Study-unit DIET BASICS

Course name Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code 80011004
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Francesco Galli
  • Francesco Galli
  • 54 ore - Francesco Galli
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector MED/49
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Key concepts in dietetics and human nutrition. Definition of nutritional and health-promoting properties of food groups, and their use in dietary prescriptions. Strategies of primary and secondary prevention of age- and food-related diseases.
Reference texts - Manuale di Nutrizione Applicata (IV Edizione) Riccardi et coll. Ed.; Edizioni Idelson Gnocchi 2017
- Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana, Costantini A.M, Cannella C, Tomassi G. Ed.Il pensiero Scientifico;
- Le basi molecolari della nutrizione, Arienti G., Ed. Piccin.
- Nutrizione e dietologia, Liguri G. Ed. Zanichelli;
Educational objectives The course is designed to build knowledge and skilling on strategies and tools to implement and deliver to individuals and communities the concept of “healthy diet and life style” (health promotion activity). Students will gain a background on nutritional requirements in different physiological conditions such as pregnancy, lactation and weaning, infancy and adolescence, adulthood and aging, as well as on health effects of food groups and dietary prevention of age- and food-dependent diseases (including obesity, malnutrition, and food toxicology and environmental threats).
Students will gain preliminary knowledge (professional skilling) on methods to plan for main healthy diet models (such as Mediterranean diet) and healthy life style programs, and to identify nutritional defects and food-related risk factors.
Prerequisites The student should have a solid background in biochemistry and clinical chemistry, as well as in physiology and human nutrition.
Teaching methods Frontal teaching
Other information Seminars organized by th eteacher.
Mrs. Rita Marinelli and Dr Desirée Bartolini will support in student examination and will take seminars.
Learning verification modality Profit evaluation will consist of oral examinations to be performed in one session (15 and 20 minutes) with three or more questions. The student should demonstrate a proficient and flexible knowledge of main subjects presented during the course
Extended program FRONTAL LESSONS
1) Basics in nutrition: terminology and basic concepts
2) Food patterns and dietary models: speculations and evidence based medicine
3) Food groups/categories: composition and nutritional values.
4) Nutritional requirements in the different ages and physiological states: childhood and adolescence, pregnancy and menopause, breastfeeding, senescence, and sport.
5) Nutrition under various physiological conditions: the basics of proper nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, menopause, at various stages of growth and the elderly
6) Recommendations and prescription of a diet (general strategy and guidelines for specific groups and populations).
7) Protection and primary prevention strategies for healthy people based on healthy diet model-systems,
8) Diets and nutritional programs in disease (secondary prevention, “food therapy”, nutraceuticals).