Course name Economics of tourism
Study-unit Code 20099309
Location ASSISI
Curriculum Eventi, cultura e territorio
Lecturer Simone Splendiani
  • Simone Splendiani
  • 63 ore - Simone Splendiani
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Aziendale
Sector SECS-P/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents - Destination Management: basic concepts
- Tourism and development: the role of local actors
- Territorial tourism development and Destination Management
- Sustainable tourism and Destination Management
- The concept of tourist destination
- Models of local tourism supply systems
- Analysis of the tourist destination: push and pull factors
- The local tourist offer system
- Role and composition of the D.M.O.
- Functions of the D.M.O .: destination marketing and quality management
- Analysis of the demand of the destination
- Destination Marketing
- Destination management and web marketing
- Social media marketing and destination management
- Territorial tourism planning
Reference texts 1) Management e marketing delle destinazioni turistiche territoriali, U. Martini (Ed.), 2017
2) Social Media Marketing per il turismo. Come costruire il marketing 2.0 e gestire la reputazione della destinazione. Ejarque J. 2015
3) Destination Management e Pianificazione Turistica Territoriale. Casi e esperienze in Italia, Splendiani S., 2017
Educational objectives The aim of the course is to provide the theoretical and applicative tools of the management of tourist destinations. A fairly recent discipline, Destination Management originates from the business management studies and it aims to apply managerial models and tools to the tourist-oriented territories, in order to enhance its competitiveness in an increasingly global market of tourist destinations.
Prerequisites Knowledge of tourism management and marketing concepts is required, as discussed in the course of Economics and Management of Tourist Enterprises
Teaching methods Lectures, seminars, project works
Learning verification modality Oral exam
Extended program - Destination Management: basic concepts
- Tourism and development: the role of local actors
- Territorial tourism development and Destination Management
- Sustainable tourism and Destination Management
- The concept of tourist destination
- Models of local tourism supply systems
- Analysis of the tourist destination: push and pull factors
- The local tourist offer system
- Role and composition of the D.M.O.
- Functions of the D.M.O .: destination marketing and quality management
- Analysis of the demand of the destination
- Destination Marketing
- Destination management and web marketing
- Social media marketing and destination management
- Territorial tourism planning