Course name Business administration
Study-unit Code 20000606
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Economia dei mercati e degli intermediari finanziari
Lecturer Vincenzo Troiano
  • Vincenzo Troiano
  • 42 ore - Vincenzo Troiano
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Giuridico
Sector IUS/05
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Regulatory sources.

Finance as an international phenomenon

The legal structure of the financial sector.

Supervision and public control.

The activities. Banking activity and banking contracts. Financial activities. Investment services and activities. Collective investment management. Payment services. Fintech.

Information and Privacy in the banking sector

Subjects. Banks. Subjects operating in the financial sector. Investment firms. AMCs. External collaborators in the financial activity.

Crisis management of banks and financial intermediaries.

Rules and guarantees of the activity. Transparency and tools to counter illegal activity, rules of conduct for intermediaries; ADRs.

Markets. Public offerings of financial products, public takeover offers. Market discipline, trading venues and systematic internalisers, settlement structures, market abuse.
Reference texts Manuale di diritto bancario e finanziario, edited by F. Capriglione, Wolters Kluwer CEDAM, 2024.

Except chapters 2, section one, 17, 19, 24.
Educational objectives Learning outcomes:

1) knowledge and understanding: national regulatory framework and EU principles of the activities of banks, financial intermediaries, collective investment managers, trading of financial instruments.

2) skills and knowledge: experts in banking and financial compliance, analysis and application of banking and financial regulation.
Prerequisites In order to get the most out of class attendance and in any case before the start of the exam preparation, it is recommended to have successfully completed all mandatory propedeutic examinations and have adequate knowledge of the main elements of: Public Law, Private Law, Commercial Law, European Union law.
Teaching methods Face-to-face classes and lectures.

Possibility of organizing seminars and in-depth groups for analysis and discussion (during dedicated lectures) of specific issues.
Other information None
Learning verification modality One oral exam.

The exam consists of a discussion of some topics of the course of about 15-20 minutes aimed at verifying the level of knowledge acquired and the of the matter and the skills of theoretical understanding and practical application of the notions studied.

For information on support services for students with disabilities and/or DSA please visit
Extended program Regulatory sources.

Finance as an international phenomenon

The legal structure of the financial sector.
Supervision and forms of public control.

The activities. Banking activity and banking contracts. Financial activities. Investment services and activities. Collective investment management. Payment services. Fintech.

Information and privacy in the banking sector.

Subjects. Banks. Subjects operating in the financial sector. Investment firms. AMCs. External collaborators in the financial activity.

Crisis management of banks and financial intermediaries.

Rules and guarantees of the activity. Transparency and tools to counter illegal activity, rules of conduct for intermediaries; ADRs.

Markets. Public offerings of financial products, public takeover offers. Market discipline, trading venues and systematic internalisers, settlement structures, market abuse.

Digital Information Service by Lidia Pozzoblu - Thanks to Aldo Bizzilupo for Web site and other technical assistance.