Course name Economics of tourism
Study-unit Code 20099209
Location ASSISI
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Manuela Gallo
  • Manuela Gallo
  • 42 ore - Manuela Gallo
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Aziendale
Sector SECS-P/11
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents After a first part of introduction to markets and financial instruments, the course aims to describe the most important financial and credit instruments: payment instruments; investment and financing instruments; financial instruments for risk management. A particular focus is made on the tourist industry.A monographic part is dedicated to the financing of start-ups and in particular of start-ups in the tourism sector.
Reference texts Loris L.M. Nadotti, Manuela Gallo, Duccio Martelli, Valeria Vannoni. In finanziamento delle start-up innovative. Isedi. 2023.
Educational objectives The objective of this course is to provide a conceptual framework for taking decisions on financial and credit instruments. It starts from and analysis of the characteristics of the most widespread financial and credit instruments and highlights the needs that each product can satisfy. A focus is made on the startups' financing needs.
Prerequisites None
Teaching methods The teaching methodology combines frontal lessons with practical exercises.
Other information None
Learning verification modality Written exam with open answer questions + Oral exam

The written exam lasts 1 hour and it focuses on questions related to the topics covered in class. It is designed to test the student's ability to argue in writing and with a proper language the topics under study, both in terms of the theory that the practical implications.

The oral exam lasts about 15 minutes and focuses on one or two questions on matters related to the program of study; It aims to evaluate the student communication skills and the student mastery of the topics covered.
Extended program Payment instruments
1) Money and payment needs
2) Payment instruments
3) Payment instruments in the international trade

Investment and financing needs and tools

4) The investment needs and the objectives of the financial surplus units
5) The financing needs and the demand for financial instruments by firms
6) Bank deposits
7) Italian government bonds (government bonds)
8) Mutual funds and SICAV
9) Equity securities 10) Short-term financing instruments
11) Factoring
12) Short-term debt instruments by firms
13) The financing of medium-long term needs
14) Corporate bonds
15) Consumer credit

Risk management needs and tools
16) Speculative risks and related hedging and management problems
17) Derivative instruments
18) Pure risks and insurance instruments.

Innovative financial Instruments for startups