electric field, Magnetic field, Maxwell laws
Reference texts recommended: Serway & Jewett, Principi di Fisica Vol. I, EdiSES editore Alternatively: James S. Walker, Fondamenti di Fisica Vol.I e II, Zanichelli
Educational objectives The main goal of the moduls consists in fundamental classical Physics knowledge.The most important competences (i.e. the ability to apply the acquired knowledge) will be:applying basic Physics in the solution of Physics (and non Physics) problems;applying this theoretical knowledge to address problems related to this Course of Studies;developing the ability of building instruments and methods in the study of theoretical concepts and in their application, when facing new situations
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and apply the majority of the subjects addressed within the course, it is useful to have attended to the Mathematics course, and possibily have successufully passed the exam.Topics of the module do require the ability to solve simple limits, derivatives and integrals.
Teaching methods Module lessons are held by the professor, twice a week, and consist of two hour front lessons and practical exercises and applications covering Physics problems.
Other information
Learning verification modality The exams consists of a written test and an oral one.The written test consists on the solution of one-two Physics problems. The tests has a duration of about 2 hours. It is designed in such a way to evaluate the understanding of the theoretical knowledge as well as the ability to correctly apply it in the solution of the proposed issues.The oral exam consists in an interview lasting about 15 to 30 minutes, aiming at ascertaining the knowledge level and understanding acquired by the student on the theoretical content of the course, evaluating as well the student communication skills.
Extended program 1. KINEMATICS AND MECHANICS 1.1. Introduction to Physics Fundamental quantities, Dimensional analysis. 1.2. Vectors Scalar and vector quantities. Properties of vectors. 1.3. Motion in one and two dimensions Displacement, Velocity and instantaneous velocity vector. Acceleration and instantaneous acceleration vector. Kinematic equations. Motion with constant velocity and motion with constant acceleration. Free falling objects. 1.4. Forces and Newton?s Laws Newton?s first law. Concept of force and its properties. Inertial mass. Newton?s second law. Newton?s law of universal gravitation and weight. Newton?s third law. Normal forces. Forces of friction. Tension. Circular motion: angular velocity, centripetal acceleration, period. Nonuniform circular motion: tangential and centripetal acceleration. Centripetal forces. 1.5. Work, Energy, Oscillations Work done by a force. Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy theorem. Conservative forces and Potential energy. Conservation of mechanical energy. Conservation of Energy in general. Elastic forces: work and conservation of energy. Harmonic motion in one dimension. Pendulum. 1.6. Linear momentum and collisions Linear momentum and impulse. Internal and external forces. Conservation of linear momentum. Elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions. Center of mass. 1.7. Introduction to Rotational kinematics and dynamics. Momentum. Angular and linear quantities. Moments of inertia. Conservation of angular momentum. 2. FLUID MECHANICS 2.1. Hydrostatics and Fluid dynamics Fluids. Density. Pressure and Stevin?s law. Pascal?s law. Archimedes?s principle. Dynamics of ideal fluids: equation of continuity, Bernoulli?s equation. 3. ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM 3.1. Electrostatics Electric charges. Coulomb?s law. Insulators and conductors. Electrostatic field; Electric field lines and Gauss?s law for point charge or a charge with spherical or planar symmetry. Electric potential and potential energy due to point charges. Potential differences. Capacitance. Capacitance for planar capacitors. Energy stored in a charged capacitor. 3.2. Currents and resistence Electric current. Resistance and Ohm?s law. Electrical power. Direct current circuits with resisters in series and in parallel. 3.3. Magnetic fields Magnetic field. Lorentz?s force. Motion of a charged particle in magnetic and electric fields; applications. Magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor. Biot-Savart Law. Ampere?s law and magnetic field of a current-carrying rectilinear conductor. Magnetic forces between two parallel conductors. 3.4. Elettromagnetic induction Electromagnetic induction: Faraday?s law. Inductance. Mutual inductance. Self inductance. Induced emfs and electric fields: generalized Ampere?s law 3.5. Maxwell?s equations