Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code 40A00028
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Nicoletta Ghigi
  • Nicoletta Ghigi
  • Marco Casucci (Codocenza)
  • 27 ore - Nicoletta Ghigi
  • 27 ore (Codocenza) - Marco Casucci
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2022/23
Supplied other course regulation
Sector M-FIL/01
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Existential analysis and phenomenological interview.
Reference texts I:
- M. Heidegger, "Essere e tempo"
- L. Binswanger, Per un'antropologia fenomenologica;
- G. Stanghellini-M. Mancini, "Mondi psicopatologici"
M. Merleau-Ponty, Fenomenologia della percezione, Bompiani, ult. ed.
I. :
- V: Costa, Husserl, Carocci;
- V. Costa, e L. Cesana, "Fenomenologia della cura medica", Morcelliana, Brescia 2019;
- K. Jaspers, L'indirizzo fenomenologico in psicopatologia;
- E. Minkowski: Il tempo vissuto. Fenomenologia e psicopatologia.
- E. Minkowski, V. von Gebettel, E. Straus, Antropologia e psicopatologia, Anicia 2013.
- F. Basaglia, Scritti I, 1953-1968. Dalla psichiatria fenomenologica all'esperienza di Gorizia, Torino, Einaudi, 1981; 
- V. Costa, E.Franzini, P.Spinicci, "La fenomenologia", Einaudi, Torino 2002;
- A. Molaro, G. Stanchellini, Storia della fenomenologia clinica, UTET 2020.

-Robin D. Rollinger, Austrian Phenomenology: Brentano, Husserl, Meinong, and Others on Mind and Object, Walter de Gruyter, 2008;
- Fuchs, Breyer, Mundt, Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy and Psychopathology, Springer, NY 2013;
- D. Zahavi, Husserl's Legacy, Oxford Press 2017.
Educational objectives - knowledge and understanding
- applying knowledge
Prerequisites In order to understand the issues of teaching it is necessary that the student has a solid knowledge of the history of philosophy and knows how to relate to abstract conceptual. Knowing these two issues is absolutely indispensable for the student who wants to follow the course with profit.
Teaching methods 1. Theoretical lessons face-to-face
2. Seminars
3. Pratical training (Optional)
4. Laboratoty (Lectio magistralis)
Other information The Course will be bei Department of Philosophy, Human Science and Science of Education
Learning verification modality The examination will be oral examination with a duration of 30 minutes and intends to evaluate the individual capacities of the phenomenological method and abilities taken during the Lesson.
In case a student intends to anticipate his/her exam in a year preceding the one it is scheduled in his/her curriculum, it is recommended to anticipate as well the attendance of the lessons and to schedule the exam in the first useful session after the lessons have been concluded.
Extended program The course aims to evaluate the applicative possibilities of the phenomenological method in psychopathology and psychiatry.