Course name Computer science and electronic engineering
Study-unit Code 70A00076
Curriculum Ingegneria elettronica
Lecturer Alessio De Angelis
  • Alessio De Angelis
  • 54 ore - Alessio De Angelis
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria elettronica
Sector ING-INF/07
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Teaching Unit - Introduction

Teaching Units - Fundamentals of Measurements Theory

Teaching Unit - Architecture of measurement instrumentation and of data acquisition systems

Teaching Unit - Circuits for signal conditioning: Operational amplifiers, measurement bridges. Comparison of measurement bridges with volt-amperometric method.

Teaching Unit - Digital oscilloscopes
Reference texts Pisani, Misure Elettroniche: Strumentazione Elettronica di Misura, Politeko Edizioni, 1999. C. Offelli, D. Petri, Lezioni di Strumentazione Elettronica, Città Studi Edizioni, Milano, 1994. Doebelin, Sistemi di Misura, Mc Graw Hill, 2004.
Slides and handouts provided by the teacher
Educational objectives Training goals
- Understanding of Measurement Theory fundamentals
- Understanding of architecture of basic electronic measurement and lab instrumentation (oscilloscopes)
-Understanding of the main methods for measuring electric quantities
- Understanding of methods for estimating and reducing measurement uncertainty, and of their usage in compliance verifications

-Capability of designing and realizing a system for measurement of electrical quantities
-Capability of selecting and using electronic measurement instrumentation
-Capability of evaluating measurement uncertainty in a given measurement
- Capability of designing a compliance verification
Prerequisites For a better understanding, skills related to courses of Calculus I/II, Physics B, Probability Theory, Circuit Theory, and Electronic should be already acquired
Teaching methods Face to face lesson, lab activities
Other information This Unit aim at providing knowledge and skills with respect to Measurement Theory, measurement of electric quantities, and modern measurement instrumentation. Lab activities are envisioned, to consolidate both knowledge and skills.
Learning verification modality Written exam (2 hours), followed by an oral test (20-25 minutes)
The 2-hour written test (10 multiple-choice questions, one open question, and one numerical exercise) aims at verifying the acquired knowledge and ability to connect different topics to solve practical problems.

The optional oral test enables the student to show other aspects of the acquired knowledge during a 20-25 minutes discussion with the commission.
Extended program Measurement Theory: history and definition of measurement. Measurement scales. Measurement uncertainty: definitions and methods of evaluation. Intrinsic, interaction, and instrumental uncertainty. Type A, Type B, and coupound uncertainty. Standard and expanded uncertainty, coverage factor. Use of uncertainty in comformance verifications. Metrological traceability. Uncertainty in indirect measurements: law of propagation of uncertainty.

Electronic measurement instrumentation
Measurement methods. Architecture of modern measurement instrumentation: signal conditioning, acquisition, and processing. Digital Multimeters. Digital Oscilloscopes.

Signal conditioning: Operational Amplifiers architecture and applications. Bridge measurements: DC bridges, AC bridges, deflection bridge circuits
Electronic Measurement Laboratory: use of electronic measurement instrumentation (12 hours)
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile