Course name Pharmacy
Study-unit Code 65004311
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Antonio Macchiarulo
  • Antonio Macchiarulo
  • 77 ore - Antonio Macchiarulo
CFU 11
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline chimiche, farmaceutiche e tecnologiche
Sector CHIM/08
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents General Part: Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. History of Medicinal Chemistry. Cellular Communication. Strategy of Drug Design.
Systematic Part: Drugs Acting at the Cholinergic System. Drugs Acting at the Adrenergic System. Algetic Chemical Transmitters. Narcotic Analgesics. Anti-migraine Drugs. Hypnotics and Sedatives. Anti-epileptic drugs. Neuroleptics.
Anti-depressant drugs. Anti-parkinson's drugs. Anti-asthma. Anti-acids. Antidiabetic Drugs.
Communication skills: Communication skills in Pharmacy Practice.
Reference texts 1) Chimica Farmaceutica, Graham L. Patrick, III Edition (Editore: EdiSes).
2) Communication skills in pharmacy practice, VII Edition (Ed. Wolters Kluwer).
Educational objectives Main aim of the course is to give the basis useful for studying drug activity in relationship to chemical structure.
Principal acquired knowledge will be:
- chemical structure of a bioactive compound
- IUPAC nomenclature - biochemical mechanism of action, either of drugs or of pharmacological tools - therapeutic use - communication skills.
Prerequisites The contents and objectives of the course will be fully acquired and achieved by students if they possess the following knowledge.
Essential knowledge that a student must possess at the beginning of the course:
- Biology; Biochemistry; Organic Chemistry; Pharmacology; Biology; Inorganic Chemistry

Useful knowledge that a student must possess at the beginning of the course:
- Mathematics (statistics); English.
Teaching methods Frontal and/or remote lectures on all topics of the course.
Other information The main knowledge gained will be:
- Classes of Drugs.
- Mechanism of Action of Drugs
The main skills that will be acquired at the end of the course include:
- Communication skills of drugs.
- Appropriate communication skills in correct scientific terminology.
Learning verification modality The exam includes an oral exam consisting of a discussion lasting about 30 minutes aimed at ascertaining the extent of the level of understanding reached by the student and his depth of understanding in the topics of the program.
In addition, it will be evaluated the ability to speak with propriety of language and organization of the subject exposed.

See also
Extended program Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry. History of Medicinal Chemistry. Cellular Communication. Strategy of Drug Design. Drugs Acting at the Cholinergic System. Drugs Acting at the Adrenergic System. Algetic Chemical Transmitters. Narcotic Analgesics. Anti-migraine Drugs. Hypnotics and Sedatives. Anti-epileptic drugs. Neuroleptics. Anti-depressant drugs. Anti-parkinson's drugs. Anti-asthma. Anti-acids. Antidiabetic Drugs. Communication skills in Pharmacy Practice.
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