Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code GP002889
Location TERNI
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Margherita Giannoni
  • Margherita Giannoni
  • 42 ore - Margherita Giannoni
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector SECS-P/03
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Program:
The growing need to manage scarce resources efficiently and effectively, combined with the continuous increase in health needs, and related healthcare expenditure, has developed an ever-increasing interest in the health economics (Health Economics) at an international level. In particular, in Italy, the public finance crisis has made it clear the need to contain the growth rate of healthcare spending. The health economy is now universally considered a fundamental tool to support health protection policies and support the business strategies of local administrations.
The course aims to provide students with a basic knowledge of health economics that includes, in particular, an in-depth study of the economic evaluation techniques of health services. As part of the course, seminars and practical exercises on specific topics will be organized.

- Health economics and economic sciences:
- introduction to some basic concepts of public economics (justifications for public intervention in economics and market failures);
- The demand for health and the quality of health services;
- The offer of health services
(The doctor as a provider of services; The hospital as a company; The problems connected with the measurement of productivity; The productivity indices; The estimation of productivity);
-The economic evaluation
(Introduction; The theoretical foundations of economic evaluation; The value of life; Costs and points of view; Cost-benefit analysis; Cost-effectiveness analysis; Cost-utility analysis; Doctor's decisions and evaluation economic evaluation; The critical aspects of economic evaluation, The design of economic evaluation projects: case studies;)
- Healthcare financing: information asymmetries, uncertainty and insurance;
- Quality and appropriateness (Quality; Appropriateness)
- Management, organization and financing of Health Systems (The main methods of financing the health system; The methods by which the supply can be organized; The criteria for allocating resources: the possible alternatives; The capital formula);
- Evolution of healthcare spending and healthcare reforms in OECD countries;
- Equity in the distribution and financing of health services;
- Health systems compared (Spending in OECD countries; The NHS in Italy and its evolution)
Reference texts Reference text, Exam methods and program for attending and non-attending students is available on the UNISTUDIUM platform

The teaching material will be made available online through the UNISTUDIUM platform. To access the teaching material, login at: by entering the unique university credentials and selecting the course:

Health Economics 2020-2021
Educational objectives At the end of the course participants will be able to:

- describe the main characteristics of the functioning of the healthcare markets with particular reference to the Italian one;
- use the fundamental principles of cost analysis in relation to benefits, utility and effectiveness;
- analyze and develop strategies for the rationalization of health expenditure.
Prerequisites microeconomics foundations
Teaching methods Written exam (3 open-ended questions)
for attending students, exemption test and group case studies. Please see the program and examples of past exam questions on the UNISTUDIUM platform.
Learning verification modality Written exam (open questions)
for attending students, exemption test and group case studies. Consult the program on the UNISTUDIUM platform.
Extended program Available from the UNISTUDIUM platform.