Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40A00034
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2021/22
Supplied other course regulation
Sector M-PSI/02
Type of study-unit
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code 40A00034
Lecturer Daniela Laricchiuta
  • Daniela Laricchiuta
  • 36 ore - Daniela Laricchiuta
Sector M-PSI/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction English
Contents The course of Physiological Psychology is aimed at clarifying the basis of structure, function, evolution, development and pathology of the nervous system, in relation to human behavior and mental life. Namely, the course is structured as an integrated review of the clinical and experimental literature derived from a multidisciplinary analysis, as well as a better understanding of human behavior in terms of the adaptive capacity of the brain structure. During the course, students will learn how the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system works, the human being feels and perceives the internal and external world, the human being learns, memorizes, remembers and forgets. Particular attention will be paid to the psychophysiological (normal and pathological) processes of emotion and motivation, as well as to the associated mechanisms of well-being. Finally, the processes associated to interaction between external environment and behavioral outcomes from a genetic and epigenetic point of view will be clarified. In each lesson the functioning of the nervous system will be explored in relation to complex functions and behavioral processes. The emphasis is placed on the scientific analysis of the most recent theories and the interpretation of innovative research results, with the ultimate goal of understanding more about the mind, brain and behavior through a scientific perspective.
Reference texts Recommended text: Biological Psychology, Laura A. Freberg - Zanichelli Publishing House, Fifth Italian edition, 2017
Educational objectives During the course, the students will learn what the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system is, how it works, how human beings feel and perceive the internal and external world, how they learn, memorize, remember and forget.
Prerequisites None
Other information RECEPTION TIME SECOND SEMESTER AY 2021/2022

During the lesson period, the Professor will receive the students at the end of the lessons (see course calendar) for information, questions and/or requests. For specific needs, please send an email to arrange an appointment at: or
Extended program - The history and the levels of analysis of Physiological Psychology and Neuroscience (chap 1 of the recommended text)

- Investigation techniques of the nervous system (chap 1 of the recommended text)

- Distinction between central and peripheral nervous system.
(chap 2 of the recommended text)

- Exploration of the central and peripheral nervous system, in its brain and vascular components.
(chap 2 of the recommended text)

- The basic unit of the nervous system: the neuron, its structure corresponding to its function.
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- Synaptic transmission
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- The complexity of the action potential
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- The translation of the electrical signal into a chemical signal: the neurotransmitters
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- The main neurotransmitter systems of the central and peripheral nervous system
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- Substance abuse
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- The hormonal system: brain-body interaction
(Various Materials)

- The restoration of homeostasis through hormones
(chap 9 of the recommended text)

- Regulation of hunger, thirst and body temperature, in physiological and pathological situations
(chap 9 of the recommended text)

- Evolution of the nervous system that precedes and follows the development of Homo sapiens
(chapter 5 of the recommended text)

- The development of the nervous system during the life span: from conception to old age
(chapter 5 of the recommended text)

- The development of connections between areas: the connectome
(chapter 5 ofv the recommended text)

- An example of sensation: the eye as the perfect structure for receiving the sensory signal and translating the signal
(chap 6 of the recommended text)

- An example of perception: the central visual system as a hub for processing and integrating the perceptual signal
(chap 6 of the recommended text)

- Motor control and plasticity: from muscle to brain
(chap 8 of the recommended text)

- Motor control and plasticity: from the brain to the muscle
(chap 8 of the recommended text)

- Sex, evolutionary, hormonal and neuronal bases
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Sexual behavior
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Sexual differentiation
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Emotions: theoretical and neurobiological bases
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- The fear as a physiological and pathological emotion
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- Stress as a physiological and pathological reaction
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- Psychopathology: neurobiological basis of clinical disorders
(chap 16 of the recommended text)

- Learning and memory: from long-term empowerment and depression processes to association and learning processes
(chap 12 of the recommended text)

Last lesson:
Practical and applicative examples of Physiological Psychology in a research laboratory context.


