Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code GP004922
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Diana Peppoloni
  • Diana Peppoloni
  • 54 ore - Diana Peppoloni
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector L-LIN/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course addresses key issues related to language acquisition and the
modern language teaching, by combining theoretical models and
practical approaches to the discipline and illustrating the diachronic
development of these teaching models applied both to a more traditional
public (e.g. frontal language lesson) and to a possible new one (eg. online
language lesson).
In short, the points covered will be:
- what it means to know a language: the concept of communicative
- theoretical teaching models and practical approaches to language
teaching in the classroom;
- teaching / learning of the various linguistic components (from
vocabulary to grammar);
- European language policy;
- the use of technology for learning/teaching languages.
Reference texts Reference texts for the first module:
BALBONI P., Le sfide di Babele, Utet, Torino, 2015 (chapters 1-6).
Reference texts for the second module:
BALBONI P., Le sfide di Babele, Utet, Torino, 2015 (chapters 7-12).
Reading of the whole text of the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages .
English version freely available on line at the following link:
COUNCIL OF EUROPE, Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, 2001 (disponibile all’indirizzo:
French version freely available on line at the following link:
CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE, Cadre Européen Commun de référence pour les
langues: Apprendre, enseigner, évaluer, Paris, Didier, 2006 (disponibile
Italian version (available in bookstores):
COUNCIL OF EUROPE, Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le
lingue: apprendimento insegnamento valutazione, Milano, R.C.S. Scuola,
La Nuova Italia-Oxford, 2002 (ristampa 2012).
Reference texts for the third module:
PEPPOLONI, D., Per una didattica digitale delle lingue, Mondadori, 2021
Educational objectives The goal of the course is to train students on the use of the most updated
and accredited techniques for an effective and motivating teaching
practice of a second or foreign language. Starting with the necessary
psycholinguistic and pedagogical premises, through the analysis of
personal motivations and of the language proficiency levels and
pedagogical skills owned, it is necessary that the student reaches an
extensive and in-depth knowledge of the main contemporary educational
theories and of the related implementing strategies, becoming
completely autonomous in planning and acting in its possible future role
of language teacher.
At the end of the course the student will know the theoretical foundations
and applicative tools of the teaching of modern languages, the historical
coordinates of this field of studies and its current configuration, closely
related to the evolution of research on the acquisition of second
languages and factors such as pedagogical technologies, multilingualism,
the intercultural dimension of daily communication and the ongoing
European language policies. Operationally, the student will be able to
properly apply the components of the educational process (the analysis
of the communicative needs of learners, the definition of the curriculum
and of the syllabus, the elaboration of a didactic unit etc. ) to specific
illustrative didactic situations.
Prerequisites No specific prerequisites are required to attend the course. It is highly recommended, however, the knowledge of some related topics introduced in the
course of General Linguistics.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons.
Other information For any question or doubt, please contact the teacher at the following email address:
Learning verification modality The final exam consists of an oral discussion.
The test aims at verifying the student's knowledge of the theoretical and
methodological contents indicated in the program and illustrated during
the course. It is also possible to take oral tests in progress,
relatively to the contents of the first two modules of the course.
Extended program The course intends to deal with the key concepts of the teaching of
modern languages, on a theoretical level and on that of pedagogical
practice. These are concepts in constant development: every educational
reflection, in fact, is placed in a defined temporal and spatial context, and
also that concerning the specific field of language teaching is currently
confronted with far-reaching phenomena such as geographical mobility,
multilingualism, the evolution of multimedia technologies, supranational
education policies and so on.

First module
Starting from some historical guidelines of the discipline, we will
examine, therefore, its central notions (interlanguage, linguistic input,
communicative competence, linguistic abilities, pragmatic component
etc.), taking into account some recent acquisitions both in language
sciences and in the psychology of learning (cognitive and sociocultural
theories), and the evolution of different teaching methodologies. We will
focus on the intercultural dimension, understood as a process that goes
beyond the idea of knowing the culture of the language being studied
(static approach), characterizing instead primarily as a moment of
confrontation with the discursive practices of a different community (the
language-culture nexus) and as an educational process that has tangible
effects both on the level of personal experience, and on that of the
relationship with the variety and cultural diversity (dynamic approach).

Second module
Regarding the knowledge and operational skills of the L2 teacher, we will
analyze the fundamental coordinates for the organization of a language
course: from the analysis of the linguistic needs of the learners to the
definition of the objectives and the planning of a didactic unit, from the
choice of resources and tools for the training activities, to the
management of the interaction in the classroom and the evaluation of the
language learning path.
During the course, the reference supra-national document called
"Common European Framework of Reference for Languages" (CEFR) will
be also analysed. Addressed to all those involved in the teaching of
foreign languages, the CEFR serves as both a theoretical reference and
an operational tool: it presents and critically analyzes what has been
produced so far in the field of language teaching and learning theories of
a second or foreign language and, at the same time, it is a useful
consultation tool to be used in educational contexts in which it is
necessary to design courses of teaching and learning of foreign
The objective of this module is twofold: on the one hand to orientate
students with respect to the different types of learners with whom the
language teacher must confront, differentiated not only by age groups,
but also by cognitive and learning styles. On the other hand, to guide
students in understanding the purposes of the CEFR, its structure and its
organization, the levels and the corresponding descriptors of
competence. All these elements are crucial to develop educational
linguistic paths, as well as for assessing the achievement of the planned

Third module
Regardless of the current pandemic situation we are experiencing, it must be recognized that it has already been a few decades that technology has infiltrated almost every single aspect of our daily life, and certainly the field of learning and teaching foreign languages is no exception. Thus, language teachers have started dealing with the use of technological devices in the classroom and this practice has become an object of interest for several researches conducted on the effectiveness of the use of technology in language education. No teacher, student or researcher can deny the importance of using information technology to improve the learning environment and the effectiveness of the acquisition process, but often the rapid evolution of technological tools has made it difficult to choose and exploit them in the. foreign language syllabus. The purpose of this module is precisely to illustrate the evolution and some possible applied uses of technology in the language teaching and learning process, trying to keep a constant focus on the pedagogical aspects related to this practice.
Starting from a review of the available technological tools and paths, as well as of the lines of research that have animated the didactic scene in recent decades, this module aims to shed light on the possible applications of technology in the language class, providing insights and operational proposals, that can guide current students and future language teachers in this uncharted territory.