Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code 35308509
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
  • Maria Plioukhanova (Codocenza)
  • 66 ore (Codocenza) - Maria Plioukhanova
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Letterature straniere
Sector L-LIN/21
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Lev Tolstoy and his contemporaries: Turgenev, Goncharov.
The specificity of Russian realism, its location in the context of European literature. Psychological analysis, space.
Reference texts Various chapters from the volumes:
Storia della civiltà letteraria russa. UTET, vol I. 1997.

N.Riasanovsky, "History of Russia. From its origins to the present day ", Milan, Bompiani Paperback, 1997 and other editions.
Reading texts:
Lev Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina"; "Childhood"; The fragments of "War and Peace"; some short stories.
Iv. Turgenev. "The nest of the nobles" or "Fathers and sons": Goncharov. The fragments of the novel "Oblomov".
Same materials will be available on the UniStudium platform, on the course page.
Working and non-attending students must agree in advance with the course professor on the syllabus and any additional teaching materials required for exam preparation.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLDs, after consultation with the course professor, may request any teaching materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other technological tools to facilitate study. For general information, please consult the University Services at and contact the Contact Person for the Department.
Educational objectives The course aims to provide the knowledge base for understanding the literary and cultural history of Russia in the 19th century.
Prerequisites In order to able to understand and to know to tackle the course, the student must have the general notions concerning the historical context of European nineteenth-century culture.
Teaching methods Frontal lessons will deal with the key issues and problems related to the russian literature of the second half of 19th cent. and the relationschip literature/ story and the evolution of literary poetics.

The reading of the pieces of the works with historical and cultural comments and the analysis of poetry.
Other information Working and non-attending students are requested to contact the course professor well in advance, preferably at the beginning of the academic year.
Consulting hours will be communicated on the teacher's personal page.
Students with disabilities and/or SLDs: for any information on the University's services, please visit and contact the Departmental Contact Person.
Learning verification modality the exam included only the final oral test consisting of a discussion - intervew on the topics discussed during the course and examined indepth through the recommended texts.

The main focus of the exam is the discussion of the texts chosen by the student from the list proposed in the in-depth reading program.

Students with disabilities and/or SLDs: for the way the tests are conducted, students can make use of the inclusive technologies, compensatory tools and dispensatory measures provided for by the regulations. Technologies, tools and measures must be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of the tests. For general information, consult the University Services at and get in touch with the Departmental Contact Person.
Extended program The specificity of realism in Russia; the great Russian novel, its location in the context of European literature. The psychological analysis, artistic space and time in the work of Russian realism: Turgenev; Goncharov; the poetry of the era of realism.
The monographic part: The life and work of L.N.Tolstoj; the Tolstojan current and Tolstoism.