Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code 50026603
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Giuseppe Servillo
  • Giuseppe Servillo
  • Maria Agnese Della Fazia
  • 28 ore - Giuseppe Servillo
  • 28 ore - Maria Agnese Della Fazia
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline mediche
Sector MED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Intrinsic and Extrinsic Causes of Disease. Regressive and Progressive processes. Oncology. Classification of the tumors. Carcinogenesis. Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes. Invasive cancer and metastasis. Acute and Chronic inflammation. Physiopathology of Human Apparatuses
Reference texts Patologia Generale Fisiopatologia Generale; PONTIERI-RUSSO-FRATI: Ed. PICCIN
Istituzioni di Patologia Generale; DIANZANI: Ed. UTET
ROBBINS & COTRAN Le Basi Patologiche delle Malattie 8a EDIZIONE. Elsevier Italia.
Educational objectives The General Pathology course represents a course of the Degree Course in Pharmacy, which studies the causes (etiology) and pathological phenomena, at the molecular and cellular level, of disease with respect to the biology and physiology of the cell. The teaching allows you to acquire knowledge about the basic mechanisms that underlie the most frequent diseases in humans and the response of the cell to changes in the external environment. The main objective of the course is to acquire knowledge about:
intrinsic molecular pathologies
physical, chemical and biological causes of disease
molecular mechanisms of cell death
carcinogenesis, molecular oncology
cellular and molecular processes of inflammation
general pathophysiology of tissues and organs in humans
The final oral exam and optional seminars are tools to assess the degree of learning and the ability to communicate and explain, in a simple, but at the same time rigorous, immediate and exhaustive way the knowledge acquired. The skills acquired in the study of this discipline allows the student to achieve a broad overview of the correlation between the human genome, the environment and the development of pathologies and allows, to obtain the tools to have a clear picture of the causes of the pathologies and their specific mechanism of onset and development and of the general pathophysiology of the most frequent diseases in order to propose suitable behaviors and treatments as a future Pharmacist.
Prerequisites The acquisition of relevant knowledge in the course of General Pathology, requires the achievement of relevant knowledge Biology and Genetics, Biochemistry and Physiology. The skills obtained in these disciplines are essential so that students can understand the concepts of etiopathology of Molecular and Cellular Pathology and Pathophysiology of organs. The student so well prepared in teaching the course will draw a considerable profit.
Teaching methods Students are given lectures. The lectures deal with the whole program of the course of study and are also treated subjects concerning some issues of disorders more frequent that the future Pharmacist will face in the course of his profession. Each lesson has a duration of two hours that is given to the specific topic, relating it to others already exposed, to allow the student to have a broad vision of the topics covered. Students are proposed to conduct, at its option, seminars about the arguments in class. The seminars were held in groups of two or three people. The seminars were held in groups of two or three students in the presence of the other students in the course. To this end, the teacher provides students with bibliographical material in English concerning the subject, the subject of the seminar will be presented using computer media (Power-Point and / or the like).
Learning verification modality The student evaluation consists of an oral exam at the end of the course lessons. The assessment of the preparation of the student lasts an average of thirty minutes depending on the degree of knowledge of the topics covered and the presentation skills of the student. The test consists of three questions regarding the discipline studied related to: molecular and cellular pathology of the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of disease; cellular pathology and molecular oncology and inflammatory; general physiopathology organ. The oral examination is essential for the assessment of the knowledge acquired by the students, exhibition of his skills and mastery of the subject studied with particular reference to the ability to link between different topics.
Extended program Intrinsic causes of disease
Genetic pathology
- Instrumental gene analysis in the diagnosis of human diseases.
- Experimental models of genetic diseases.
Autosomal and heterochromosomal monogenic diseases. Genetic heterogeneity, allelic heterogeneity, interaction between genes and their products, gene-environment interactions, dynamic and somatic mutations, epigenetic modifications.
- DNA mutations and repair mechanisms.
-Mitochondrial DNA mutations.
- Genetic susceptibility to diseases in humans. penetrance concept.
- Blood pathology from genetic defect: Thalassemia, Spherocytosis, Sickle cell, Hemophilia.
-Muscular dystrophy.
-Chromosomal alterations. Numerical and structural alterations of chromosomes: Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.

Extrinsic causes of disease
-Physical agents. Non ionizing and ionizing radiation. Low and high temperatures: freezing and burns. Electric and electromagnetic energy.
-Chemical and environmental agents. Environmental pollution. Amazing substances.
-Food causes. Vitamins A, D, E, K, group B and C.
- Free radicals. Oxidative stress.
- Embriopathy and fetopathies of a physical, infectious, endocrine and toxic nature

Cellular pathology
-The cell: outline of the structure and main functions. Cell cycle, phases and cycle regulatory proteins. Membrane receptors, main pathways of the mitogenic signal.
-Elementary lesions of the cell. Pathology of the nucleus, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome, cytoskeleton, peroxisomes, Golgi apparatus and cell membrane.

