Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40036109
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code 40036109
CFU 12
Lecturer Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Massimiliano Marianelli
  • 72 ore - Massimiliano Marianelli
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course will concentrate on major figures and persistent themes in late ancient and medieval philosophy.
Reference texts A manual of the history of philosophy between these books:G. REALE, Il pensiero antico, Vita e pensiero, Milano 2001; Or:F. Coopleston, A History of Philosophy, Paulist Press (US & Canada), 1986 (Vol. I);Alain Michel (Ed.), Théologiens et mystiques au Moyen Age, Gallimard, Paris 1997.One beetween between these books:- V. Sorge e L. Palumbo (a cura di), Eros e pulchritudo, tra antico e moderno, ed. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 9 a 133). - C. Vonzun, Per un'etica della comunicazione, Città Nuova, Roma 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 124 a 187)- Aristotele, Metafisica, Bompiani, Milano 2000 (soltanto il I libro della Metafisica)- E. BERTI, In principio era la meraviglia, Laterza, Bari 2007 (da 241 a 306)- G. REALE, Eros dèmone mediatore. Il gioco delle maschere nel Simposio di Platone, Bompiani, Milano 2005 (da 149 a 223);- M. VEGETTI, L'etica degli antichi, Laterza, Bari 2010 (da 159 a 219).
Educational objectives Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events.
Prerequisites not provided
Teaching methods face-to-face;Theoretical lessons?face-to-face 2. Seminars 3. Pratical training (Optional).
Other information Frequency of lessons: Optional but strongly advised.For more info:
Learning verification modality Final written test of one hour and 30 minutes.
Extended program Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events:The course provides an introduction to central themes in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, focusing on close examination of some of the philosophical views of Socrates (by way of Plato's early dialogues and, time permitting, Xenophon's writings), Plato, Aristotle ... afterFrom Classical to Medieval: For around 1,000 years, the story of philosophy in Europe had been that of the Greek thinkers, beginning with the Presocratics on through those in Hellenistic times. However, as Christianity swept through the Roman Empire, by around 400 CE, the face of philosophy was dramatically changed along with every other cultural institution of the time. This new phase of philosophy also lasted for about 1,000 years, and is called medieval philosophy, named after the medieval period of European history.


Code 40036109
CFU 12
Lecturer Luca Alici
  • Luca Alici
  • Massimiliano Marianelli (Codocenza)
  • Marco Martino
  • 48 ore - Luca Alici
  • 6 ore (Codocenza) - Massimiliano Marianelli
  • 18 ore - Marco Martino
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course will concentrate on major figures and persistent themes in late ancient and medieval philosophy.
Reference texts A manual of the history of philosophy between these books:G. REALE, Il pensiero antico, Vita e pensiero, Milano 2001; Or:F. Coopleston, A History of Philosophy, Paulist Press (US & Canada), 1986 (Vol. I);Alain Michel (Ed.), Théologiens et mystiques au Moyen Age, Gallimard, Paris 1997.One beetween between these books:- V. Sorge e L. Palumbo (a cura di), Eros e pulchritudo, tra antico e moderno, ed. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 9 a 133). - C. Vonzun, Per un'etica della comunicazione, Città Nuova, Roma 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 124 a 187)- Aristotele, Metafisica, Bompiani, Milano 2000 (soltanto il I libro della Metafisica)- E. BERTI, In principio era la meraviglia, Laterza, Bari 2007 (da 241 a 306)- G. REALE, Eros dèmone mediatore. Il gioco delle maschere nel Simposio di Platone, Bompiani, Milano 2005 (da 149 a 223);- M. VEGETTI, L'etica degli antichi, Laterza, Bari 2010 (da 159 a 219).
Educational objectives Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events.
Prerequisites not provided
Teaching methods face-to-face;Theoretical lessons?face-to-face 2. Seminars 3. Pratical training (Optional).
Other information Frequency of lessons: Optional but strongly advised.For more info:
Learning verification modality Final written test of one hour and 30 minutes.
Extended program Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events:The course provides an introduction to central themes in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, focusing on close examination of some of the philosophical views of Socrates (by way of Plato's early dialogues and, time permitting, Xenophon's writings), Plato, Aristotle ... afterFrom Classical to Medieval: For around 1,000 years, the story of philosophy in Europe had been that of the Greek thinkers, beginning with the Presocratics on through those in Hellenistic times. However, as Christianity swept through the Roman Empire, by around 400 CE, the face of philosophy was dramatically changed along with every other cultural institution of the time. This new phase of philosophy also lasted for about 1,000 years, and is called medieval philosophy, named after the medieval period of European history.


