Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40A00029
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code 40A00030
Lecturer Giulia Balboni
Sector M-PSI/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-C

Lecturer Giulia Balboni
  • Giulia Balboni
  • 36 ore - Giulia Balboni
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the measurement of psychological phenomena and features of research methods in psychology
Reference texts 1) Nigro, G. (2001, repinted 2011). Metodi di ricerca in psicologia. Roma: Carocci editore.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6 (sections 6.1 e 6.2).

2) Primi, C. e Chiesi, F. (2005). Introduzione alla psicometria. Roma:
Editori Laterza.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4.

3) Lecture materials available in Unistudium
- Slides used in class by the lecturer and available at the end of each week's lecture.

Working students and students with disabilities and/or DSAs should contact the lecturer in good time to determine any additions/changes to the bibliographic references.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit
Educational objectives The student will acquire
- knowledge and application skills and abilities with respect to the measurement of a psychological phenomenon and the characteristics of scientific investigation.
These acquisitions are in line with the objectives of the CdS of acquiring specific psychological language, enhancing skills aimed at diagnosing situations and contexts and acquiring knowledge and approaches of assessment and clinical evaluation, developing critical tools and research skills.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Lectures and practical exercises.
Other information Class attendance is strongly recommended.

In the course of the lectures, the topics presented in the texts will be covered in more depth and practical exercises will be carried out that are essential for learning and cannot be replaced by studying the texts alone. For these reasons, active attendance in the course is recommended.
Learning verification modality The examination of both Psychometrics and Test Theory and Techniques modules is conducted in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, consists of about 2 open-ended questions with bounded space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions that also include exercises (5 answer alternatives; wrong or no answer = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).
This test aims to assess the acquisition of the content presented and its application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

In general, the test checks the following aspects:
- Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Synthesis
- Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Detail
- Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce independent judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on scientific or ethical issues
- Communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors
- Learning skills, understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.

In order to take the written test, it is necessary to register through the On-Line Secretarial Services (SOL) registration system within 4 working days of the test date (e.g., registration closes on Monday for exams that are on Friday). We are advised to unsubscribe if you no longer intend to appear.

The dates of the written test can be found in the exam calendar posted on the FISSUF Department website.

Students with disabilities and/or DSAs should contact the faculty member on time to work out modifications to testing arrangements.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit

In the event that the student intends to anticipate the exam in an earlier year than the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecture series and take the exam in the first useful call after the lectures themselves have ended, thus respecting the semester of the teaching schedule.
Extended program Principles of psychometrics
- Measuring, measurement of psychological attributes and measurement scales
- Variables and their nature
- Characteristics scientific inquiry and research hypotheses
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3, 4, 10

Cognomi D-L

Lecturer Matteo Orsoni
  • Matteo Orsoni
  • 36 ore - Matteo Orsoni
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Principles of Psychometrics.
Reference texts 1) Nigro, G. (2001, ristampa 2011). Metodi di ricerca in psicologia. Roma: Carocci editore.
Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 6 (paragrafi 6.1 e 6.2).

2) Primi, C. e Chiesi, F. (2005). Introduzione alla psicometria. Roma:
Editori Laterza.
Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,10,11.

3) Educational material available on Unistudium
- Slides used by the instructor during the lecture and available at the end of each week of classes.
Educational objectives The student will acquire knowledge regarding the measurement of a psychological phenomenon and the characteristics of scientific investigation.
Prerequisites No
Teaching methods The educational activities will consist of frontal lectures alternated with different types of exercises using material provided by the instructor.
Other information To receive information about support services for students with disabilities and/or specific learning disabilities (DSA), visit the page
Learning verification modality The examination for both modules, Psychometrics and Theories and Techniques of Tests, is carried out in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, consists of approximately 2 open-ended questions with delimited space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions, which also include exercises (5 answer options; incorrect or unanswered = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).

The aim of this test is to assess the acquisition of the presented contents and their application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

To be able to take the written test, it is necessary to register through the online registration system (SOL) within 4 working days from the date of the test (e.g., registrations close on Monday for exams scheduled for Friday). It is recommended to cancel registration if one does not intend to attend.

The dates of the written test are indicated in the examination calendar published on the FISSUF Department website.

In the event that a student intends to take the exam in a year earlier than planned in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecture cycle and take the exam in the first available session after the lectures have ended, thus respecting the semester scheduling of the course.
Extended program Principles of Psychometrics
- Measurement, measuring psychological attributes, and scales of measurement
- Variables and their nature
- Characteristics of scientific inquiry
- Logic of testing research hypotheses

Cognomi M-P

Lecturer Costanza Gori
  • Costanza Gori
  • 36 ore - Costanza Gori
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the measurement of psychological phenomena and features of research methods in psychology
Reference texts 1) Nigro, G. (2001, ristampa 2011). Metodi di ricerca in psicologia. Roma: Carocci editore.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6 (paragraphs 6.1 and 6.2).

