Course name Computer science and electronic engineering
Study-unit Code 70A00067
Curriculum Ingegneria elettronica
Lecturer Luca Roselli
  • Luca Roselli
  • 84 ore - Luca Roselli
Course Regulation Coorte 2020
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria elettronica
Sector ING-INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Description of the paradigm shift required by the evolution of ICT towards IoT.
Hints about the main evolving areas and related enabling technologies (RFID, Wireless Power Transfer, Energy Harvesting, new materials).CAD for electronic circuit design. The main electronic circuits based on diodes and transistors.Small and large signal modeling and related use. Bias techniques for diode and transistors. Main topologies for single and double end amplifiers.
Reference texts Jaeger Blalock, "microelettronica", Mc Graw Hill Education
Educational objectives Giving to the student the basis of the design of electronic circuits containing on electronic devices by means of the transferring of fundamental analysis and synthesis technique by using dedicated commercial CAD and exercises on convining cases inspired by what requested by IoT systems and subsystems.
Prerequisites Circuit theory, Electronic technologies and devices.
Teaching methods At the beginning a lot of effort is dedicated to describe the paradigm shift requested to the design of electronic circuits by the evolution of ICT towards IoT. Then the design of electronic circuits will be taught following a top-down approach, starting from the declaration of the goal, from the specific of the final object required and from the motivated selection of the hypothesis. In this way it will be possible to obtain a synthesis of basis electronic circuits that will be faced soon by means of an extensive CAD use. In a few words, we start from a circuital hypothesis, from the CAD implementation of the related topology and then we pass through the analysis of the dependences of the circuit behavior on the many involved parameters; eventually the optimization of the circuit behavior will be pursued. In this way it is intended to emulate the same approach that the professional design will follow when it is committed to the resolution of real problems. In this way, not only design technique will be transferred to the student, but also the design methodology as similar as possible to that related to the design of modern electronic circuits
Other information none
Learning verification modality The test consists of two parts: the first one represented by the design of a realistic electronic circuit, the specs of which will be given to the student the day of the test. The Candidate will be 24 h to finalize the project an report to the teacher about it in an interview half an hour long. During this interview the candidate has to demonstrate his/her ability to argue about the project and the related general topics treated during the course.
Extended program Presentation of the course, Introduction:
• The goal
• The method
• The structure
• The tools

The IoT evolution:
• The evolving scenario of ICT
• The technological implication of IoT
• The green electronics
• The IoT architectures today and tomorrow

The enabling technologies:
• Energy Harvesting
• Wireless Power Transfer
• The main architectures
• TYhe architecture of RFID systems
• The technological analogies among EH, WPT and RFID
• The new materials

ADS CAD description:
• The working environment
• How to start
• Library and palette components
• DC simulation
• AC simulation
• Frequency response evaluation
• Transient simulation
• Junction diode modeling
• Diode characteristic extraction

Device selection:
• Diode behavior (steady and transient)
• Data sheet reading
• Parameter description
• Graph understanding
• Peak detector
• Practical considerations

Main diode circuits:
• rectifier
• Charge pump
• Graetz bridge
• Frequency doubler
• FFT frequency analysis
• Clamper
• Load curve
• Bias point
• Electronic variable attenuator
• Bias T

Introduction to small signal modeling:
• Small signal model, meaning
• Small and large signal simulations with CAD
• Notations
• Differential parameter definitions
• An example with diode

Hint of thermodinamics:
• thermal resistance
• Specific heat
• Thermal capacitance
• Design implications

• 2N2222 data sheet
• Collector characteristics
• Transcaracteristics
• Considerations on the static behavior of BJT
• Current amplifier

BJT bias:
• 2R bias network
• Synthesis example
• Bias pòoint stability
• 4R bias network
• Regional linear models
• Early effect implications
• Capacitive aspects

BJT small signal equivalent circuit:
• Y matrix representation
• Main parameter derivation
• Y parameter graphical meaning
• By-pass capacitor
• RF choke inductance
• “Bias T” for the BJT

Main amplifier stage:
• Common emitter
• Common collector
• Common base

High frequency behavior of the transistor:
• high frequency limit of small signal equivalent circuit
• Giacoletto equivalent circuit
• Miller theorem
• Final considerations

• Working principle (hints)
• Static characteristics
• Small signal modeling
• P channel MOSFET
• Diode connection
• Load curve

Mosfet circuits:
• Active resistor
• Active load
• Curremnt mirror

DC coupled amplifier:
• Differential amplifier
• Cascode
• Darlington

Final test simulation

Data sheet interpretation:
• Power amplifier module as an example
Fundamental parameters: P1dB, OIP3, Gain, Psat.