Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code 20003909
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Economico
Sector SECS-P/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare


Code 20003909
Lecturer Mauro Visaggio
  • Mauro Visaggio
  • 63 ore - Mauro Visaggio
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Economico
Sector SECS-P/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction The course presents the fundamental theoretical concepts and examines some case studies in which these concepts are applied to real historical cases.

The course presents the following topics. Classic model; income-expenditure model; IS-IT model; basics of open economy;
open economy under flexible exchange rate regime: open economy under fixed exchange rate regime; the Great Depression; the Great Inflation; the Great Recession: the Great Uncertainty; currency crisis in Italy in 1992; tax adjustments in Italy in the 1990s; the evolution of public debt in Italy.

Reference texts

A. Mauro Visaggio, 2023, Macroeconomia. Teoria e politica macroeconomica in una economia globale integrata, seconda edizione, McGraw-Hill editore, Milano.
B. Mauro Visaggio, 2024, Le Grandi Fasi economiche tra cigni neri e cigni grigi, McGraw-Hill editore, Milano.

Educational objectives

The course aims to develop the tools and topics addressed
during a basic Macroeconomics course with applications to historical cases


Knowledge of basic concepts of microeconomics and mathematical analysis

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises

Other information

The supervision of the thesis is subject to passing the exam. There is no
restriction on the mark obtained in the exam.

Learning verification modality

Written test: four open questions (8 points maximum per question)

Extended program PART ONE. Theoretical models
Classical paradigm: the Panglossian vision of the economic system. Classic benchmark, macroeconomic policies: the destabilization of the economic system. [Educational material: (A) chapter 2].
Keynesian paradigm: the pessimistic vision of the economic system. Income-expenditure model. Macroeconomic policies for stabilizing the economic system. [Educational material: (A) chapter 3].
IS-IT model: short term. IS-IT model. Macroeconomic policies in the presence of high public debt. [Educational material: (A) chapter 4].
IS-IT-AS model: medium-long term. IS-IT-AS model: short-run temporary equilibrium. IS-IT-AS model: medium-long term equilibrium. [Educational material: (A) chapter 5].
Balance of payments and foreign exchange market. Balance of payments. International monetary system. Foreign exchange market equilibrium under flexible and fixed exchange rate regimes. [Educational material: (A) chapter 6].
IS-IT model in open economy: flexible exchange rate regime. Open IS-IT model: perfect capital mobility and flexible exchange rate regime. Macroeconomic stabilization policies. [Educational material: (A) chapter 7].
IS-IT model in open economy: fixed exchange rate regime. IS-IT model in open economy: fixed exchange rate regime. Optimal monetary areas [Educational material: (A) chapter 8]
SECOND PART. Study cases
Case Study 1. The Great Depression. [Educational material: (B) chapter 1]
Case study 2. The Great Inflation. [Educational material: (B) chapter 3]
Case Study 3. The Great Recession. [Educational material: (B) chapter 5]
Case study 4. The Great Global Uncertainty: the permacrises of 2020-2024. [Educational material: (B) chapter 6]
Case study 5. 1992 Italian currency crisis. [Educational material: (B) chapter 8]
Case study 6. Fiscal adjustments in Italy in the 1990s. [Educational material: (B) chapter 9]
Case study 7. Evolution of public debt in Italy in the period 1960-2021. [Educational material: (B) chapter 10.


Code 20003909
Lecturer Mauro Visaggio
  • Mauro Visaggio
  • 63 ore - Mauro Visaggio
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Economico
Sector SECS-P/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction The course presents the fundamental theoretical concepts and examines some case studies in which these concepts are applied to real historical cases.
The course presents the following topics. Classic model; income-expenditure model; IS-IT model; basics of open economy;
open economy under flexible exchange rate regime: open economy under fixed exchange rate regime; the Great Depression; the Great Inflation; the Great Recession: the Great Uncertainty; currency crisis in Italy in 1992; tax adjustments in Italy in the 1990s; the evolution of public debt in Italy.
Reference texts
A. Mauro Visaggio, 2023, Macroeconomia. Teoria e politica macroeconomica in una economia globale integrata, seconda edizione, McGraw-Hill editore, Milano.
B. Mauro Visaggio, 2024, Le Grandi Fasi economiche tra cigni neri e cigni grigi, McGraw-Hill editore, Milano.
Educational objectives
The course aims to develop the tools and topics addressed
during a basic Macroeconomics course with applications to historical cases
Knowledge of basic concepts of microeconomics and mathematical analysis
Teaching methods
Lectures and exercises
Other information
The supervision of the thesis is subject to passing the exam. There is no
restriction on the mark obtained in the exam.
Learning verification modality
Written test: four open questions (8 points maximum per question)
Extended program
PART ONE. Theoretical models
Classical paradigm: the Panglossian vision of the economic system. Classic benchmark, macroeconomic policies: the destabilization of the economic system. [Educational material: (A) chapter 2].
Keynesian paradigm: the pessimistic vision of the economic system. Income-expenditure model. Macroeconomic policies for stabilizing the economic system. [Educational material: (A) chapter 3].
IS-IT model: short term. IS-IT model. Macroeconomic policies in the presence of high public debt. [Educational material: (A) chapter 4].
IS-IT-AS model: medium-long term. IS-IT-AS model: short-run temporary equilibrium. IS-IT-AS model: medium-long term equilibrium. [Educational material: (A) chapter 5].
Balance of payments and foreign exchange market. Balance of payments. International monetary system. Foreign exchange market equilibrium under flexible and fixed exchange rate regimes. [Educational material: (A) chapter 6].
IS-IT model in open economy: flexible exchange rate regime. Open IS-IT model: perfect capital mobility and flexible exchange rate regime. Macroeconomic stabilization policies. [Educational material: (A) chapter 7].
IS-IT model in open economy: fixed exchange rate regime. IS-IT model in open economy: fixed exchange rate regime. Optimal monetary areas [Educational material: (A) chapter 8]
SECOND PART. Study cases
Case Study 1. The Great Depression. [Educational material: (B) chapter 1]
Case study 2. The Great Inflation. [Educational material: (B) chapter 3]
Case Study 3. The Great Recession. [Educational material: (B) chapter 5]
Case study 4. The Great Global Uncertainty: the permacrises of 2020-2024. [Educational material: (B) chapter 6]
Case study 5. 1992 Italian currency crisis. [Educational material: (B) chapter 8]
Case study 6. Fiscal adjustments in Italy in the 1990s. [Educational material: (B) chapter 9]
Case study 7. Evolution of public debt in Italy in the period 1960-2021. [Educational material: (B) chapter 10.