Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code 55046906
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Danilo Zampini
  • Danilo Zampini
  • 47 ore - Danilo Zampini
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector VET/02
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course is based on the comparative physiology of some systems in animals, not exclusively related to veterinary interest, with particular reference to the nervous, muscular, digestive, sensory, immune and reproductive systems.
Reference texts FISIOLOGIA DEGLI ANIMALI – L. Sherwood et al. ZANICHELLI – 2006

FISIOLOGIA ANIMALE – A. Poli et al. – EDISES – 2018

Reading suggestions on the way
Educational objectives The student will have to demonstrate his ability to correlate the concepts learned in previous courses concerning basic teachings (especially anatomy and biochemistry) with the specific knowledge learned during the course, linking them to the evolutionary framework and development of the animal kingdom.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and biochemistry, anatomy, cytology and histology.
Teaching methods Frontal and/or e-learning lessons.
Other information The course is accompanied by numerous slides that will provide the in-depth preparation guide
Learning verification modality During the course, some multiple choice quizzes will be performed to check the level of learning, followed by a final oral examination.

If the student intends to advance the exam in a year before that planned in his study plan, he is recommended to attend the cycle of lessons and take the exam in the first useful session after the same lessons are finished, in compliance with the teaching planning semester.
Extended program Introduction to the course and evolutionary theories
Regulation of organisms with their environment
Membrane transports
Membrane potentials
Excitation potentials
Evolution of the nervous system
Vision: evolution and sight in invertebrates
Vision: mechanisms in vertebrates
Mechanoreception and hearing
Physiology and evolution of motion
The blood
Coagulation and complement
Nutrition and digestion
Liver and pancreas
Excretion and kidney
Agamic and gamic reproductions
Sexual differentiation
Male reproduction in mammals
Female reproduction in mammals
Elements of comparative endocrinology
Hypothalamus and pituitary in vertebrates
Thyroid gland of vertebrates