2) Primi, C. e Chiesi, F. (2005). Introduzione alla psicometria. Roma:
Editori Laterza.

3) Teaching material available in Unistudium
- Slides used in class by the teacher and available at the end of each week of class.
Educational objectives The student who successfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the measurement of psychological phenomena and research methods in psychology.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods The teaching will consist of frontal theoretical lessons combined with practical exercises for the consolidation of learning.
Other information To receive information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit the page
Learning verification modality The examination of both modules Psychometrics and Testing Theories and Techniques is carried out in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, is made up of about 2 open questions with delimited space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions which also include exercises (5 alternative answers; wrong answer or not given = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).
This test aims to evaluate the acquisition of the contents presented and their application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

In order to take the written test, it is necessary to register using the Online Secretariat Services (SOL) registration system within 4 working days from the date of the test (e.g., registration closes on Monday for exams that are held on Friday). We recommend that you unsubscribe if you no longer intend to appear.

The dates of the written exam are shown in the exam calendar published on the FISSUF Department website.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit the page

In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended that he attend the cycle of lessons and take the exam in the first available session after the lessons have ended, in the therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program Principles of psychometrics
- To measure, measurement of psychological attributes and measurement scales
- Variables and their nature
- Scientific investigation features
- Logic of the testing of research hypotheses

Cognomi Q-Z

Lecturer Alice Bacherini
  • Alice Bacherini
  • 36 ore - Alice Bacherini
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the measurement of psychological phenomena
and features of research methods in psychology
Reference texts 1) Nigro, G. (2001, ristampa 2011). Metodi di ricerca in psicologia. Roma:
Carocci editore.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6.
2) Primi, C. e Chiesi, F. (2005). Introduzione alla psicometria. Roma:
Editori Laterza. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, pp. 60-61, pp. 204-211.
3) Lecture materials available in Unistudium
- Slides used in class by the lecturer and available at the end of each week's lecture.
Educational objectives The student who successfully completes the course will be able to
demonstrate knowledge of the measurement of psychological
phenomena and research methods in psychology.
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods Lectures and practical exercises.
Other information Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality Written exam (open and multiple choice questions).
The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss
the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. The student
must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with
critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the
guidance of the teacher during the course.
In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding
the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to
anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the
exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program Principles of psychometrics
- Measuring, measurement of psychological attributes and measurement
- Variables and their nature
- Scientific investigation features
- Definition and types of research hypotheses
- Correlation coefficient


Code 40A00031
Lecturer Giulia Balboni
Sector M-PSI/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)

Cognomi A-C

Lecturer Giulia Balboni
  • Giulia Balboni
  • 36 ore - Giulia Balboni
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the theory of tests.
Reference texts 1) Pedrabissi, L., & Santinello, M. (1997). I test psicologici. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 11

2) Lecture materials available in Unistudium
- Slides used in lectures by the lecturer and available at the end of each week's lecture (excluding the examples of psychological tests)
- Handouts with exercises and their solutions

Working students and students with disabilities and/or DSAs should contact the lecturer in good time to determine any additions/changes to the bibliographic references.
For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit
Educational objectives The student will acquire
- knowledge with respect to the criteria for choosing a psychological test
- skills and ability to apply the criteria for using a psychological test

These acquisitions are in line with the CdS objectives of enhancing skills aimed at diagnosing situations and contexts and acquiring the knowledge and approaches of assessment and clinical evaluation.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods Lectures and practical exercises.
Other information Class attendance is strongly recommended.

In the course of the lectures, the topics presented in the texts will be covered in more depth and practical exercises will be carried out that are essential for learning and cannot be replaced by studying the texts alone. For these reasons, active attendance in the course is recommended.
Learning verification modality The examination of both Psychometrics and Test Theory and Techniques modules is conducted in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, consists of about 2 open-ended questions with bounded space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions that also include exercises (5 answer alternatives; wrong or no answer = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).
This test aims to assess the acquisition of the content presented and its application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

In general, the test checks the following aspects:
- Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Synthesis
- Knowledge and understanding - Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Detail
- Autonomy of judgment, understood as the ability to produce independent judgments, arriving at coherent reflections on scientific or ethical issues
- Communication skills, conceived as the ability to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to other interlocutors
- Learning skills, understood as the ability necessary to advance in studies with a high degree of autonomy.

In order to take the written test, it is necessary to register through the On-Line Secretarial Services (SOL) registration system within 4 working days of the test date (e.g., registration closes on Monday for exams that are on Friday). We are advised to unsubscribe if you no longer intend to appear.