Code 40A00034
Lecturer Daniela Laricchiuta
  • Daniela Laricchiuta
  • 36 ore - Daniela Laricchiuta
Sector M-PSI/02
Type of study-unit
Language of instruction English
Contents The course of Physiological Psychology is aimed at clarifying the basis of structure, function, evolution, development and pathology of the nervous system, in relation to human behavior and mental life. Namely, the course is structured as an integrated review of the clinical and experimental literature derived from a multidisciplinary analysis, as well as a better understanding of human behavior in terms of the adaptive capacity of the brain structure. During the course, students will learn how the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system works, the human being feels and perceives the internal and external world, the human being learns, memorizes, remembers and forgets. Particular attention will be paid to the psychophysiological (normal and pathological) processes of emotion and motivation, as well as to the associated mechanisms of well-being. Finally, the processes associated to interaction between external environment and behavioral outcomes from a genetic and epigenetic point of view will be clarified. In each lesson the functioning of the nervous system will be explored in relation to complex functions and behavioral processes. The emphasis is placed on the scientific analysis of the most recent theories and the interpretation of innovative research results, with the ultimate goal of understanding more about the mind, brain and behavior through a scientific perspective.
Reference texts Recommended text: Biological Psychology, Laura A. Freberg - Zanichelli Publishing House, Fifth Italian edition, 2017
Educational objectives During the course, the students will learn what the structure of the central and peripheral nervous system is, how it works, how human beings feel and perceive the internal and external world, how they learn, memorize, remember and forget.
Prerequisites None
Other information RECEPTION TIME SECOND SEMESTER AY 2021/2022

During the lesson period, the Professor will receive the students at the end of the lessons (see course calendar) for information, questions and/or requests. For specific needs, please send an email to arrange an appointment at: or
Extended program - The history and the levels of analysis of Physiological Psychology and Neuroscience (chap 1 of the recommended text)

- Investigation techniques of the nervous system (chap 1 of the recommended text)

- Distinction between central and peripheral nervous system.
(chap 2 of the recommended text)

- Exploration of the central and peripheral nervous system, in its brain and vascular components.
(chap 2 of the recommended text)

- The basic unit of the nervous system: the neuron, its structure corresponding to its function.
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- Synaptic transmission
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- The complexity of the action potential
(chap 3 of the recommended text)

- The translation of the electrical signal into a chemical signal: the neurotransmitters
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- The main neurotransmitter systems of the central and peripheral nervous system
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- Substance abuse
(chap 4 of the recommended text)

- The hormonal system: brain-body interaction
(Various Materials)

- The restoration of homeostasis through hormones
(chap 9 of the recommended text)

- Regulation of hunger, thirst and body temperature, in physiological and pathological situations
(chap 9 of the recommended text)

- Evolution of the nervous system that precedes and follows the development of Homo sapiens
(chapter 5 of the recommended text)

- The development of the nervous system during the life span: from conception to old age
(chapter 5 of the recommended text)

- The development of connections between areas: the connectome
(chapter 5 ofv the recommended text)

- An example of sensation: the eye as the perfect structure for receiving the sensory signal and translating the signal
(chap 6 of the recommended text)

- An example of perception: the central visual system as a hub for processing and integrating the perceptual signal
(chap 6 of the recommended text)

- Motor control and plasticity: from muscle to brain
(chap 8 of the recommended text)

- Motor control and plasticity: from the brain to the muscle
(chap 8 of the recommended text)

- Sex, evolutionary, hormonal and neuronal bases
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Sexual behavior
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Sexual differentiation
(chap 10 of the recommended text)

- Emotions: theoretical and neurobiological bases
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- The fear as a physiological and pathological emotion
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- Stress as a physiological and pathological reaction
(chap 14 of the recommended text)

- Psychopathology: neurobiological basis of clinical disorders
(chap 16 of the recommended text)

- Learning and memory: from long-term empowerment and depression processes to association and learning processes
(chap 12 of the recommended text)

Last lesson:
Practical and applicative examples of Physiological Psychology in a research laboratory context.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.