Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40A00027
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Massimo Borghesi
  • Massimo Borghesi
  • 54 ore - Massimo Borghesi
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Sector M-FIL/03
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Who is the man. The ego in relation between anthropology and psychology
Reference texts P. RICOEUR, Sé come un altro, Jaca Book 2020;
M. BUBER, Il problema dell'uomo, Marietti 2019;
R. LAING, L'io diviso. Studio di psichiatria esistenziale, Einaudi 2010;
M. BORGHESI, Romano Guardini. Dialettica e antropologia, Studium 2021; M. BORGHESI, Romano Guardini. Antinomia della vita e conoscenza affettiva, Jaca Book 2018
Educational objectives The course intends to introduce a study on anthropological problems between the 19th and 20th centuries, with particular attention to the theme of the "Self", of the relationship between myself and others, myself-body-world. The pathologies affecting the relational dimension will also be investigated
Prerequisites An adequate knowledge of the history of contemporary philosophy
Teaching methods Frontal lessons
Other information
Learning verification modality The exam includes a written test aimed at ascertaining the level of knowledge and understanding achieved by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents indicated in the program.
Extended program The course aims to analyze, with the help of Martin Buber's text, the various images of man offered by philosophical thought between the 19th and 20th centuries. It then focuses on contemporary anthropological problems through Paul Ricoeur's analyzes of the "Self" and its relational dimension. The results obtained allow us to verify the approach of Ronald Laing's existential psychiatry. Finally, it is a question of verifying the interpretative fruitfulness offered by Romano Guardini's model of polar anthropology.