Course name Investigation and security sciences
Study-unit Code GP004299
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Cristiana Boiti
  • Cristiana Boiti
  • 36 ore - Cristiana Boiti
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline giuridico-politologiche
Sector IUS/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Knowledge of the content of the civil code, namely Books I, II, III, IV, V (limited to the employment contract), VI of the civil code.
Reference texts - P. Perlingieri, Istituzioni di diritto civile, 8° ed., ESI, Napoli, 2022 (Exactly: pp. 88-100; 113-468; 592-646; 705-750; 779-843).

- M. Angelone e G. Perlingieri, Codice civile, Napoli, ESI, 2023.

- The material of Institutions of labor law will be made available on Unistudium.

As an alternative to Institutions of civil law the student can opt for P. Perlingieri, Manuale di diritto civile, 11° ed., Esi, Napoli, 2022 (corresponding topics and chapters).
Educational objectives The educational objective pursued is to bring the student to know the Italian civil law system according to the current legislation. The knowledge acquired will be the basis for being able to understand the other legal subjects included in the study plan. All in the necessary coordination with the teaching of Constitutional Law / Public Law in order to make the student understand the system of the hierarchy of sources in advance. At the end of the study, the student must be able to apply the legal institutions that have been the object of the teaching course and which are part of the study program to concrete cases.
Prerequisites About the prerequisites it is necessageneral knowledgery only ypical of students who have completed their studies satisfactorily.
Teaching methods The course is organized in classroom lessons on the most significant and complex topics, also with reference to specific practical cases.
Further insights will be made available on the Unistudium platform.
Other information -
Learning verification modality The evaluation method will consist of an oral test aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding reached by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents indicated in the program. The oral exam will also allow to verify the student's communication skills with language properties and autonomous organization of the exposition on the same theoretical topics. During the oral exam the student will be asked to apply by way of example to practical cases of the legal institutions that have been treated.

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Extended program Candidates for the exam must know the books into which the Civil Code is divided and are invited to attend the course bringing the text of the Civil Code with them. In particular, they will have to know, at least in general terms: First book, "Of people and the family" (articles 1-455); Second book, "Succession" (articles 456-809); Third book, "Of property" (arts. 810-1172); Fourth book, "Of obligations" (articles 1173-2059); Fifth book "On work" (articles 2082 and 2222 of the civil code); Sixth book, "On the protection of rights" (articles 2643-2969).
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile - Quality education (No. 4);
- Gender equality (n. 5).