Course name Sciences of education
Study-unit Code A001012
Curriculum Educatore professionale socio-pedagogico
Lecturer Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
CFU 10
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A001026
Lecturer Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
  • Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
  • 12 ore - Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents On the one hand, the workshop aims to make students experience a part of the researcher's work, with particular reference to the analysis of texts, collected in an individual mode through narrative interviews. Various approaches and tools, including digital ones, are proposed for processing and interpreting the datasets.
Reference texts I materiali di analisi testuale verranno forniti dal docente durante il laboratorio.
Educational objectives -Experience the process of qualitative analysis;
- use the basic functionalities of a textual analysis software;
- graphically represent the results of a qualitative analysis.
Prerequisites The course in Methodology of Educational Research, Observation and Evaluation is preparatory to the workshop.
Teaching methods Laboratory teaching; cooperative learning; learning by doing
Other information Nessuna
Learning verification modality Active participation in the workshop and discussions; sharing of each group's textual analysis work.
Extended program The workshop intends to propose to the students a simulation of the analysis of qualitative datasets, starting from the corpus of narrative interviews. Students will work in co-operative mode learning to use some textual analysis tools for the extrapolation of categories and for graphic representation.The workshop intends to propose to students a simulation of the analysis of qualitative datasets, starting from the corpuses of narrative interviews. Students will work in co-operative mode learning to use some textual analysis tools for the extrapolation of categories and for graphic representation.


Code A001025
Lecturer Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
  • Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
  • 54 ore - Maria Ermelinda De Carlo
Learning activities Base
Area Discipline pedagogiche e metodologico-didattiche
Sector M-PED/04
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course aims to provide the conceptual tools and essential skills for understanding, designing and evaluating research interventions in education. Starting from a methodological awareness-oriented perspective, key concepts and themes of evidence-based research are developed. Research models, specific theoretical frameworks and research tools related to the professionalism of the professional educator will also be explored. Particular attention will be paid to survey and intervention tools methodologically related to qualitative-narrative paradigms: focus groups, biographical interview, narrative interview, reasoned autobiography etc.. The different types of educational research will be addressed with the relative methods that can be used, the process of defining research questions, identification and/or construction of instruments, sample selection/construction, data collection, analysis and discussion of quantitative data.
The training includes the structuring of a data collection instrument to be used for research in the socio-educational field with qualitative approaches. In particular, students will be involved in the field for the realisation of narrative interviews with researchers from the academic world.
Reference texts For preparation for the written test, a textbook of your choice from:
a. Batini F., (2019), Appunti di ricerca educativa release 03 o 04, The´le`me edizioni (attention, do not use previous editions)
b. Mortari L., Ghirotto L. (2019). Metodi per la ricerca educativa, Carocci.
c. Lucisano P., Salerni A. (2021). Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione. Carocci.

For the research activities:
Robert Atkinson (2002), L’intervista narrativa. Raccontare la storia di sé nella ricerca formativa, organizzativa e sociale, Cortina Raffaello.

The slides used during the course are an integral part of the programme and will be uploaded on Unistudium.
Educational objectives The course aims to pursue the following training objectives:
- co-design a research design in a social-educational context with particular reference to the narratives of those doing research in social-educational settings
- develop a theoretical framework and bibliography of reference
- define the research topic, objectives and problem, construct research questions and hypotheses, identify participants and sample;
- implement some qualitative and quantitative analysis tools (interview, questionnaire, focus group, etc.);
- acquire the techniques of conducting an interview and textual analysis
- critically analyze and discuss the research data.
Prerequisites In order to participate successfully in the course, it is advisable to review some basic mathematics such as fractions, percentages and proportions. For this purpose, the website can be profitably used, which also allows exercises.
The application of these concepts in an operational way will be necessary for quantitative analysis.
Teaching methods The teaching method used will be mainly participatory action research (Rap). Cooperative work, performance tasks (field research) and exercises are planned.
Tutorials, participation in which will be optional, will be organized to facilitate learning of the application-statistical component fundamental to the writing, and some seminars will be organized to explore research methodologies and tools.
Other information For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit
"In the event that the student intends to anticipate the exam in a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecture series and take the exam in the first useful call after the lectures themselves are finished, thus respecting the semester of the teaching schedule."

