Study-unit SPANISH II

Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code A000149
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Marco Paone
  • Marco Paone
  • 54 ore - Marco Paone
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Lingue e traduzioni
Sector L-LIN/07
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Spanish Castilian
Contents The course foresees the grammatical and discursive study of the Spanish language, emphasizing its morphological, syntactic and phraseological structures in order to develop metalinguistic reflection compared to Italian.
Reference texts Required readings (the chapters to be studied in depth will be indicated in the classroom):

- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2003), Análisis sintáctico, teoría y práctica, Madrid, SM Ediciones.
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2006), Análisis morfológico, teoría y práctica, Madrid, SM Ediciones
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2006), Gramática didáctica del español, Madrid, SM Ediciones.
- Moreno Ferna´ndez, Francisco, Penade´s Marti´nez, Inmaculada, Uren~a Tormo, Clara (2020). Grama´tica fundamental del espan~ol, Nueva York, Routledge.
- Félix-Brasdefer, J. César (2019), Pragmática del español: contexto, uso y variación, Nueva York, Routledge.
- Corpas Pastor, Gloria (1996), Manual de fraseología española, Madrid, Gredos.
- Messina Fajardo, Luisa A. (2017), Apuntes de fraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Barcelona, Avant.
- Luque Toro, Luis (2012). Manual pràactico de uso de la fraseologàia española. Madrid: editorial Verbum.

Other useful texts:
- Vera Luján, Agustín (2010), Fundamentos de sintaxis, Madrid, Uned.
-Rodríguez Ramalle, Teresa Mª (2004), Manual de sintaxis, Madrid, Castalia.
- Rodríguez Ramalle, Teresa Mª (2015). Las relaciones sintácticas, Madrid, Síntesis editorial.
- Lozano Jaén, Ginés (2013), Cómo enseñar y aprender sintaxis, Madrid, Cátedra, 2ª ed.
- Benito Mozas, Antonio (1994), Ejercicios de sintaxis. Teoría y práctica, Madrid, Edaf.
- Cascón Martín, Eugenio (2000), Sintaxis. Teoría y práctica del análisis oracional, Madrid, Edinumen.
- Bosque, Ignacio (2004). Repaso de sintaxis tradicional, Madrid, Arco Libros.
- Varela, Irma Y Pérez Moreno, Elena (2014), Nueva gramática para trabajar en el aula, Córdoba, Comunicarte.
- VV. AA. (2015), Gramática en contexto, Madrid, Edelsa.
Other useful dossier of texts will be posted on the UniStudium digital platform for the morphosyntax analysis of the Spanish language.
Educational objectives The student will gain descriptive and analytical knowledge of aspects of the morphology, syntax and phraseology of the Spanish language and be able to analyze and produce texts of a literary and non-literary nature.
Prerequisites The course has no specific prerequisites.
Have passed Spanish I and Spanish Literature I.
Teaching methods The course will be taught through lecture classes that will provide elements of the morphology, syntax and phraseology of the Spanish language and will analyze textual extracts of a literary and non-literary nature.
Other information It is recommended to attend class.

Students with particular needs contact the lecturer.
Learning verification modality There will be a written exam and then an oral examination with a single final grade. The presentation of the contents will be held entirely in Spanish.
Both tests can be held after having passed the third year Spanish language test at the CLA (Centro linguistico d’Ateneo).

Los estudiantes con necesidades particulares se pongan en contacto con el docente.
Extended program The course will stress a study of the morphosyntactic of the Spanish:
- Introduction to morphological and syntactic analysis
- Instruments for syntactic analysis: syntactic categories
- Types of phrases and morphosyntactic functions in the sentence
- Syntactic analysis: Simple sentence, preaching and syntactic functions, coordination.
- Syntactic analysis: Subordination
- Introduction to the sentence syntax and elements of textual coherence and pragmatic.
- Introduction to phraseology and its study.

Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.