Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code GP004286
Curriculum Educatore dei servizi educativi per l'lnfanzia
Lecturer Marta Picchio
  • Marta Picchio
  • 36 ore - Marta Picchio
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline filosofiche, psicologiche, sociologiche e antropologiche
Sector SPS/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Sociology as a science: birth, theoretical paradigms, areas of interest, objectives. The basic concepts for sociological analysis: social actor and social action; social relationship and interaction; status and role; group and group dynamics; socialization and identity; deviance; social stratification and social mobility; sex and gender, "race" and ethnicity; culture, cultural differences and relationship with the stranger; multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism. Social change: modern society and the various interpretations of contemporary society (postmodernity, hypermodernity, global society, liquid society, risk society, etc.). Some sociological considerations on education and instruction.
Role of educators and education in a society with an uncertain future, especially for young people.
Sociological analysis of childhood and the relationship between adults and children.
Reference texts For a historical and thematic overview of the origins and developments of sociology, see: A. Cavalli, Sociologia, in Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, vol. 8, Roma 1998, text available online at the following link:
Ad hoc study material will be provided on the basic concepts of the discipline, which can be downloaded from the platform , during the course of the lessons.

For a sociological reflection on the role of education and educators in the time of "liquid modernity", see: Zygmunt Bauman, Conversazioni sull’educazione, Erickson, Trento, 2012.
For a sociological reflection on childhood, see: Caterina Satta, Bambini e adulti: la nuova sociologia dell’infanzia, Carocci, Roma, 2012.

Texts recommended for Erasmus students:
G. Ritzer, Essentials of Sociology, second edition, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2016.
Z. Bauman, Education in the Liquid-Modern Setting, in “Power and Education”, vol. 1, n. 2, 2009, pp. 157-166, text available at the following link:
Z. Bauman, Liquid Modern Challenges to Education, Lecture given ad the Coimbra Group Annual Conference, Padova, 26 May 2011, Padova University Press, Padova, 2011, text available at the following link:
Educational objectives The student should be able to acquire disciplinary knowledge of the sociological area; to understand problems related to groups and social contexts in order to prepare adequate educational responses; to develop communication and relational skills; to recognize and value cultural differences and to promote integration; to develop autonomy of judgment and the ability to critically analyze the social dynamics and transformations in which the educator operates today, also for the purpose of better estimating the possibilities of intervention.
Prerequisites A good general culture, especially in the historical and philosophical fields.
Teaching methods Lectures and guided discussion.
Other information To contact the teacher:
Learning verification modality Oral exam on the topics of the program, lasting about 15/20 minutes, in which will be evaluated the acquisition of knowledge, the ability to interconnect the themes, the ability to personal and critical re-elaboration, the ability to connect the topics of the program to the overall knowledge of the sciences of education.
Extended program Sociology as a science: birth, theoretical paradigms, areas of interest, objectives. The basic concepts for sociological analysis: social actor and social action; social relationship and interaction; status and role; group and group dynamics; socialization and identity; deviance; social stratification and social mobility; sex and gender, "race" and ethnicity; culture, cultural differences and relationship with the stranger; multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism. Social change: modern society and the various interpretations of contemporary society (postmodernity, hypermodernity, global society, liquid society, risk society, etc.). Some sociological considerations on education and instruction.
Role of educators and education in a society with an uncertain future, especially for young people.
Sociological analysis of childhood and the relationship between adults and children.