Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code GP004917
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Vera Lucia De Oliveira
  • Vera Lucia De Oliveira
  • 54 ore - Vera Lucia De Oliveira
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Letterature straniere
Sector L-LIN/08
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Reference texts The lecture notes and copies distributed during the course are only part of the bibliography here below [Various theoretical and practical material will be provided through the Unistudim platform:].
BORIS, Fausto, Storia del Brasile, Fabula, 2010.
OLIVEIRA, Vera Lúcia de, Poesia, Mito e História no Modernismo brasileiro, São Paulo, Editora Unesp, 2015, 2ª ed. revista e aumentada.
OLIVEIRA, Vera Lúcia de, Poesia, mito e storia nel Modernismo brasiliano, Guerra Edizioni, Perugia, 2000.
OLIVEIRA, Vera Lúcia de, Utopia selvaggia–L’indio del Brasile: Innocente Adamo o feroce cannibale?, Roma, Alberto Gaffi Editore, 2006.
STEGAGNO PICCHIO, Luciana, Storia breve della letteratura brasiliana, Genova, Il Melangolo, 2005.
Educational objectives The goal is both to deepen the knowledge of the fundamental aspects of the Brazilian literature and culture from their genesis and formation to the present day, and to provide useful information for understanding the hybrid and complex reality of a country-continent also regarding ts relations with other Portuguese-speaking countries.
The knowledge acquired at the end of the course will be applied in future professional environments: school teaching, cultural institutions, publishing and literary translation.
Prerequisites No prerequisites necessary to be able to understand the content covered and pursue learning objectives.
Teaching methods The course consists of classroom lectures on all the topics of the program.
The teacher will call the participatory intervention by the students both with the request for any clarifications is the expression of personal opinions. The project will promote active reception of the course content which, in turn, enable a weighted acquisition of the contents thereof.
Other information During the course they will be organized a series of activities, such as lectures, panel discussions and film screenings in Portuguese, on the topics and other topics related to the Portuguese and Brazilian cultures.
You should consult the teacher for the full schedule of these assets at the beginning of the first and second half.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral interview with an open stimulus, with an open answer. Without prejudice to the fact that the evaluation consists of a single final grade recorded in the dates of the calendar exams, two exemptions are provided, which can be accessed only by students who have attended at least 70% of the lessons. These exemptions consist of an oral interview with an open stimulus, with an open answer, on the topics covered in the course
Both regular students and those who have not completed exams can have the oral test only in the session immediately following the completion of the whole course (in case of this specific course, as of the 2020 summer session).
The oral test will last about half an hour during which both understanding and ability to apply the knowledge acquired during the course will be checked.
The result of the final oral exam will be calculated on the basis of grades obtained in the partial oral tests of the two modules (for those who have already done them).The total score of the exam will be calculated in out-of-thirty basis.
Extended program In this course we will focus on the characteristic tendency of Brazilian literature to review history, to return to the past to rediscover and restore the lost memory of one's roots. This process has been initiated, albeit still hesitantly, by the Arcadians and the romantics, but has found completeness and maturity in the first decades of the twentieth century thanks to the effort of modernist intellectuals and writers to immerse themselves in their own reality. In this journey, literature has set itself as an instrument of analysis and definition of Brazilian identity and writers have traced, from time to time, portraits of the country that could include all the ethnic and cultural components present in the society of this South American country.