Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code GP000521
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code GP000527
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche: biologiche e industriali
Sector BIO/13
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Lecturer Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
  • 42 ore - Vincenzo Nicola Talesa
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Biotechnology Competences - Knowledge and understanding of the structure and biological properties of cells,animal and plant tissues; general mechanisms of transmission of hereditary characters;
Reference texts Molecular cell biology, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter
Educational objectives The aim is to provide students of basic knowledges of: - structure and function of biological macromolecules: DNA, RNA and proteins; - basic biological functions of the cell.
Prerequisites Student must have general knowledge of biology, anatomy and chemistry acquired in the school curriculum
Teaching methods Lectures will be made by using slides and movies. Some lessons will be dedicated to revision and deepth issues also proposed by the students, with the involvement of the students themselves.
Practical lessons will be held in the laboratory and will focus on basic techniques of cell culture
Other information Attività di didattica integrativa:
It is planned a tutorial activity during the course and for students who request help in the preparation of the exam. The dates of receipt students are available in the professor's website.
Learning verification modality They consist of a written test followed by an oral test. In the written test (max 2 hours time long) students have to answer to thirty multiple-choice questions and to two questions with a short open answer. This text will be used to verify the level of knowledge acquired.
The oral exam is only for students who pass the written exam with a score equal to or greater than 18/30. This test will allow to resolve gaps emerged on written test and to check their communication ability, proper scientific language and autonomous capability of the presentation of topics of the course. The final score will consider both written and oral exams.
Students, who have not passed the written test, will have the possibility to discuss about their problems with the teacher, the day of the oral examination.
Extended program General characteristics of the cell.
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Animal and plant cells. Viruses and bacteria.
Cellular constituents: amino acids and proteins; nucleic acids; simple and complex lipids; carbohydrates.
Plasma membrane: ultrastructure, chemical composition and functions.
Cytoplasm and vacuolar system.
Cytoskeleton and cell motility. Extracellular matrix

Cellular compartmentalization: Endoplasmic Reticulum. Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus. Sorting of proteins. Vesicular trafficking. Endocytosis, Exocytosis. Lysosomes. Mitochondria: general characteristics and ultrastructure. Energetic metabolism. ATP.
Nucleus and the genome. Structure and function of the nucleus. Nucleolus: structure and function.
Cell cycle. Haploid and diploid cells. Mitosis. Meiosis.

Canale B

Lecturer Sabata Martino
  • Sabata Martino
  • 42 ore - Sabata Martino
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Biotechnology Competences - Knowledge and understanding of the structure and biological properties of cells,animal and plant tissues; general mechanisms of transmission of hereditary characters;
Reference texts Molecular cell biology, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter
Educational objectives The aim is to provide students of basic knowledges of: - structure and function of biological macromolecules: DNA, RNA and proteins; - basic biological functions of the cell.
Prerequisites Student must have general knowledge of biology, anatomy and chemistry acquired in the school curriculum
Teaching methods Lectures will be made by using slides and movies. Some lessons will be dedicated to revision and deepth issues also proposed by the students, with the involvement of the students themselves.
Practical lessons will be held in the laboratory and will focus on basic techniques of cell culture
Other information Attività di didattica integrativa:
It is planned a tutorial activity during the course and for students who request help in the preparation of the exam. The dates of receipt students are available in the professor's website.
Learning verification modality They consist of a written test followed by an oral test. In the written test (max 2 hours time long) students have to answer to thirty multiple-choice questions and to two questions with a short open answer. This text will be used to verify the level of knowledge acquired.
The oral exam is only for students who pass the written exam with a score equal to or greater than 18/30. This test will allow to resolve gaps emerged on written test and to check their communication ability, proper scientific language and autonomous capability of the presentation of topics of the course. The final score will consider both written and oral exams.
Students, who have not passed the written test, will have the possibility to discuss about their problems with the teacher, the day of the oral examination.
Extended program General characteristics of the cell.
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Animal and plant cells. Viruses and bacteria.
Cellular constituents: amino acids and proteins; nucleic acids; simple and complex lipids; carbohydrates.
Plasma membrane: ultrastructure, chemical composition and functions.
Cytoplasm and vacuolar system.
Cytoskeleton and cell motility. Extracellular matrix

Cellular compartmentalization: Endoplasmic Reticulum. Ribosomes, Golgi apparatus. Sorting of proteins. Vesicular trafficking. Endocytosis, Exocytosis. Lysosomes. Mitochondria: general characteristics and ultrastructure. Energetic metabolism. ATP.
Nucleus and the genome. Structure and function of the nucleus. Nucleolus: structure and function.
Cell cycle. Haploid and diploid cells. Mitosis. Meiosis.


