Course name Biological sciences
Study-unit Code 55998006
Curriculum Ambientale - naturalistico
Lecturer Silvana Piersanti
  • Silvana Piersanti
  • 42 ore - Silvana Piersanti
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector BIO/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Basic concepts of animal biodiversity: definition of biodiversity, levels of biodiversity, genetic diversity and species diversity, ecosystem diversity and landscape concept, biodiversity value, direct and indirect use values, non-use values. Major threats to Biodiversity.
The course also aims to provide knowledge on the diversification of the Phylum Chordata, considering the adaptive radiation of each group in relation to the organism / environment interactions.
Reference texts Vertebrate life
Harvey Pough F., Janis
C.M., Heiser J.B.
Ed. Pearson

Biologia della Conservazione
Primack R.B., Boitani L.
Ed. Zanichelli

Biodiversità, dal genoma al paesaggio
Ferrari C.
Ed. Zanichelli

Zoologia sistematica Westheide W., Rieger R.
Ed. Zanichelli
Educational objectives At the end of the course It is expected that the student will know and be able to place phylogenetically the representatives of some high-ranking zoological taxa, characterized by a particularly high degree of diversity, within the Chordata and in particular the Cranioti.
It also requires that the student possesses a complex and articulated notion of the concept of animal biodiversity, also supported by concrete examples, related to the knowledge of the adaptive radiation of the Phylum Chordata and their relationships with the environment.
Prerequisites Students need good knowledge on Zoology (General Zoology and fundamental Taxonomy)
Teaching methods Lectures in the classroom and some practical activities.
Other information The schedule of the lessons and the exams are available on the Department's website:
The teacher can be contacted by e-mail for any need (exam dates, concepts).
Additional teaching materials, such as course slides or scientific publications related to the topics discussed, are made available to all students with free access in the uni-studium web site during the course.
Learning verification modality The learning test will be carried out with an oral test lasting about thirty minutes (2-4 questions) on topics covered during the course. The teacher will evaluate the connection of the concepts proposed during the period, asking the student to develop autonomous reasonings demonstrating their complete acquisition and understanding.
There are optional ongoing tests during the course, mainly aimed at attending students.

For support services for students with disabilities and SLD, visit the link:
Extended program Basic concepts of animal biodiversity, definition of biodiversity, levels of biodiversity:
- Genetic diversity, genetic pool of a species, genetic pollution.
- Species diversity, concept of species, indices of diversity and estimation of the specific diversity of the Planet.
- Ecosystemic biodiversity, landscape ecology and biodiversity value.
- Total economic value of biodiversity and major threats to its conservation.
- Phylogenetic and linnean taxonomy, morphological and molecular philogenesis, with particular reference to the Phylum Chordata.

Diversity of Chordata and their phylogeny.
- Urchordata: Ascidiacea, Appendicularia and Thaliacea;
- Craniata;
- Agnata (Myxinidae and Petromizonte);
- Gnathostomata;
- Chondroites;
- Osteognathostomata, Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii generalities and some main Orders;
- Coelacanthiformes and evolution of the Tetrapods, colonization of the emerged lands;
- Amphibians: Anura, Urodela and Gymnophiona. Generalities and some main Orders;
- Amniotic vertebrates, Sauropsida, Testudinata and Lepidosauromorpha: Squamato and Ricochets. Generalities and some main Orders;
- Archosauria, Loricata and Birds, basic concepts about Dinosaurs;
- Synapsida, mammalian reptiles and mammals. Monotremata, marsupialia and placentalia. Generalities and some main Orders.