Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code GP004919
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Ester Bianchi
  • Ester Bianchi
  • 36 ore - Ester Bianchi
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Letterature straniere
Sector L-OR/21
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The main purpose of the course is to provide students with a basic but comprehensive knowledge of Chinese philosophy and religions from the origins to the 12th century AD.
Reference texts 1) Anne Cheng, Storia del Pensiero cinese, vol. 1: Dalle origini allo «studio
del Mistero», Torino, Einaudi, 2000. Vol. 2: Dall'Introduzione del
buddhismo alla formazione del pensiero moderno, Parte 4 e 5.
2) One of the following texts:
- Andreini, A., Il Daodejing, Einaudi, 2018;
- Bianchi, E., Faxian, Morlacchi, 2013;
- Cadonna, A., Liezi. La scrittura reale del vuoto abissale e della potenza
suprema, Einaudi, 2008;
- Crisma, A., Neiye - Il Tao dell'Armonia Interiore, Garzanti, 2016;
- Lippiello, T., Confucio. Dialoghi, Einaudi, 2003;
- Scarpari, M., Il confucianesimo. I fondamenti e i testi, Einaudi, 2010;
- Scarpari, M., Mencio e l'arte di governo, Marsilio, 2013.
Other material will be furnished during the course.
1) C. GRAHAM: Disputers of the Tao: philosophical argument in Ancient China, La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1989.
2) English translation of the Analects, the Laozi, the Zhuangzi or the Hanfeizi.
Educational objectives - Knowledge of the Chinese classical and imperial philosophy and religions;
- Basic knowledge of history, society and literature of ancient China.
- Ability to employ the knowledge of the fundamentals of Chinese thought and culture in order to act as a cultural mediator.
Prerequisites Chinese language (highly recommended but not compulsory).
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- standard classes on the main topics of the program;
- special lessons and conferences given by invited professors;
- further studies (students will further be presented with workshops and with documentaries and movies);
- educational visits (museums, exhibitions etc.).
UNISTUDIUM e-learning platform will be broadly used both to share information and materials, and to communicate with students.
Other information The course is is targeted at BA students in Religions and Philosophy of China, and at BA students in Chinese Literature I.
Learning verification modality Multiple-choice test and oral exam (ca. half an hour each), in order to check students’ notional knowledge and to allow them the opportunity to prove their deeper understanding of topics within the historical, sociocultural, philosophical and religious context.
Extended program The aim of the course is to provide the students with a basic but comprehensive knowledge of Chinese thought, society and culture from the origins to the end of the First Empire. The course will first present Shang oracle bones' inscriptions and Western Zhou ritual bronze inscriptions. The Thirteen Confucian Classical texts will then be analysed (X-III century BC). The course will mainly focus on the so-called "hundred schools of thought" (VI-III century BC), particularly: Confucianism, Moism, Daoism, Legalism and cosmology. The synthesis and evolution of the Chinese thought during the Han dynasty and the Three Reigns will also be presented (III century BC – IV century AD). Finally, the course will present the developments of Chinese religions and philosophy from the Five Dinasties to the Song dinasty, focusing on religious Daoism, Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism.