Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code A000779
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Andrea Carotti
CFU 10
Course Regulation Coorte 2019
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A000780
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Andrea Carotti
  • Andrea Carotti
  • 104 ore - Andrea Carotti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Sector CHIM/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction ITALIAN
Contents Basic analytical technique and procedures. Official analytical methods. Chemical pharmacotoxicological properties and analytical reactions of inorganic anions and cations listed in the Italian Ph and EurPh.
Reference texts Lessons Notes - Reading of the European Pharmacopoeia
Educational objectives At the end of the course we expect that the student will has: a) acquired the best to behave in a chemistry laboratory ; b) learned to observe and interpretate the behavior of the studied compounds ; c) learned to identify an inorganic compound using the most appropriate analytical method; d) learned to build a relationship; and finally e) understand and interpretate the Pharmacopea text. The practical skills acquired during this first laboratory will be indispensible to attend the successive practical courses.
Prerequisites To access to the laboratory of Analyses of Drugs 1, the student must have attended a safety course in the workplace. Solid knowledge of the general and inorganic chemistry are indispensable. In fact this is a course of purely practical nature which entails the execution of reactions already addressed theoretically during the courses of inorganic analytical chemistry and general chemistry.
Prerequisites: passed the examination of inorganic analytical chemistry and general chemistry.
Teaching methods Face-to-face or remote lessons and Practical training.
Other information The starting and ending
data of the course can be found in the website of the Department - Lectures will be held at , Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Via del Liceo, 1) while practical lessons at the Laboratory, Via del Liceo
Learning verification modality All the laboratory exercises with detection of an unknown substance from Farmacopae will be evaluated. There will also be a final practical exame of laboratory with two unknown substances to be identified. Followed by an oral examination which can only be supported by those students who have passed at least 2/3 of the practical tests.
Extended program First aid in chemical laboratory. Illustration of laboratory equipment. Basic analytical technique and procedures. Official analytical methods. Chemical pharmacotoxicological properties and analytical reactions of inorganic anions and cations listed in the Italian Ph and EurPh. Identification of compounds in mixtures


Code A000781
Location PERUGIA
Lecturer Roccaldo Sardella
  • Roccaldo Sardella
  • 149 ore - Roccaldo Sardella
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Sector CHIM/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Fundamentals of the quantitative analysis of drugs; Technique of
volumetric analysis: Acidimetry and alkalimetry in aqueous and non-aqueous
solvent; complexometric titrations; Argentimetric titrations;
Oxidation-reduction titrations; Potentiometric titrations; Spectrophotometric determinations; Examples of
quantitative analysis of drugs reported in the European Pharmacopoeia.
Reference texts Italian Pharmacopoeia
- G.C. PORRETTA, Analisi di preparazioni farmaceutiche, casa editrice C.I.S.U.
- D.A. SKOOG, D.M. WEST, F.J. HOLLER, S.R. CROUCH, Fondamenti di chimica analitica, casa editrice EdiSES
Educational objectives The main aim of this teaching is to provide the main knowledge concerning the analytical techniques needed for the quantitative analysis of compounds of biological and pharmaceutical interest.
The main skills acquired in laboratory will allow the student to perform the quantitative determinations through the methods of acid-base, precipitation, complexometric, and redox based titration.
Prerequisites Propedeuticity
General chemistry

Inorganic and analytical chemistry
Teaching methods The course is organized as follow:
Lectures on all the subject of the course.
Laboratory exercises at the “Analisi quantitativa-volumetrica dei Medicinali” lab. Students will be divided into groups (maximum 32 students per group) and each group will follow 10 experiences of about 4 hours each.
Other information Obligatory attendance

Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche
Sezione di Chimica e Tecnologia del Farmaco
Via del Liceo, 1
06123 - Perugia
Learning verification modality Laboratory reports
Oral exam
Extended program The course is organized in lectures and experimental exercises:
Theoretical part:
General analytical methods. Analytical procedure. Balances (notes). The error in Analytical Chemistry: Accuracy and precision - Error types - Determination of the accuracy and reproducibility of the analytical method - Elements of statistics for data manipulation - Significant figures.
Standard solutions. Primary standard. Acid-base titrations: construction of the titration curve. Choice of the appropriate indicator. Alkalimetry and Acidimetry. Acid-base titration in non-aqueous solvent. Solvents classification. Diversifying and leveling effect of the solvent. Titrations with formation of precipitate. Argentometric. Complexometric titrations. Monodentate and polydentate ligands. EDTA. Effect of pH on the complexation reactions with EDTA. Titration with EDTA: direct displacement and replacement. Metallochromic indicators. Titrations with electron transfer. Standard potentials. Nernst equation. Permanganometry. Cerimetry. Bromometry. Oxidimetry with dichromate. Iodometry and Iodimetry. Redox indicators. Potentiometry. Reference electrodes and electrode indicators. Potentiometric titrations acid-base and redox. Spectrophotometric determinations.
Experimental part:
Quantitative determination of drugs according to the Official Pharmacopoeia. Quantitative determination of drugs by using the instrumental methods described in the theoretical part.