Course name Philosophy and psychological science and techniques
Study-unit Code A002687
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2021
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata


Code A002690
Lecturer Giulia Cenci
  • Giulia Cenci
  • 36 ore - Giulia Cenci
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline scientifiche demoetnoantropologiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche e economiche
Sector M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents The main objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge on post-Freudian dynamic psychology, with particular attention to recent intersubjective models.
The course will focus on the interpersonal and neuroscientific dimensions of the psychodynamic model and its different theories. It will describe the intrapsychic perspective, the dyadic perspective and the intersubjective perspective in psychoanalytic models, and their transformations in setting and technique.
During the course, clinical cases will be illustrated and direct sources will be read.
Finally, the course will describe the modifications of the analytical setting (transference, countertransference, interpretation, etc.) in the clinic of adults and children.
Reference texts - Mitchell, S.A., Black, M.J. (1996). L'esperienza della psicoanalisi. Storia del pensiero psicoanalitico moderno. Italia: Bollati Boringhieri. Cap: Introduzione, Capitoli 1, 3, 4, 5
- Pazzagli, C. (2010). Donald W. Winnicott: la relazione madre-bambino e la psicoanalisi. In Psicologia dinamica. I modelli teorici a confronto (pp. 128-148). Laterza.
- Ogden,T. H. (2022). Prendere vita nella stanza d'analisi. Italia: Raffaello Cortina Editore. Introduzione, Cap. 1, 4, 5, 6
- Ogden, T.H. (2006). Holding e contenimento, essere e sognare. L'Annata Psicoanal. Int., 2:153-169
- Ogden, T. (2001). Rêverie e metafora. Ricerca Psicoanalitica, 2001, Anno XII, n. 2, pp. 185-204.
- Baranger, M., & Baranger, W. (2008). The analytic situation as a dynamic field. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 89(4), 795-826.
Material and articles provided on Unistudium.
Educational objectives - Knowledge the Freudian and post-Freudian theoretical perspective.
- Knowledge the Freudian and post-Freudian clinical perspective.
- Knowledge the main theoretical and technical elements of differentiation from diverse psychoanalytic schools
- Knowledge the intersubjective dimension in the analytical setting.
- Knowledge the structural and functional characteristics of the analytical setting.
- Promote an attitude of reflexivity in clinical practice.
Prerequisites To understand the contents of the course, knowledge of dynamic psychology and developmental psychology is recommended.
Teaching methods The predominant teaching methodology consists of classroom lectures, illustration of clinical cases, expert workshops and collective discussions with students.
Other information For more information and/or course resources, we recommend consulting UniStudium.
For more information, you can contact the professor at
Learning verification modality The final evaluation will consist of a written test. The test will consist of 15 multiple choice questions with only one correct option and 1 open-ended question. The test will be passed with a minimum score of 18. Incorrect questions will not result in a deduction of the score. The exam will last 45 minutes. The test aims to guarantee the level of knowledge, as well as synthesis, achieved by the student.
Students with disability and/or learning disabilities can choose between: a) written test, consist of 15 multiple choice questions with only one correct option and 1 open-ended question. The test will be passed with a minimum score of 18. Incorrect questions will not result in a deduction of the score. The exam will last 70 minutes. b) oral exam, with a possible partition of the program, as previously agreed with the teacher. Students with disabilities and/or DSA are invited to visit the page dedicated to the tools and measures provided and to agree in advance what is necessary with the teacher
Extended program The program will focus on the in-depth analysis of the theories, in an intersubjective and neuroscientific perspective, of the following psychoanalysts: Sigmund Freud, Carl G. Jung, Melanie Klein (theory of object relations, projective identification), Donald W. Winnicott (holding, contained, destruction of the object), Wilfred Bion (model of the mind, container-contained, thoughts without a thinker), Harry Stack Sullivan (Interpersonal theory, theory of social anxiety, treatment of seriously patients), Stephen Mitchell (the relational matrix), Gaetano Benedetti (transitional subject, progressive-mirror-drawing), Thomas Ogden (analytical third, undreamed dreams, epistemological and ontological psychotherapy), the Baranger spouses (field theory).


Code A002691
Lecturer Claudia Mazzeschi
  • Claudia Mazzeschi
  • 36 ore - Claudia Mazzeschi
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline scientifiche demoetnoantropologiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche e economiche
Sector M-PSI/07
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian.
Contents The course introduces knowledge of the area of Infant Research through the presentation of reference models derived from relational psychoanalysis and developmental psychology. Topics related to the functioning mechanisms of the dyadic and triadic system applicable to the knowledge of the developmental and adult clinic are addressed. Specific attention is given to knowledge of the observation technique.
Reference texts - Lis, A., Mazzeschi, C., Zennaro., A. (2002-2012). La psicoanalisi. Chapters: 10.4, 11.2, 11.5, 13

- Pazzagli, C. (2010). Donald Woods Winnicott la relazione madre-bambino e la psicoanalisi. In De Coro, F. Ortu (2010) Psicologia Dinamica. I modelli teorici a confronto. Editori Laterza: Roma.
(material provided in lecture - UniStudium)

- Chapter 1. The attachment theory: the theoretical background. C. Mazzeschi, L. Laghezza, D. Di Riso., C. Napoli (material provided in the lecture - UniStudium)

Other material will be made available based on the teaching activities that will be carried out during the lectures.

The reference texts are valid for all students who will be taking the examination, attending, non-attending, working, students with disabilities, and/or DSA.
Educational objectives To know the theoretical perspective of Infant Research.
To know the clinical perspective of the Infant Research area.
To know the basic mechanisms of dyadic and triadic system functioning.
To know the technique of observation applied to the context of early development.
Prerequisites Knowledge of dynamic and developmental psychology is recommended.
Teaching methods Lectures.
Group work.
Video-recording material observation activities.
Other information Please consult the UniStudium platform for materials and/or course information.
Learning verification modality The exam includes a final written test consisting of three open-ended questions on the syllabus related to the topics covered in the course and explored in depth in the recommended texts; exam time: 1 hour.

The test assesses the level of knowledge and the ability to understand and synthesize the student's achievement. In addition, the test will check the student's ability to communicate what he or she has acquired with the method, propriety of language, and exposition.

Students with disabilities and/or SLDs will have up to a maximum of 30% more time to take the test and may use any compensatory tools. Students with disabilities and/or SLDs are invited to visit the page on tools and measures and to agree in advance on what is necessary with the Professor (

If the student intends to take the examination a year before the year scheduled in the study plan, it is recommended that he/she attend the cycle of lectures and take the examination in the first useful call after the lectures have ended, thus respecting the semester in which the course is scheduled.
Extended program The course covers the area of Infant Research and its perspectives, both theoretical and methodological, as well as its clinical implications in working with developmental age and adult patients. The course introduces the student to the study of the mechanisms of functioning of the dyadic and triadic systems underlying human development.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.