Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code A000983
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Chiaraluce Moretti
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A000985
Lecturer Gianandrea Salerno
  • Gianandrea Salerno
  • 21 ore - Gianandrea Salerno
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector AGR/11
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The aim of the course is the knowledge of the insect characteristics. The identification, internal and external anatomy, biology of insects will be studied in detail.
Reference texts Testi di riferimento TESTI_RIF Sì 1. Materiale fornito dal docente.
2. Gullan, Cranston - LINEAMENTI DI ENTOMOLOGIA - Zanichelli editore.
3. Colazza S, Peri E, Lo Bue P – Lineamenti di entomologia in agricoltura biologica – Palermo University Press 1. PPT files provided to the students.
2. Gullan, Cranston - LINEAMENTI DI ENTOMOLOGIA - Zanichelli editore.
3. Colazza S, Peri E, Lo Bue P – Lineamenti di entomologia in agricoltura biologica – Palermo University Press
Educational objectives Knowledge
1. Basic knowledge of general entomology
2. General morphological features of insects
3. Internal anatomy features of insects
4. Features of the most important Hexapod orders.
1. Distinguish the main order of insects
2. Observation and insect dissection under a stereomicroscope

1. Conscious of the importance of insects and of their role in the relationships with the humans
2. Sensitive to the problems of conservation of insect biodiversity
Prerequisites Prerequisiti PREREQ Sì Al fine di meglio comprendere i diversi aspetti della morfologia e fisiologia degli insetti è consigliabile aver sostenuto con successo l’esame del modulo “Modelli animali” del corso di “Laboratorio di biotecnologie”. In order to better understand the different aspects of insect morphology and physiology, it is strongly advised to have passed “Modelli animali” in the course “Laboratorio di biotecnologie”
Teaching methods The lectures will cover the different topics listed in detail in the program. They will take part in the classroom with the support of slides projected during lessons, teaching material distributed by the teacher and / or published on the Unistudium platform, Videos, Suggested textbooks.
Practical will be carried out in the laboratory and will be aimed at providing a practical knowledge of the structure of organisms studied during the frontal lessons. Samples will be dissected to evaluate the differences in the organization of the mouthparts, legs, antennae, wings and abdominal appendages. Observations will be also carried out by examining photographic material and specimens prepared and / or collected in the field and then observed using a stereomicroscope. This will enable the classification and determination of taxonomic groups of interest.
Other information Altre informazioni ALTRO Sì La frequenza delle lezioni è opzionale ma fortemente consigliata. Per migliorare la capacità nella classificazione dei principali ordini di insetti è fortemente consigliata la raccolta in campo di esemplari e la preparazione di una piccola scatola entomologica. Attending the lectures is optional but strongly advised. The field collection of insect specimens of the most important Orders are strongly advised to improve the ability in the insect classification.
Learning verification modality The exam is an oral test consisting of an interview lasting about 20 to 30 minutes to ascertain the student's level of knowledge and understanding capability acquired on the different contents indicated in the program. During the oral examination the student's communication skills will be also evaluated. The first part of the test will consist in verifying the capacity acquired in the classification of the main insect orders.
Extended program The main objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge on the morphology, anatomy, physiology and bio-ethology of insects.
In particular the course includes the following topics:
Importance and diversity of insects. Insects general features: integumentary system; external morphology (head, antennae, mouthparts, thorax, legs, wings, abdomen); internal anatomy (Muscles and locomotion, nervous system, endocrine and exocrine system and the function of hormones, circulatory system, tracheal system and gas exchange, gut, digestion, and nutrition, excretory system, reproductive organs); feeding habitus; reproduction and development; outlines of systematics
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile


Code A000984
Lecturer Chiaraluce Moretti
  • Chiaraluce Moretti
  • 21 ore - Chiaraluce Moretti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector AGR/12
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Plant disease definition. Disease symptoms. Phytopathogenic viruses, prokaryotes, oomycetes and fungi. Plant disease resistance. Introduction to epidemiology. Plant disease control. Symptoms, pathogen cycle, epidemiology and control of a number of plant diseases caused by viruses, phytoplasmas, bacteria, oomycetes and fungi.
Reference texts Matta A., Buonaurio R., Favaron F., Scala A., Scala F. (2017). Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale. Pàtron Editore Bologna.
Download lesson slides from Unistudium
Educational objectives To know plant pathology principles and how to control plant diseases.
Teaching methods Lessons and practice.
Other information
Learning verification modality Oral exam.
Extended program GENERAL ASPECTS
1. Plant pathology: history. Losses Caused by Plant Diseases. Plant disease definition. Disease triangle. Relationships between organisms (ecological relationships and symbiotic relationships). Biotrophs, hemibiotrophs, necrotrophs. Abiotic and biotic diseases.
2. Disease symptoms and signs: definition of symptoms and signs. External and internal symptoms. Local and systemic symptoms. Colour modifications. Necrosis. Detachment of plant parts. Shape and size modifications
3. Pant Viruses: general aspects of plant viruses. Genomes. Coat protein. Morphology. Replication of ssRNA+ viruse. Virus movement. Virus transmission through vegetative propagation, gamic propagation, contact transmission, sap transmission, through insect vectors. Further transmission modality.
4. Phytopathogenic prokaryotes: taxonomy of prokaryotes. Bacterial habitat. Bacterial infection process. Prepenetration phenomena. Penetration. Infection. Evasion. Survival and dissemination.
5. Oomycetes and fungi. Oomycetes: general aspects. Fungi: general aspects. Infection process of oomycetes and fungi. Prepenetration phenomena. Penetration. Infection. Evasion.
6. Plant resistance. The resistance degree. Preexisting structural and chemical defences. Induced structural and chemical defences. Qualitative and quantitative resistance. Non host resistnce and tolerance. Gene for gene relationship. Induced resistance.
7. Epidemiology: definitions. Endemic, epidemic, sporadic and pandemic diseases. Environment and infectious plant diseases (temperature, humidity, light, soil pH). Plant disease and forecasting.
8. Control of plant diseases. Prevention and therapy. Quarantine. Use of resistant plants. Use of pathogen-free propagating material and seed. Control of vectors. Agronomic methods. Physical methods. Chemical methods. Biological methods.

1. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
2. Olive quick decline by Xylella fastidiosa
3. Grapevine downy mildew by Plasmopara viticola
4. Grapevine powdery mildew by Erysiphe necator
5. Gray mold by Botrytis cinerea
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Quality education.
Responsible consumption and production.
Act for the climate.