
Course name Computer science and electronic engineering
Study-unit Code A003141
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
CFU 12
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2023/24
Supplied other course regulation
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa integrata

Code A003129
Lecturer Renzo Perfetti
  • Renzo Perfetti
  • 54 ore - Renzo Perfetti
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector ING-IND/31
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Introduction to circuit analysis
Reference texts R. Perfetti, Circuiti Elettrici, Zanichelli, 2^ ed., 2013
Educational objectives Knowledge of basic linear circuit properties. Ability to predict and illustrate the behavior of simple circuits. Ability to use the main analysis techniques for linear circuits.
Prerequisites Analisi matematica I, Fisica I
Teaching methods Face to face lessons
Learning verification modality Written exam. Duration: 2 hours. Solution of some exercises.
Extended program Current and voltage. Kirchhoff's laws. Power. Conservation of power.
Resistor. Open circuit and short circuit. Independent voltage and current sources. Voltage and current division. Series and parallel connection of resistors. Series and parallel connection of independent sources. Controlled sources. Substitution principle. Source transformations. Wye-delta transformation. Nodal analysis. Millman's theorem. Analysis of op-amp circuits. Linearity. Superposition principle. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Resistive two-port networks.
Capacitor and inductor: properties and series-parallel combinations. First order circuits: differential equation and solution. Response to a piecewise constant input. RLC circuits: differential equation and solution.
Review on complex numbers. Phasor representation. Response of a first order circuit to a sinusoidal input. Symbolic analysis of circuits in the phasor domain. Impedance and admittance. Power in sinusoidal steady-state. Instantaneous, active, reactive and complex power, r.m.s. value. Conservation of complex power. Power factor correction and maximum power transfer.
Three-phase circuits. Ideal transformer. Coupled inductors.
Network functions in the frequency domain. Amplitude and phase response. Passive and active filters. Resonant circuits.

Code A003142
Lecturer Francesco Cottone
  • Francesco Cottone
  • 54 ore - Francesco Cottone
Learning activities Base
Area Fisica e chimica
Sector FIS/03
Type of study-unit Obbligatorio (Required)
Language of instruction Italian
Contents Electromagnetism. Maxwell's equations. Physical optics.
Reference texts Any univeristary textbook for physics, mathematics and engineering courses is OK.
A possible choice is the following:
Mazzoldi-Nigro-Voci, Elementi di Fisica, Elettromagnetismo e Onde, EdiSes.
Educational objectives Understanding the fundamental principles of electromagnetism. Applying these principles to the solution of problems of considerable practical relevance.
Prerequisites It is necessary to know the contents of the courses of Analisi Matematica I, Geometria and Fisica A. It is also recommended to know the topics of Analisi Matematica II.
Teaching methods Face-to-face lessons, including both thoery and problem-solving.
Learning verification modality Written test lasting 2 hours is aimed at verifying the student's ability to solve exercises and/or problems in electromagnetism also with application references related to the specific course. There will be 3 exercises to be carried out and they will concern in particular the areas of electrostatics, circuits and magnetic phenomena. The choice of these 3 main areas is due to the importance of knowledge of the fundamental phenomena of electromagnetism and is aimed at verifying the student's problem solving ability and completeness of preparation.
On the same or later date (at the student's choice), a second written test, lasting one hour, will follow, during which general questions on the various parts of the program will be proposed to be answered in open form. This second test serves as an oral equivalent and is designed to test the student's ability to expound clearly, concisely and comprehensively on the course topics.

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Extended program Coulomb force. Electrostatic field. Gauss theorem. Electrostatic potential and conservativity of E. First and third Maxwell's equations. Electrical capacity and capacitors. Polarization of dielectric materials. The vectors P and D. Magnetic field. Lorentz force. Force on a current-carrying conductor. Torque on a loop. Ampere's principle of equivalence. Sources of the magnetic field. Ampere's Law. Second and fourth Maxwell equation. Magnetic properties of matter. The fields H and M. Electric and magnetic fields at interfaces. A brief introduction to magnetic circuits. Faraday and electromagnetic induction. Autoinduction. Magnetic energy. Mutual induction. Displacement current. From Maxwell's equations to the wave equation. Electromagnetic waves: propagation, polarization, relations between E and B. Monochromatic plane waves, spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Refractive index. Snell's law. Wave interference. Young's double slit experiment. Diffraction from multiple slits and diffraction grating. Aspects of corpuscular radiation: photons.