Course name Economics and culture of human nutrition
Study-unit Code 80041006
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Giuseppe Italo Francesco Perretti
  • Giuseppe Italo Francesco Perretti
  • 54 ore - Giuseppe Italo Francesco Perretti
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline della tecnologia alimentare
Sector AGR/15
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Agro-food industry: canned vegetables, beer, flour, bread, bakery products, meat and meat products and seafod products.
Reference texts Lecture notes of the professor.
Lecture notes of Food Technology (Vol II: Processes)
CAPPELLI P., VANNUCCHI V., Chimica degli Alimenti. Conservazione e Trasformazione, Zanichelli, Bologna.
During the course texts will be recommended for each specific production process considered.
Educational objectives Provide students with scientific and technical knowledge for understanding the major processes of transformation of the agro-food industry: canned vegetables, beer, flour, bread, bakery products, meat and meat products and seafodd products.
Will learn more in food technology, production processes, technologies, packaging and distribution of products, process parameters and their unit operations, methods of representation in the form of process flow diagrams (flow-sheet, flow chart).
Some information will be also given on the disposal of waste- and by-products.
Prerequisites Basics on chemistry, physics, microbiology and mathematics.
Teaching methods Theoretical lessons and practical training
Guided visits
Other information -
Learning verification modality Written test or oral exam.
Extended program Production processes of canned tomatoes
Production processes of canned vegetables
Production processes of flour and semolina)
Production processes of bakery products (bread, cookies, etc..)
Pasta production processes
Basics on the processes of slaughter and preservation of meat and related products.
Basics on the processes of the food industries of seafood products.
Development of process flow-sheet for agri-food industries.
Interpretation of process flow-sheet for agri-food industries.
Interpretation and management of traceability systems for agri-food industries.
Evaluation of incoming raw materials in agri-food industries.
Mass and energy balances in food and agriculture industries (with references to the Unit Operation of Food Technology)
Proactive involvement in various activities of the course.
Enhancement and empowerment of the knowledge already acquired by students, with particular stimulus interdisciplinary use of the same, including that of the English language.
Role, professional opportunities, study and careers of graduates STAgAl: in Italy, in Europe and abroad.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile -