Course name Finance and quantitative methods for economics
Study-unit Code A003081
Location PERUGIA
Curriculum Statistical data science for finance and economics
Lecturer Gianna Figa' Talamanca
  • Gianna Figa' Talamanca
  • 42 ore - Gianna Figa' Talamanca
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Matematico, statistico, informatico
Sector SECS-S/06
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Inglese
Contents Hedging strategies within Black and Scholes setting
Risk Measures
Volatility modeling
Reference texts Manuale di Finanza, G. Castellani, M. De Felice, F. Moriconi, Ed. Il Mulino Strumenti (essenzialmente per i richiami)¿
Quantitative Risk Management:, McNeil, , R. Frey, A., Embrechts, P., Ed. Princeton University Press (Chapters 2-3 and part of Chapters 5-6).¿¿
Optonsi, Futures and other derivativesi, J. Hull, Ed. Pearson, Prentice-Hall.¿

Educational objectives The course points at giving basic knowledge on hedging strategies and risk measures for capital allocation.
Prerequisites Statistical Inference, Probability theory and random variables. Linear algebra and multivariate calculus.
Teaching methods Classes and exercise sessions
Other information Note that this is a course with a strongly quantitative approach in the macro area of mathematics and statistics.
It is intended for students who have already passed quantitative methods exams of the first year of the Degree- Laurea Magistrale.
Learning verification modality Written and Oral Exam
Extended program See the Course page in Unistudium