Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code A000522
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Massimo Moretti
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2020/21
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 50212001
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Massimo Moretti
  • Massimo Moretti
  • Milena Villarini
  • 42 ore - Massimo Moretti
  • 4 ore - Milena Villarini
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline mediche
Sector MED/42
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of diseases. Epidemiology and prevention of infectious and chronic diseases. Health education and health promotion. Passive and active immunization: sera and vaccines. Cancer screening tests.
Reference texts Meloni C. "Igiene per le Lauree delle Professioni Sanitarie" - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana.

Auxilia F. & Pontello M.
Igiene e Sanità Pubblica
Piccin, Padova.

Ricciardi W.
Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità Pubblica
Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli.
Educational objectives The learning experiences should help students in achieving attitudes and practices related to critical health issues: role of Pharmacists in diseases prevention and health education and promotion; Pharmacists as health experts of the National Health Service (NHS).
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons.
Other information Teaching support (4 h): Practical training on epidemiology (Dr. Milena Villarini).
Learning verification modality Written + oral exam.
Extended program Introduction to Hygiene and Public Health; concepts of health and disease. Determinants of health. Natural history of disease.
Principles of health economics. Health management: National Health Service (NHS), Local Health Units and Hospitals.
General disease prevention: health promotion/protection. Levels of disease prevention: primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases. Etiologic agent: definition.
Routes of transmission of infectious disease agents: sexually transmitted diseases; bloodborne, airborne, vehicle(water)borne and vectorborne transmission.
Ectoparasites: Pulex spp. (flea), Pediculus spp. (louse), Pthirus spp. (crab louse), Sarcoptes spp. (dust mite). Arthropod-transmitted diseases.
Endoparasites: protozoans (Giardia spp.), flatworms (Taenia spp.) e nematodes (Dracunculus spp., Ascaris spp.). Vector-transmitted parasites: Plasmodium spp. (malaria), Leishmania spp.
Principles of disinfection; classification of disinfectants; disinfectants in pharmacy.
Sterilization; classification of methods of sterilization; controls of sterilization.
Disinfestation and pest control; methods of mosquito control; management and control of pediculosis; rodent prevention and control.
Immunoprophylaxis: sera/immunoglobulins and vaccines. Classification of vaccines: inactivated or engineered vaccines and toxoids; whole-cell and fractional vaccines; live attenuated vaccines; new vaccines. Epidemiology and control of selected vaccine-prevented diseases. Vaccinal strategies: control (tetanus), elimination (diphteria), eradication (smallpox) of infectious diseases. Immunization schedule for children; immunization of adults and travellers.
Emerging infectious diseases (Legionella pneumophila; Escherichia coli O157:H7). Opportunistic infections. Hospital-acquired infections.
Food hygiene; prevention of food-borne diseases; food safety legislation; control of food-borne diseases in pharmacy; HACCP method.
Epidemiology and prevention of principal chronic diseases: cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
CVD: the Framingham cohort. Prevention and control of infarction and ictus.
Epidemiology and prevention of cancer. Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis processes.
Secondary prevention (early diagnosis) of cancer. Cancer screening test: fecal occult blood (FOB), Pap-test, mammography.
Epidemiology and prevention of diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
Epidemiology and prevention of respiratory diseases: COPD and asthma.
Tobacco smoking and health; prevention of (active/passive) smoking-related diseases. Methods of giving up smoking and nicotine replacement therapy; role of pharmacists in anti-smoking efforts.
Health education: methods for health promotion (relationship between health and human behavior).
Role of the pharmacist in health education and promotion; evidence of effectiveness of pharmacy-based health promotion. New health services in the pharmacy (D.L. n. 153, 3 October, 2009).
Oral health; epidemiology and prevention of caries, parodontopathy and oral cancer; principles of oral hygiene.
Environmental health; drinking water and health; methods of treatment of drinking water; mineral water and health; drinking water hardness and health.


Code GP001728
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Donatella Pietrella
  • Donatella Pietrella
  • Donatella Pietrella
  • 42 ore - Donatella Pietrella
  • 10 ore - Donatella Pietrella
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline mediche
Sector MED/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Cellular organization, metabolism and genetics of bacteria, fungi and viruses
The microbial virulence factors and infection transmission routes. Infection control strategies (vaccines and antimicrobials). Disinfection and Sterilization
Main microorganisms involved in human infections.
Reference texts Medical Microbiology

Patrick R Murray, Ken S. Rosenthal, Michael A. Pfaller.

Educational objectives The purpose of the present course is to acquire the following knowledge:
Cellular organization, metabolism, genetics of microorganisms
Positive and negative interactions between organism and man.
Pathogenetic mechanisms of microbial infections;
Vaccines in the containment of infection.
Molecular targets for antimicrobial drugs
Antibiotic resistance: mechanisms and prevention strategies
Prerequisites For the understanding of the course the student should have basic knowledge of cellular and molecular biology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry.
Teaching methods Face-to-face
Other information Recommended attendance
Learning verification modality Progress assessments and final oral exam
Extended program History of microbiology. Microorganisms prokaryotes and eukaryotes: characteristics.
Classification and nomenclature of microorganisms. The gut flora. Biotechnology in the pharmaceutical field.

Bacteriology: Structures of the bacterial cell. Classification and morphology of bacteria, bacterial metabolism. Spores. Bacterial metabolism and physiology: nutrition, respiration, fermentation. Bacterial growth counts of bacteria, growth curve, culture media. bacterial genetics (transduction, conjugation and transformation) and gene regulation mechanisms.
Virulence factors: adhesins, capsule, exoenzymes, bacterial toxins (characteristics and mechanism of action), biofilm formation.
Antibacterial drugs. Main classes (wall inhibitors and protein synthesis, transcription, DNA replication, bacterial metabolism inhibitors) and relevant bacterial resistance mechanisms. Antibiogram.
Main bacteria of clinical interest (Clostridia, Staphylococci, Streptococci, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

Virology: Classification, structure and replication of viruses. viral pathogenesis. antiviral drugs. General principles for the laboratory diagnosis: serological and molecular diagnosis. Main human pathogenic viruses: orthomyxovirus, hepatitis viruses

Mycology: Fungi General. pathogenicity mechanisms. superficial and deep mycosis. antifungal drugs.