Regressive processes
-Physiological and pathological atrophies.
-Processi intracellular regressive. Vacuolar, hydropic degeneration and turbid swelling. Hyaline and mucous degeneration. Fatty.
-Extracellular regressive processes. Amyloidosis. Hyaline, fibrinoid and mucous degeneration. Pathology of extracellular matrix components, fibrosis, cirrhosis, sclerosis.
Cell death. Necrosis. Various types of necrosis. Gangrene. The outcomes of the necrotic process. Autolysis post-mortem. Apoptosis. Molecular events of apoptotic death.
-Aging. Senescence theories. Senescence in intermitotic and post-mitotic cells. Molecular level senescence analysis. Aging of? Organism, cellular and subcellular. Aging pathology.
Concept of immunopathology and autoimmune disease

Progressive processes
Physiological and pathological hypertrophy and hyperplasia. The regenerative process of labile, stable and perennial cells. Liver regeneration. The reconstitution.

-Classification of tumors. Characteristics of normal and transformed cells. Metaplasia. Dysplasia. Anaplasia. Benign and malignant tumors. Histogenic classification and morphology elements of benign and malignant human tumors. Carcinoma in situ.
-Elements of tumor epidemiology. Carcinogenesis: chemical, physical (ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation), viral, environmental causes.
-Co-carcinogenesis, mechanisms of transformation.
-Molecular bases of cell transformation. Pathogenetic mechanisms. Concept of oncogene and tumor suppressor. Control of DNA replication. Mutations. Hereditary familial neoplasms. Karyotype and chromosomal alterations in tumors.
-Role of the apoptosis control in tumors.
-Molecular pathology of DNA repair. Pathology of mismatch repair. Lynch syndromes and hereditary colorectal cancer. Pathology of excision repair. Xeroderma pigmentosum and telangiectasic ataxia.
- Pathology of transcription and translation.
-Tumor angiogenesis.
-Concept of tumor invasiveness. Metastasization and staging. Molecular mechanisms underlying the phenomenon of metastasis. Primitive and metastatic tumors. Pathways of metastasization.

-General characters. Definition of inflammation. Mechanisms of recognition of a pathogen. Distinctive features between acute and chronic inflammation.
-Acute exudative phlogosis (Angiophlogosis). Phases. Plasma and tissue mediators of inflammation. Exudation: the different types of exudate. Acute phase proteins. Acute inflammation cells. Diapedesis, chemotaxis and phagocytosis. The different types of acute inflammation: serous, serum-fibrinous, fibrous, catarrhal, purulent, hemorrhagic, necrotic-hemorrhagic and allergic.
Chronic phlogosis (histophlogosis). Chronic inflammation cells.
Chronic granulomatous and interstitial inflammations. Granuloma structure: tuberculoma, syphiloma, rheumatic nodule, leproma, granuloma of viral origin, foreign body granuloma.
- Outcomes of inflammatory processes.
-Repairing processes and granulation tissue.

Pathophysiology of blood
- Changes in blood mass. Erythrocytes: Polycythemias and Erythremias. Haemoglobinopathies. Anemias.
- White blood cells and leukocytosis.
- Lymphohematopoietic tumors. Acute and chronic leukemias. Lymphomas. Plasmacytoma.

- Platelets, the process of hemostasis and coagulation. Haemorrhages. Thrombotic and embolic processes. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (CID).

Pathophysiology of the heart and circulation
- Congenital and acquired vices. Endocarditis and valvulopathies.
- Ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction. Cardiomyopathies. Heart failure and heart failure.
- Hypertension and hypotension.
- Concept and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and associated complications.
- Shock: causes of shock, evolutions and phases, compensation mechanisms. Edema

Pathophysiology of the respiratory system
- Changes in gas exchange and pulmonary perfusion. Pathogenesis of respiratory failure. Inflammatory processes.
- Bronchial asthma. Obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, atelectasis, pulmonary emphysema, pneumothorax.
- Acute and chronic pulmonary edema.
- Hypoxia, cyanosis.

Pathophysiology of the liver
- Primary liver diseases. Inflammatory and degenerative processes, hepatitis, cirrhosis. Secondary pathologies: hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis.
- Jaundices. Liver failure.
- Portal hypertension.
- Ascites.

Pathophysiology of the kidney
- Alterations of glomerular filtration and tubular resorption. Proteinurie. Hereditary tubular pathology: renal diabetes.
- Vascular nephropathies. Interstitial nephritis, pyelonephritis and cystitis.
- Kidney failure.
- Acute and chronic uremia.

Pathophysiology of the endocrine system
- Hormones, mechanisms of action, the feed-back system, endocrine hypothalamus and pituitary: (hypothalamic-pituitary axis, adenohypophysis hormones, hypopituitarism and hyperpituitarism, posterior pituitary: oxytocin and vasopressin, diabetes insipidus.)

- The thyroid: hypo- and hyper-thyroidism, goiter, thyroiditis.

- Parathyroid and calcitotropic hormones, hypoparathyroidism, pseudo-hypoparathyroidism, pseudo-hyperparathyroidism. Endocrine pancreas: effects and action of glucagon and insulin, diabetes mellitus: etiopathogenetic, metabolic aspects and complications.

- Adrenal cortex, mineralocorticoid hormones, glucocorticoids and androgens: structure, biological effects.

- Adrenocortical insufficiency, hypersurrenal syndromes.

Alteration of thermoregulation
- Fever. Hypothermia and hyperthermia.