For Erasmus students, please arrange the course with the professor, who will take into account the language skills possessed.
Learning verification modality The assessment of the exam will be the sum of three tests, two of them to be taken on the course:

PROOF A for all:
Test A is an individual test to be submitted at least 10 days before the exam call.
You can choose from:
Aim: To understand the structure of a scientific article
Activity: Scheduling of no. 2 scientific articles from request through the course email: The test includes a guided analysis through this link

Objective: to experience a research path starting from oneself
Activity: Compilation of the Self-Reflection Tool "Io e la mia ricerca: una ricerca su di me" Thélème editions (fillable volume) to be sent to the course email:

Evaluation criteria PROOF A (max 4 points)
1. Completeness (max 1 point)
2. Use of specific language (max 1 point) 3. Ability to analyze (max 1 point)
4. Critical thinking (max 1 point)

PROOF B for those attending: CHALLENGE TASK.
Test B takes place during ongoing classes and is a cooperative test of max 5/6 students per group.
Aim: To conduct a narrative interview within a co-designed research design
Activity: Constructing and conducting a narrative interview with a researcher within the socio-educational context and qualitative analysis.
The task will be carried out in iteration and will be presented by the group in the classroom in the manner the group deems most effective, and includes a triangular evaluation.

The test is individual and must be handed in at least 10 days before the exam call via email.
Aim: To reconstruct a theoretical framework with respect to a starting hypothesis.
Task: Reconstruct a theoretical framework with respect to a data collection instrument of choice integrated with bibliography
Assessment Criteria PROOF B (max 12 points).
1. the comprehensiveness of knowledge achieved around each to the proposed instrument (max 2 points)
2. the correctness of the language specific to the scientific domain (max 2 points)
3. the correctness of exposition in terms of logical, syntactic and grammatical construction (max 2 points)
4. the ability to correctly identify national and international theoretical references (max 3 point)
5. the ability to compare possible methodological options in the educational field (max 3 points)

Test C is written and is a threshold test without which it will not be possible to pass the exam. The minimum score to be achieved is 9/16. Aim: To know the theoretical foundations of research; to choose the main instruments and techniques of data collection according to the objectives of the research; to perform simple procedures of basic statistics; to know the different methods of research.

Activity: The 60-minute synchronous written test is semistructured and consists of:
¿ Theoretical foundations
¿ Quantitative research
¿ Qualitative research
Evaluation Criteria PROOF C (max 16 points)
The test consists of the following:
¿ 10 closed-ended questions (0.25 points)
¿ 1 completion question (0.5 points)
¿ 1 open-ended question (up to 1.5 points)
¿ 1 exercise on pre-set table in which to calculate absolute, relative and percentage frequencies; fashion, median and mean (up to 3.5 points)
¿ 1 exercise on table already set, in which to calculate imbalance, standard deviation, interquartile difference and range of variation (up to 8 points)
Extended program In the field of education, empirical research has developed considerably, becoming strategic for defining increasingly effective and quality interventions and services, but also for training professionals capable of acting reflectively and transformatively in socio-educational contexts. The course introduces the key concepts and issues of research methodology from a qualitative-quantitative and field research perspective. Specifically, the course will develop the following themes:
Doing research in education The epistemology of research
The types of research by objective
The words of educational research
The structure of a scientific article
The techniques and instruments of surveying
Elements of basic statistics for research
The steps of scientific research:

- Research design
- Construction of the empirical base
- Data collection and organization - Data analysis and interpretation
- Presentation of results
Research and its evaluation
A number of research projects in the socio-educational field will be presented during the course.
This teaching contributes to the implementation of the UN goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; in particular, students during the course will have the opportunity to mobilize skills for sustainability (UNESCO, 2019) and acquire the research tools to become agents of change in different socio-educational contexts. In addition, the research activity proposed within the course that involves interviewing scholars and researchers in the field of socio-educational contexts contributes to the Third Mission as it aims to communicate and disseminate the potential and richness of university research and teaching not only among students but also to a wider audience. The narrative interviews will in fact be reworked uploaded to the European platform

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.