Study-unit Artistic heritage education

Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code A001922
Curriculum Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Lecturer Fabio Marcelli
  • Fabio Marcelli
  • 36 ore - Fabio Marcelli
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector L-ART/02
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The environmental and Cultural Heritage education is a generative path that sets in motion knowledge and relationships, promoting the well-being and growth of the individual and his or her social inclusion; is a resource and an agent to foster the development of a sustainable society, modeled around the centrality of the person (a global commitment of the UN Agenda 2030). Every nation and every society in their educational functions, must commit themselves to the protection of cultural and environmental heritage, activating the educational processes that can guarantee the transmission – between people and societies – of the memory and Cultural Heritage of which we are the custodians. In recent years, alongside the traditional commitment of the educational institution in promoting knowledge of Cultural Heritage, both tangible and intangible, the work of other cultural institutions has emerged (universities, academies, museums, libraries, archives, theaters and others), through a virtuous path that involves numerous other educating communities active in society, some also engaged in the promotion of inclusion, and the individual and public health. This course aims to explore the educational potential of the historical-artistic Heritage: a common good that tells the civil, social, cultural and religious history of the territories, particularly widespread in every place of our Italy. In summary, the teaching aims to train people capable of planning and delivering educational services to the historical-artistic heritage and cultural sites, aimed at users with different educational needs.
Reference texts Exam preparation materials are made available on Unistudium.
Educational objectives Acquisition of the theoretical and methodological foundations of education to the artistic heritage, with particular reference to the European framework of key competences for lifelong learning.
The specific skills developed by the Education to the artistic heritage course can be usefully listed through the international system of 5 Dublin descriptors (Dublin descriptors):
I - Knowledge and understanding: the student will have acquired the knowledge and the ability to understand essential to read the artistic heritage of their own territory of reference and / or interest, knowing how to use different sources to deepen their knowledge of the same.
II - Applying knowledge and understanding: the course aims to enhance the student's ability and talent, educating him on the value of personal reflection and the use of the most up-to-date resources, to effectively disseminate the identity and value of our very rich artistic heritage is communicative and pedagogical.
III - Making judgments: the knowledge acquired during the course of study will allow the student to develop a solid ability to read the artistic heritage, as an expression of Italian and European identity, knowing how to identify and interpret themes of interest, which can be declined in the different educational contexts in which it will operate.
IV - Communication skills: the student will acquire solid communication skills, exercising and refining skills and talent in educational cultural mediation through a didactic use of artistic heritage, according to an interdisciplinary and intercultural perspective, knowing how to disseminate cultural contents in a lucid and sensitive way to empathic dialogue with the interlocutor, valuing the ethical physiognomy of the protection of the artistic heritage and the transmission of knowledge as founding values ¿¿of democracy and civil society.
V - Learning skills: the student will enhance the personal ability to learn and understand our artistic heritage, declining it in a pedagogical reflection, also open to the interconnections between health and cultural heritage (cultural well-being).
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods The training course will follow a learning by doing approach, which aims to characterize the student's training, towards a knowledge that can be translated into practical application and operational dimension, adapting, with awareness and critical vision of contexts and public, the theoretical contexts imparted in the lectures. Theoretical teachings will be combined with the analysis of case studies, supplementary teaching activities, seminars and practical exercises. The use of digital materials (images, videos, online museum catalogs, social networks, etc.) is envisaged, stimulating interaction with students, called to contribute to the contents of the ongoing course.
Learning verification modality The exam is oral and the preparation will be considered adequate, if the student demonstrates the ability to using the required terminology and establishing relationships and links of cultural interdependence.
In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program The concept of Cultural Heritage.
Methodology of art-historical research and use of online digital resources.
Education in the historical-artistic Heritage, its aims and recipients.
Cultural institutions: history, typology, organization.
Cultural institutions and their communicative and educational mission.