Course name Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code 80010412
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Maria Chiara Lorenzetti
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 80010504
Lecturer Daniela Farinelli
  • Daniela Farinelli
  • 54 ore - Daniela Farinelli
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Sector AGR/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Knowledge of the environmental requirements and on cultural practices, that influences the quanti-qualitative characteristics (nutritional, organoleptic and commercial) of the different fruit species. Knowledge of the main ripening indexes to evaluate the optimal harvesting time and the shelf - life of the fruits. Knowledge of the procurement and of the main fruit - growing regions. The main species considered are apple, pear, peach, kiwi, walnut, hazelnut, olive tree (table olives) and screw (table grape)
Reference texts Book of slides by teacher

Giancarlo Colelli e Paolo Inglese. Gestione della qualità e Conservazione dei prodotti orto-frutticoli. 2020 Edagricole

Peano C. and Sottile F., EdiSES, 2019 Principi di Arboricoltura.
VALLI R.: Arboricoltura generale e speciale, Calderini Edagricole.
AAVV: Frutticoltura speciale, REDA.
Educational objectives To be able to recognize the mai fruit crop and fruit, to evaluate fruit quality and to know factor affecting quality.
Prerequisites In order to be able to understand and to apply the majority of the techniques described within the Course, you must have Knowledge of "Biologia vegetale e botanica applicata" and "Chimica".
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:
- Lectures on all subjects of the course;
laboratory exercises to evaluate the fruit quality;
- visit of orchards and Fruit supply and seller center to evaluate fruit quality from field to consumer.
Learning verification modality The exam consists of an oral test.
The oral test consists on an interview of about 30 minuts long aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicate on the program.
Extended program Knowledge of the mai fruit crop and fruit characteristics. Knowledge of the environmental requirements and on cultural practices, that influences the quanti-qualitative characteristics (nutritional, organoleptic and commercial) of the different fruit species. Knowledge of the main ripening indexes to evaluate the optimal harvesting time and the shelf - life of the fruits.
Knowledge of the procurement and of the main fruit - growing regions.
The main species considered are apple, pear, peach, kiwi, walnut, hazelnut, olive tree (table olives), screw (table grape) and diospiro.


Code 80010404
Lecturer Maria Chiara Lorenzetti
  • Maria Chiara Lorenzetti
  • 54 ore - Maria Chiara Lorenzetti
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Sector AGR/02
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Interaction between cultivated plants and the environment (climate, soil) at the basis of the geographical spread of cultivated species and determining the level of yields at quantitative and qualitative level. Agronomic techniques that improve agricultural production (soil cultivation, irrigation, fertilization, rotation, control of weeds).
Production line of the following field crops: cereals (common wheat, durum wheat, barley, rice and maize), herbaceous crops for the production of oil and sugar, legumes (beans, peas and chickpeas), horticultural crops (tomato, potato, zucchini , Melon, strawberry, artichoke, spinach, salad and winter cabbage).
Reference texts Bonciarelli F, Bonciarelli U. 2003. Agronomia, Edagricole, 322 pp.
Bonciarelli F, Bonciarelli U. 2001. Coltivazioni erbacee, Calderini Edagricole, 492 pp.
Ceccon P., 2017. Agronomia,EdiSES, 593 pp.
Tesi R. Principi di orticoltura e ortaggi d'Italia. Edagricole, 346 pp.
Lecture notes are available from lecturer.
Educational objectives Knowledge about the commercial characteristics and nomenclature of the products. Identification of the products of the main food crops and evaluation of their qualitative characteristics.
Prerequisites The learning of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, and agronomic techniques that optimize this interaction and improve quality of vegetables product is facilitated by basic knowledge of Plant Biology, botany and chemistry.
Teaching methods The course is organized as follows:

- lectures on the subjects of the course;

- practical training at the laboratories of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science

- visit to the centres for the collection, processing and storage of fruit and vegetables in Central Italy
Learning verification modality .The exam consists of an oral test.
The oral test consists on an interview of about 30 minuts long aiming to ascertain the knowledge level and the understanding capability acquired by the student on theoretical and methodological contents as indicate on the program.
Extended program Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. Principles of Ecology, factors and climatic elements: radiant energy, temperature, hydrometeors. Soil: chemical, physical and biological properties. Main cultivation techniques: tillage, fertilization, irrigation, crop rotation, planting of crops and weeds control. Influence of cultivation techniques on the quality of food products. Different forms of agriculture: conventional, integrated and organic. Classification of herbaceous crops: cereals, oil crops, pulses, sugar crops and horticultural crops. Commercial characteristics, commodity nomenclature and destination of products of field crops and horticultural crops (fresh products consumption, food processing and minimally processing). Environmental requiremants of crops, crop cycle, qualitative characteristics and types of products, aspects of cultivation techniques that directly influence the quality of food products. Agriculture production chains of wheat, durum wheat, barley, corn. rice, beans, peas, chickpeas, sugar beet, oil crops, tomato, melon, lettuce, endive and chicory, potato, zucchini, strawberry, artichoke, spinach and cabbages.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.