Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code A000518
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Maria Carla Marcotullio
  • Maria Carla Marcotullio
  • 56 ore - Maria Carla Marcotullio
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2020/21
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biologiche e farmacologiche
Sector BIO/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian. Some of the slides used are in English
Contents Knowledge of the medicinal plants and their systematics. Knowledge of crude drugs and bioactive compounds, of their formulation and quality control methods.
Reference texts A. Bruni- Farmacognosia generale e applicata-1999-Piccin
F. Capasso- Farmacognosia. Botanica, chimica e farmacologia delle piante medicinali-2011-Springer
Capasso, R., Borrelli, F., Longo, R., Capasso, F.-Farmacognosia applicata-2007- Springer
Slides used for the lessons
Educational objectives The student will be able to know main systematic plant groups, with particular reference to medicinal plants. Furthermore, he will be able to determine the pharmaceutical employ of plants and crude drugs, main pharmaceutical formulations containing plants, their therapeutic use and the principal analytic methods.
Prerequisites Knowledge of the main topics about plant biology and organic chemistry.
For the final examination, students must have passed the exams of Animal biology-Plant biology and of Organic Chemistry.
Teaching methods Didactic methods are mainly based on front lectures that will explain different topics with the help of slides. The lectures are set as an interactive and discussed dialogue student-teacher.
Other information Attending the course is not compulsory, but is highly recommended
Learning verification modality Oral exam (30-40 min). The student will have to talk about a topic of botany, one of general farmacognosy and one of special farmacognosy. The student will have to recognize crude drugs presented during lessons.
Extended program Aims and scope of pharmacognosy. Crude drug and parts used definition. From plants to crude drugs. Factors affecting quality of crude drugs. Botanical-pharmacognostic control and phytochemical control, control of the production steps. Secondary metabolites and their pharmaceutical importance: carbohydrates, lipids, glycosides, terpenic compounds, iridoids, cannabinoids, antraquinones, alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids and derivatives, tannins and polyphenols, coumarins, phenylpropanoids. Sustainability in the production of medicinal plants and bioactive compounds. Main topics of extraction methods of phytocomplexes and active compounds from crude drugs and fresh plant samples: infusion, decoction, maceration, digestions, percolation, distillation, supercritical fluids extraction, Soxhlet extraction, pressing. Crude drugs containing carbohydrates, terpenes, phenols, alkaloids, antraquinones, adaptogen and saponins. Voluptuary crude drugs.