Course name Computer science and electronic engineering
Study-unit Code A003154
Curriculum Ingegneria elettronica
Lecturer Daniele Passeri
  • Daniele Passeri
  • 54 ore - Daniele Passeri
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Ingegneria elettronica
Sector ING-INF/01
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents I. Devices (4 CFU)
Basic semiconductor devices: pn junction, diode, BJT, MOSFET.
II. Laboratory (1 CFU)
Technology CAD (TCAD) tools hands-on.
III. Technologies (1 CFU)
Silicon planar fabrication technology. Process flow/steps.
Reference texts G. Giustolisi, G. Palumbo, "Introduzione ai dispositivi elettronici", FrancoAngeli.
Chemming Calvin Hu, "Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits", 2010, Amazon Student ed.
S.M. Sze, "VLSI Technology", 2/E, McGraw-Hill
Educational objectives Knowledge of materials / manufacturing principles of basic electronic devices.
Ability to use Technology CAD simulation tools (TCAD) for the analysis and synthesis of innovative electronic devices.
Prerequisites In order to proficiently understand the Technology and Electronic Devices course topics it is important the knowledge of some basic elements of Physics B, especially those related to the interaction between electric charges, the concept of electric potential and electric field, the movement of charges seen as electrical current within the materials. Some contents of the Theory of Circuits for Electronics relating to passive devices (R, L, C) will also be useful.
Teaching methods Lectures, classroom exercises, computer exercises, classroom and laboratory experiments.
Other information Contents may change due to syllabus updates.
Learning verification modality Project report (end-of-course) and written test, both mandatory.The end-of-course work will consist of a brief report on a process simulation / device made during the semester.The definition of the structure of the written test is still in progress. The written test is aimed at verifying the knowledge of the structure and functionality of the basic integrated electronic devices.
Extended program I. Devices (4 CFU)
Basic concepts in Chemistry: Periodic table of elements, Ionic bonding, Covalent bonding, Organic and inorganic materials. Semiconductor fundamentals: lattice crystalline structure, carrier generation / recombination, continuity equations, energy band model.
Basic semiconductor devices: pn diode junction, I-V characteristics, capacitance. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). MOS capacitor. MOSFET transistor: threshold voltage, I-V characteristics, output characteristics. Advanced CMOS devices (for the IoT): Active Pixel Sensors. Devices beyond CMOS (for the IoT): Tunnel FET, BioFET.

II. Technologies (1 CFU)
Silicon planar fabrication technology. Process flow/steps: oxidation, deposition, etching, photolithography, ion implant.
CMOS process fabrication example. Vertical scale (3D) IC fabrication technology.

III. Laboratory (1 CFU)
Technology CAD (TCAD) tools: process and device simulation applications.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile Item 4.3: High-quality technical education