Code 40036109
CFU 12
Lecturer Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Valentina Zaffino
  • 6 ore - Massimiliano Marianelli
  • 66 ore - Valentina Zaffino
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course will concentrate on major figures and persistent themes in late ancient and medieval philosophy.
Reference texts A manual of the history of philosophy between these books:G. REALE, Il pensiero antico, Vita e pensiero, Milano 2001; Or:F. Coopleston, A History of Philosophy, Paulist Press (US & Canada), 1986 (Vol. I);Alain Michel (Ed.), Théologiens et mystiques au Moyen Age, Gallimard, Paris 1997.One beetween between these books:- V. Sorge e L. Palumbo (a cura di), Eros e pulchritudo, tra antico e moderno, ed. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 9 a 133). - C. Vonzun, Per un'etica della comunicazione, Città Nuova, Roma 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 124 a 187)- Aristotele, Metafisica, Bompiani, Milano 2000 (soltanto il I libro della Metafisica)- E. BERTI, In principio era la meraviglia, Laterza, Bari 2007 (da 241 a 306)- G. REALE, Eros dèmone mediatore. Il gioco delle maschere nel Simposio di Platone, Bompiani, Milano 2005 (da 149 a 223);- M. VEGETTI, L'etica degli antichi, Laterza, Bari 2010 (da 159 a 219).
Educational objectives Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events.
Prerequisites not provided
Teaching methods face-to-face;Theoretical lessons?face-to-face 2. Seminars 3. Pratical training (Optional).
Other information Frequency of lessons: Optional but strongly advised.For more info:
Learning verification modality Final written test of one hour and 30 minutes.
Extended program Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events:The course provides an introduction to central themes in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, focusing on close examination of some of the philosophical views of Socrates (by way of Plato's early dialogues and, time permitting, Xenophon's writings), Plato, Aristotle ... afterFrom Classical to Medieval: For around 1,000 years, the story of philosophy in Europe had been that of the Greek thinkers, beginning with the Presocratics on through those in Hellenistic times. However, as Christianity swept through the Roman Empire, by around 400 CE, the face of philosophy was dramatically changed along with every other cultural institution of the time. This new phase of philosophy also lasted for about 1,000 years, and is called medieval philosophy, named after the medieval period of European history.


Code 40036109
CFU 12
Lecturer Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Massimiliano Marianelli
  • Letterio Giuseppe Mauro
  • 6 ore - Massimiliano Marianelli
  • 66 ore - Letterio Giuseppe Mauro
Learning activities Base
Area Storia della filosofia e istituzioni di filosofia
Sector M-FIL/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents This course will concentrate on major figures and persistent themes in late ancient and medieval philosophy.
Reference texts A manual of the history of philosophy between these books:G. REALE, Il pensiero antico, Vita e pensiero, Milano 2001; Or:F. Coopleston, A History of Philosophy, Paulist Press (US & Canada), 1986 (Vol. I);Alain Michel (Ed.), Théologiens et mystiques au Moyen Age, Gallimard, Paris 1997.One beetween between these books:- V. Sorge e L. Palumbo (a cura di), Eros e pulchritudo, tra antico e moderno, ed. La Scuola di Pitagora, Napoli 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 9 a 133). - C. Vonzun, Per un'etica della comunicazione, Città Nuova, Roma 2012 (soltanto le pagine da 124 a 187)- Aristotele, Metafisica, Bompiani, Milano 2000 (soltanto il I libro della Metafisica)- E. BERTI, In principio era la meraviglia, Laterza, Bari 2007 (da 241 a 306)- G. REALE, Eros dèmone mediatore. Il gioco delle maschere nel Simposio di Platone, Bompiani, Milano 2005 (da 149 a 223);- M. VEGETTI, L'etica degli antichi, Laterza, Bari 2010 (da 159 a 219).
Educational objectives Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events.
Prerequisites not provided
Teaching methods face-to-face;Theoretical lessons?face-to-face 2. Seminars 3. Pratical training (Optional).
Other information Frequency of lessons: Optional but strongly advised.For more info:
Learning verification modality Final written test of one hour and 30 minutes.
Extended program Knowledge of late ancient and medieval philosophy's most significant events:The course provides an introduction to central themes in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, focusing on close examination of some of the philosophical views of Socrates (by way of Plato's early dialogues and, time permitting, Xenophon's writings), Plato, Aristotle ... afterFrom Classical to Medieval: For around 1,000 years, the story of philosophy in Europe had been that of the Greek thinkers, beginning with the Presocratics on through those in Hellenistic times. However, as Christianity swept through the Roman Empire, by around 400 CE, the face of philosophy was dramatically changed along with every other cultural institution of the time. This new phase of philosophy also lasted for about 1,000 years, and is called medieval philosophy, named after the medieval period of European history.