Study-unit Environmental Anthropology and Cultural Landscape

Course name Socioanthropological studies for integration and social security
Study-unit Code A002318
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Cristina Papa
  • Cristina Papa
  • 36 ore - Cristina Papa
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Sector M-DEA/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction english
Contents contents
Reference texts bibliography
Educational objectives Expected learning results: Knowledge and understanding: knowledge of
the main theoretical orientations in the study of anthropology of the
landscape and the salient stages of development of the discipline. Some
main anthropological categories and problems relating to the
construction of landscapes and their protection and enhancement must
be acquired.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: ability of analysis,
synthesis and argumentation; critical and connecting skills, including
interdisciplinary skills - with specific reference to dialogue with
geography, history and heritage disciplines; Autonomy of judgment:
ability of diachronic organization of data, of personal evaluation and of
synchronic use of the skills acquired, also with reference to the
analysis of contemporaneity. Communication skills: ability to
communicate knowledge in an appropriate anthropological language.
Learning skills: acquisition of a critical learning method
Prerequisites there are no prerequisites
Teaching methods there are no prerequisites
Other information Class attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended.
During the lessons further bibliographical information will be provided for
further information.
Learning verification modality There is only one final evaluation. Verification consists of an exam
final oral. The evaluation of the final exam is measured in thirtieths.
The exam is passed with a minimum score of 18/30 up to a
maximum of 30/30 - honors can be added to the score of 30/30. The
exam focuses on the following aspects:
· Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and
understanding: Summary
· Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and
understanding: Detail
· Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce
autonomous judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on social,
scientific or ethical issues;
· Communication skills, conceived as the ability to communicate
information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors;
· Learning ability, understood as the necessary skill to advance in studies
with a high degree of autonomy
Extended program During the course the main themes and problems of the
environmental and landscape anthropology. The issues relating to the
progressive and rapid mutation of the environmental balance due to the
intensification of the exploitation of natural resources by man has led to
talk of the anthropocene as a new geological era. A category that will be
problematic during the elections. The definition of landscape will also be
in the anthropological literature. The main regulations will be discussed
which regulate the protection and enhancement of the landscape with a
particular attention to landscape representations and practices
of local populations, with a comparative approach.Attending students will be able to participate in seminars and activities
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile the objectives of the 2030 agenda
the course deals with are those indicated at numbers 7,11,12,13,15