The dates of the written test can be found in the exam calendar posted on the FISSUF Department website.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA visit

In the event that the student intends to anticipate the exam in an earlier year than the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecture series and take the exam in the first useful call after the lectures themselves have ended, thus respecting the semester of the teaching schedule.
Extended program Principles of test theories and techniques
- Psychological testing: characteristics, problems in administration, and ethical rules
- Normative scores: methods of calculation and use in clinical and health psychology
- Introduction to reliability and validity of psychological tests
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3, 4, 10

Cognomi D-L

Lecturer Matteo Orsoni
  • Matteo Orsoni
  • 36 ore - Matteo Orsoni
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Theories and Techniques of Tests.
Reference texts 1) Pedrabissi, L., & Santinello, M. (1997). I test psicologici. Bologna: Il Mulino.Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 11

2) Educational material available on Unistudium
- Slides used during the lecture by the instructor and available at the end of each week of classes (excluding projected examples of psychological tests)
- Handouts with exercises and their solutions
Educational objectives The student will acquire knowledge regarding the criteria for selecting and using a psychological test.
Prerequisites No.
Teaching methods The educational activities will consist of frontal lectures alternated with different types of exercises using material provided by the instructor.
Other information During the lessons, the topics presented in the texts will be covered in greater depth, and fundamental practical exercises essential for learning, not replaceable by studying the texts alone, will be carried out. For these reasons, active attendance in the course is recommended.
Learning verification modality The examination for both modules, Psychometrics and Theories and Techniques of Tests, is carried out in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, consists of approximately 2 open-ended questions with delimited space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions, which also include exercises (5 answer options; incorrect or unanswered = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).

The aim of this test is to assess the acquisition of the presented contents and their application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

To be able to take the written test, it is necessary to register through the online registration system (SOL) within 4 working days from the date of the test (e.g., registrations close on Monday for exams scheduled for Friday). It is recommended to cancel registration if one does not intend to attend.

The dates of the written test are indicated in the examination calendar published on the FISSUF Department website.

In the event that a student intends to take the exam in a year earlier than planned in the study plan, it is recommended to attend the lecture cycle and take the exam in the first available session after the lectures have ended, thus respecting the semester scheduling of the course.
Extended program Principles of Test Theories and Techniques
- Psychological tests: characteristics, administration issues, and ethical rules
- Weighted scores: calculation methods and use in clinical psychology and health psychology
- Introduction to the reliability and validity of psychological tests

Cognomi M-P

Lecturer Costanza Gori
  • Costanza Gori
  • 36 ore - Costanza Gori
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the theory of tests.
Reference texts 1) Pedrabissi, L., & Santinello, M. (1997). I test psicologici. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11

2) Didactic material available in Unistudium
- Slides used in class by the teacher and available at the end of each week of class
- Handouts with exercises and their solutions.
Educational objectives The student who successfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the theory of tests.
Prerequisites None.
Teaching methods The teaching activities will consist of frontal lessons alternating with exercises of different types with material provided by the teacher.
Other information During the lessons, the topics presented in the texts will be treated in more depth and practical exercises will be carried out which are fundamental for learning and cannot be replaced by the study of the texts alone. For these reasons, active attendance at the course is recommended.
Learning verification modality The examination of both modules Psychometrics and Testing Theories and Techniques is carried out in a single written test.

This test, lasting about 70 minutes, is made up of about 2 open questions with delimited space (0-5 points each) and about 19 multiple-choice questions which also include exercises (5 alternative answers; wrong answer or not given = 0 points; correct answer = 1 point for 15/19 questions, 2 points for 4/19 questions).
This test aims to evaluate the acquisition of the contents presented and their application in original contexts. It is useful to have a calculator.

In order to take the written test, it is necessary to register using the Online Secretariat Services (SOL) registration system within 4 working days from the date of the test (e.g., registration closes on Monday for exams that are held on Friday). We recommend that you unsubscribe if you no longer intend to appear.

The dates of the written exam are shown in the exam calendar published on the FISSUF Department website.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA, visit the page

In the event that the student intends to bring the exam forward to a year prior to the one scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended that he attend the cycle of lessons and take the exam in the first available session after the lessons have ended, in the therefore respecting the teaching planning semester.
Extended program Principles of testing theories and techniques
- Psychological tests: characteristics, problems in administration and deontological rules
- Weighted scores: methods of calculation and use in clinical and health psychology
- Introduction to the reliability and validity of psychological tests

Cognomi Q-Z

Lecturer Alice Bacherini
  • Alice Bacherini
  • 36 ore - Alice Bacherini
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The course focuses on the theory of tests.
Reference texts 1) Pedrabissi, L., & Santinello, M. (1997). I test psicologici. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 11

2) Lecture materials available in Unistudium
- Slides used in lectures by the lecturer and available at the end of each week's lecture (excluding the examples of psychological tests)
- Handouts with exercises and their solutions
Educational objectives The student who successfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the theory of tests.
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods Lectures and practical exercises.
Other information Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Learning verification modality Written exam (open and multiple choice questions).
The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. The student must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the guidance of the teacher during the course.

In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program Principles of testing theories and techniques
-Psychological tests: characteristics, administration problems and deontological rules
- Weighted scores: methods of calculation and use
-Introduction to reliability and validity of psychological tests.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.