Code GP000528
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche: biologiche e industriali
Sector BIO/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Canale A

Lecturer Tiziano Baroni
  • Tiziano Baroni
  • 42 ore - Tiziano Baroni
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Study of the morphological and functional features of the cells and tissues; Study of the first stages of embryo development.
Reference texts -Autori Vari, Citologia & Istologia umana (seconda edizione). Ed. Idelson-Gnocchi. Slides provided by the teacher
Educational objectives Histology and Embriology is the first morphological course that student of Biotecnology course faces.The main knowledge that students will acquire will be:- knowledge and understanding of structural and biologic properties of animal and vegetal cells and tissues -critical knowledge of the essential morphological features of the tissues related to the function that the tissues have in the body; -critical knowledge of the gametogenesis and of the first stages of embryo development; - critical knowledge of the mechanisms through which histogenesis takes place during embryogenesis.The main skills to utilize the acquired knowledge will be: -ability to recognize tissues by examinating histological images of tissues specimens.-ability to recognize the main stages of embryo development. The acquired competences will be in the field of biotechnology.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand the arguments treated in the Histology and Embryology course, it is important that students have knowledge of the basic scientific notions acquired in high school on general biology (particularly regarding the structure of eucariotic cell, cell nucleus, citoplasmic organelles), transcription, translation, cell division (mitosis, meiosis). It is useful the knowledge of basic chemistry notions(such as concepts of acid-base, ions, molecules and macromolecules).
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
-face to face lectures on all subjects of the course;
-exercises for simulation of written tests containing multi-choice questions.
Other information integrated course
Learning verification modality Oral and written exam.At the end of the study course, students will be evaluated by a final exam. The exam is aimed to assess the learning level of individual students in relation to the course content. The exam consists of a written test containing not more than 30 multiple choice questions, each with five possible answers, one of which is correct (the test duration is around 30 mins). Answers will be evaluated with a score range from 0 to 30 (pass mark=18; full mark=30). Each individual score will be communicated via website. After written test correction, student could request an oral exam aimed to improve the final exam score. Oral exam is used to assess communication skills and abilities to organize and synthesize the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge into coherent arguments. Oral test duration will be around 10 mins. The average between the two scores will be the final score.
Extended program Histology:
Histological methods of studying cells and tissues. Stem cells. Cell differentiation. Epithelial and glandular tissues. Connective tissue. Extracellular matrix. Special connective tissues (adipose tissue, cartilage, bone and bone ossification, hematopoietic tissue). Blood. Muscle tissues. Nervous tissue.

Development in humans and in other vertebrates. Gametogenesis and Fertilization. Zygote. First stages of embryo development.

Canale B

Lecturer Anna Fagotti
  • Anna Fagotti
  • 42 ore - Anna Fagotti
Language of instruction Italian
Structure, ultrastructure and function of epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissues.
Human embryonic development. Cellular differentiation, histogenesis and organogenesis
Reference texts HISTOLOGY:
-MONESI- Istologia- PICCIN (7°Ediz) or
-ANGELINI et al.- Biologia dei Tessuti-EDI-ERMES

-DE FELICI- Embriologia Umana- PICCIN

Other resources:
2) MARALDI_TACCHETTI et al. Istologia Medica- EDI-ERMES
Educational objectives The Module of Histology and Embryology examine basic knowledge concerning the structure and function of normal cells, tissues and organs. The course also describe the processes of gametogenesis, fertilization and the early stages of embryogenesis providing the basis for understanding the mechanisms of vertebrate embryonic development. The main aims of the Modulo are: a) to provide a basic understanding of the structure and function of a range of human cells, tissues and organ systems; b) to provide knowledge required for use of light and transmission microscopes; c) to provide basic knowledge concerning the principal steps of embryonic development and the general mechanisms of transmission of hereditary characters;; d) to improve students’ written and oral communicative skills, through the use of correct scientific terminology. With the integrated study of Histology and Embriology, the learning goal for the student is to understand the basic mechanisms of cell differentiation, histogenesis and embryogenesis. The main competence acquired will concern the ability of the student to identify cells and tissues, and to discuss the functional aspects directly associated to specific morphological organization. Through the study of embryonic development, the student will acquire the knowledge to describe the modifications of primitive embryonic layers, until to the outline of originating organs.
In order to be able to understand the course with highest profit, student must have general knowledge of biology, anatomy and chemistry acquired in the school curriculum
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
-Theoretical lessons with audiovisual material;
-Observation of plastic models.
Other information Lectures: October-December 2021, Monday and Thursday (4:00PM-6:00PM). Polo di Biotecnologie, Via del Giochetto
- Course attendance is optional but strongly advised.
- The timetable and venue for the lectures, the calendar of exam sessions and of written test will be published on the University website, in the online page of Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology.
- Students can enroll for the final exam exclusively using the procedures provided by the ESSE3 system.
Learning verification modality During the course the exam can be carried out in two parts: 1) a written test in itinere concerning the topics already developed; 2) an oral test concerning the remaining part of the program. The written exam , consisting of at least 20 quizzes (2 open questions, some short-answer questions and multiple choice questions), is considered to have been passed with a score of 18/30 or more. The final score will take into account both written and oral exams
For those who have not taken or passed the written exam in itinere, the evaluation method will consist of an oral exam concerning the full program of Histology and Embriology: during the interview, questions will be asked concerning three topics of Histology and one topic of Embryology. In the evaluation of the exams and in the assignment of the final score, the level of knowledge and the ability to integrate contents, the ability to synthesize, as well as the terminology and language skills will be taken into account.

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Extended program HISTOLOGY Methods for cytological and histological analyses. The microscope. Stem cells. Cellular differentiation. Ephitelial tissue: Surface epithelium, Exocrine and endocrine glandular epithelium. Connective tissue proper. Specialized connective tissues: cartilage, bone and bone development , blood. Muscle tissues. Nervous tissue.
EMBRYOLOGY Human mbryonic development. Spermatogenesis. Oogenesis. Fecundation and the zygote. Cleavage. Gastrulation. Neurulation. Derivatives of the three germ layers. Embryo appendages.