Course name Biotechnology
Study-unit Code A001098
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Gianandrea La Porta
  • Gianandrea La Porta
  • 57 ore - Gianandrea La Porta
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline biotecnologiche con finalità specifiche: biologiche e industriali
Sector BIO/05
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The "Didactics of Zoology" course aims to provide students with notions of zoology, evolution and selection and to develop the skills needed to teach zoology effectively and inclusively in secondary and high school.
Reference texts Hickman, Roberts, Keen, Eisenhour, Larson, I'Anson. Fondamenti di Zoologia, 18° edizione. McGraw-Hill

Lecturer's handouts available through the unistudium platform
Educational objectives Aims:
- To examine the fundamentals of zoology, including Evolution and the Scientific Theories of Evolution and Selection.
- To introduce students to the methodologies of teaching zoology in secondary and high school.
- To promote the development of skills needed to design and implement lessons and activities for teaching zoology.
- To analyze the issues of animal biodiversity conservation and provide tools to raise students' awareness of these issues.
Prerequisites Knowledge of General Biology
Teaching methods The "Didactics of Zoology" course will be conducted through a combination of lectures, dialogues, hands-on activities, case study analysis and group work. Students will be encouraged to actively participate in laboratory activities and share their experiences and ideas.
Other information Attendance not mandatory but strongly recommended
Learning verification modality Oral test aimed at verifying the acquisition of the topics covered during frontal teaching and laboratory hours
Extended program Fundamental Concepts of Zoology; Natural, Sexual, Parental and Group Selection; Evolution and Theories of Evolution; Extinctions; Species Distribution, Animal Biodiversity and Education for its Conservation and Dissemination; Zoology Teaching Methodologies; Use of Digital Technologies in Teaching; Development of Hands-on and Laboratory Activities; Teaching Resources for Zoology; Design of Innovative Teaching Materials.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 4; 14; 15