Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code 20002406
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Economia dei mercati e degli intermediari finanziari
Lecturer Manuela Gallo
  • Manuela Gallo
  • 42 ore - Manuela Gallo
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2022/23
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Aziendale
Sector SECS-P/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course addresses issues of theoretical and institutional framework of banks and issues related to the key areas of banking management, taking into account questions related to the funding of financial resources, credit management, management of banking risks.
Reference texts Ruozi R. (a cura di), Economia della Banca, Egea, Milano, 2016.

Rose P. S., Hudgins S. C., Bank Management & Financial Services, Ninth Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2013.
Educational objectives The topic of this course is to define the articulated banking activity, describing its strategic and managerial aspects, with a focus on the risk management and the internationalisation profiles; all within the peculiar regulatory framework that characterises the banking system.
Prerequisites In order to understand the topics covered in the course of Economics and Management of the Bank and pass the exam successfully, it is necessary that the student has passed the teaching of "Economia degli intermediari finanziari". The course presupposes basic knowledge of the theory of financial systems and components of financial instruments (interest rates, coupons, duration ...). These prerequisites are also required for students who do not attend the course.
Teaching methods face-to-face lessons and Seminars
Other information None
Learning verification modality Written exam with open answer questions + Oral exam

The written exam lasts 1 hour and it focuses on questions related to the topics covered in class. It is designed to test the student's ability to argue in writing and with a proper language the topics under study, both in terms of the theory that the practical implications.

The oral exam lasts about 15 minutes and focuses on one or two questions on matters related to the program of study; It aims to evaluate the student communication skills and the student mastery of the topics covered.
Extended program PROGRAM:

Introduction to Banking

Banking activities, functions and management

The payment system

Payment, deposit and lending services

Bank funding management

Bank financial services management

Bank lending management

Credit demand: the Firm balance sheet analysis

Liquidity management e Liquidity risk

Financial Management & Currency Risk

Foreign-Exchange Risk and Interest rate risk

Bank Balance Sheet: Assets, Liabilities, and Bank Capital

Bank Financial Statement Analysis & Ratio Analysis

From the Single Supervisory Mechanism to the Banking Union

Monetary Policy - Implications for Bank Management

Risk management and internal control

Strategic management in banking sector