Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code A001936
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Economia e legislazione aziendale
Lecturer Luigi Farenga
  • Luigi Farenga
  • 42 ore - Luigi Farenga
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Giuridico
Sector IUS/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course has for object the crisis and insolvency regulation instruments and the insolvency procedures governed by the corporate crisis code and insolvency. Procedures for settling the over-indebtedness crisis are excluded
Reference texts FAUCEGLIA, Il nuovo diritto della crisi e dell'insolvenza, third edition, Giappichelli, 2022
Educational objectives Knowledge of the discipline of the bankruptcy proceedings aimed at the possibility of job placement in the business and professional world
Prerequisites Have passed the examination of commercial law
Teaching methods Teaching frontal with the help of slides projection
Other information On the Unistudium platform precise indications will be given on the parts of the textbook that are not the subject of study
Learning verification modality Oral examination in one session
Extended program Week 1: 1. The new discipline of crisis and insolvency: the subjects. 2.
The joint procedure for initiating the procedure. Week 2: 1. The reports for the
early emergence of the crisi. 2. Out-of-court negotiation
tools. Week 3.: 1. The agreement with creditors: access to the procedure. 2. The agreement with creditors: agreed in continuity and settlement agreement. Week 4. 1. Judicial liquidation: the organs of the procedure. 2. The effects of the sentence on the debtor, on creditors and on acts prejudicial to creditors. Week 5: 1. The effects of the entence on pending legal relationships. 2. Custody and administration of the assets included in the judicial liquidation. Week 6: 1. Liability assessment. 2. complaints of the liabilities and late applications. Week 7: 1. The liquidation program, provisional operation and liquidation of assets. 2. The sale of assets and the transfer of rights. Week 8: 1. The allocation of assets. 2. The closure of the procedure and the arrangement. Week 9: 1. Debt and judicial liquidation of companies. 2. Group insolvency. Week 10: 1. The other instruments for regulating the crisis
and insolvency. 2. Debt restructuring agreements and certified recovery plans. Week 11: 1. The negotiated settlement of the crisis