Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code 35307809
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Mariangela Miotti
  • Mariangela Miotti
  • 54 ore - Mariangela Miotti
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Letterature straniere
Sector L-LIN/03
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents In accordance with the periodization adopted in our French literature courses (first year: from 18th Centurie to the present ; second year: Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries; third year: Middle Age), this course aims to present the French Literature of the 16th and the 17th Centuries and the artistic and philosophical culture of those historical periods. Moreover, the professor intends to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools for the literary and linguistic analysis of the
proposed texts. The texts studied and analyzed during the lessons, held in Italian, will all be in French.
Reference texts Anthologie de la poésie française du XVIe siècle, Paris, Gallimard, 2005 (verranno letti e commentati testi di alcuni poeti contenuti nell’antologia, per esempio: M. Scève, L. Labé, M. de Navarre, Ronsard, Th. De Bèze, Jodelle, Garnier. i testi commentati a lezione saranno indicati successivamente sulla piattaforma unistudium);
Théâtre tragique du XVIe siècle. Jodelle – Des Masures – La Taille – Garnier, Présentation d’Emmanuel Buron et Julien Goeury, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2020 (p. 7-124) ;
Louise Labé, Œuvres Complètes, Présentation par François Rigolot, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2004 (p. 31-118) ;
Corneille, Le Cid. Avec un choix de documents sur la Querelle du Cid, éd. Par Boris Donné, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2009 ;
Molière, Les précieuses ridicules, Texte intégral + dossier par Jean-Luc Vincent, Paris, Folioplus, 2009 ;
Racine, Phèdre, éd. Ch. Delmas et G. Forestier, Paris, Folio/Th, n. 23, 1995.
Educational objectives The second year of French Literature involves the in-depth and critical study of the French literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, of the main authors as well as of the artistic and philosophical culture of this historical period. The course also aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined. The main knowledge acquired therefore concerns:
the knowledge of the main authors, of their works and of the historical context;
the knowledge of the distinctive traits of different literary genres, of poetic forms;
knowledge of the role of ancient literature and Italian culture in the formation of the French culture of the period;
the knowledge of the subjects of literary communication (author, editor, translator) and the history of the text studied over time (translations and circulation of the text).
The main skills that provide the ability to apply the knowledge acquired will be:
knowing how to situate an author and his work over time;
knowing how to read, translate, analyze and comment on the texts studied;
know how to use the critical readings proposed by the program and make personal critical considerations.
Prerequisites In order to understand and be able to autonomously use the knowledge and tools of historical and literary analysis provided by the teaching, the student must possess a good linguistic-literary knowledge and a good level of French language that allows to understand the texts of the program. The French language of the sixteenth century presents difficulties at the lexical and syntactic level that will be addressed during the lessons. Non-attending students will have to resort to studies on the moyen français (grammars and vocabulary) indicated in the critical bibliography.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
lectures in the classroom, supported, if necessary, by multimedia tools.
In-depth seminars are planned with specialist scholars of the authors studied.
Other information Students will regularly find the teaching material used during the lessons on unistudium. This material becomes a full part of the course program.

Students with disabilities and / or with DSA are asked to contact the professor at the beginning of the course in order to identify all the tools necessary to follow with profit.

Students find the reception hours on the teacher's web page.
Learning verification modality The exam includes a single final oral exam consisting of an interview on the topics discussed during the course and examined in-depth throug the texts suggested in the bibliography. To face the test the student must have read all the texts indicated in the program and the test serves to ascertain the level of knowledge, the ability to understand, the critical analysis achieved by the student. The interview will also evaluate the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired, the critical capacity and the language property. The duration of the interview varies according to the progress of the test itself. In general, the student is asked to begin, for each module required by the program, with the analysis of the work that he considers closest to his interests. The other texts of the program can however be the subject of discussion.
The exam, unless otherwise requested by the student, takes place in Italian.
For students with disabilities and / or with DSA, when requested at the beginning of the course, compensation forms are provided.
Individual verbalization with digital signature is carried out.
Extended program Testi di riferimento.

Anthologie de la poésie française du XVIe siècle, Paris, Gallimard, 2005 (verranno letti e commentati testi di alcuni poeti contenuti nell’antologia, per esempio: M. Scève, L. Labé, M. de Navarre, Ronsard, Th. De Bèze, Jodelle, Garnier. i testi commentati a lezione saranno indicati successivamente sulla piattaforma unistudium)
Théâtre tragique du XVIe siècle. Jodelle – Des Masures – La Taille – Garnier, Présentation d’Emmanuel Buron et Julien Goeury, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2020 (p. 7-124) ;
Louise Labé, Œuvres Complètes, Présentation par François Rigolot, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2004 (p. 31-118) ;
Corneille, Le Cid. Avec un choix de documents sur la Querelle du Cid, éd. Par Boris Donné, Paris, GF Flammarion, 2009
Molière, Les précieuses ridicules, Texte intégral + dossier par Jean-Luc Vincent, Paris, Folioplus, 2009 ;
Racine, Phèdre, éd. Ch. Delmas et G. Forestier, Paris, Folio/Th, n. 23, 1995

Bibliografia critica
Di seguito indico i testi obbligatori per tutti gli studenti (A) e, nella sezione successiva (B), i testi facoltativi, obbligatori per coloro che non possono seguire regolarmente il corso.
A (obbligatori per tutti)
Clément Michèle. Nom d’auteur et identité littéraire : Louise Labé Lyonnaise. Sous quel nom être publiée en France au XVIe siècle ?. In: Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance, n°70, 2010. pp. 73-101; doi :
Rousset Jean. Dernier regard sur le baroque. Petite autobiographie d'une aventure passée. In: Littérature, n°105, 1997. pp. 110-121; doi :
Tin Louis-Georges. L'univers tragique de Jean de La Taille : Justice, ou vengeance ?. In: Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance, n°48, 1999. pp. 25-44; doi :
Forestier Georges. Corneille, poète d'histoire. In: Littératures classiques. Supplément au n°11, janvier 1989. Corneille, le Cid, Othon, Suréna. pp. 37-47; doi :

B) obbligatori per coloro che non possono seguire regolarmente il corso:

Akiyama, Nobuko. « Corneille et ses pièces à machines [] », Dix-septième siècle, vol. 248, no. 3, 2010, pp. 403-417. (en ligne)

Émelina Jean. Molière et le jeu des mots. In: Littératures classiques. Supplément au n°19, janvier 1993. Molière, des Fourberies de Scapin au Malade imaginaire. pp. 73-87; doi :

Adam Véronique. Les topoi du temps dans la poésie baroque. In: Littératures classiques, n°43, automne 2001. Le temps au XVIIe siècle. pp. 11-25; doi :
Charpentier Françoise. La Métamorphose dans la poésie baroque française et anglaise. Actes du Colloque international de Valenciennes, 1979. In: Bulletin de l'Association d'étude sur l'humanisme, la réforme et la renaissance, n°17, 1983. pp. 90-95;

In base alle proprie conoscenze, lo studente completerà la sua preparazione con l’aiuto delle seguenti storie della letteratura:
F. Lestringant - M. Zink (dir.), Histoire de la France Littéraire, Naissances, Renaissances, Moyen Age -XVIe siècle, Paris, PUF, 2006, capp. 3 e 4 (la parte concernente il Rinascimento)
Sozzi Lionello, Storia europea della letteratura francese. I. Dalle origini al Seicento, Torino, Einaudi, 2013 (consigliato agli studenti del corso di Italianistica);
Michela Landi (a cura di), Letteratura francese. Dalle origini al Settecento, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2021 (Parte II e III, p. 87-323)