Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code GP004926
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Mariangela Miotti
  • Mariangela Miotti
  • 36 ore - Mariangela Miotti
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector L-LIN/03
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents In accordance with the periodization adopted for the teachings of various French literature annuity (first year: from the eighteenth century to the contemporary age; second year: five and seventeenth; third year: Middle Ages), this course in French Literature III aims to introduce students to the in-depth and critical study of medieval French literature as well as the artistic and philosophical culture of this historical period. The course also aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined. The texts studied and analyzed during the lessons, held in Italian, will all be in French.
Reference texts Short texts by the most important authors of the period covered will be analyzed in class and made available to all students on, Letteratura francese III.

It is required to read the critical editions indicated with their respective introductions:

Les Lais de Marie de France, éd. Livre de Poche Classiques (PDF on line);
Marie de France, Lais, testo francese a fronte, Carocci, 2004.
Christine de Pizan, La cite des Dames, Le Livre de Poche Classiques, 2021;
Christine de Pizan, La città delle Dame, a cura di P. Caraffi, Carocci, 2004;

Anonyme, La Farce de maitre Pathelin et La Farce du cuvier, Nouvelle édition, traduction (Ancien français) par Edouard Fournier, Micheline Moreau, Flosse Robinet, Paris, Flammarion 2017.
La farsa di Maistre Pathelin, a cura di Domenico D’Alessandro, Carocci, Biblioteca Medievale Testi, 1994

The texts that the teacher will use for the presentation of the period under study will all be published on the Unistudium platform.
Working and / or non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher at the beginning of the course in order to be able to suggest a path, supplemented by other readings and appropriate to their path.
Students with disabilities and / or with SLD, after consultation with the teacher, can request any didactic materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, exercises), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other facilitating technological tools in the study phase. For general information, consult the University Services on the page and contact the Department Coordinator
Educational objectives The third year of French Literature involves the in-depth and critical study of some themes of the medieval period as well as the artistic and philosophical culture of this historical period. The course also aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological tools necessary for the literary and linguistic analysis of the texts examined. The main knowledge acquired therefore concerns:
the knowledge of the main authors, of their works and of the historical context;
the knowledge of the distinctive traits of different literary genres, of poetic forms;
the knowledge of the subjects of literary communication (author, editor, translator) and the history of the text studied over time (translations and luck).
The main skills that provide the ability to apply the knowledge acquired will be:
knowing how to situate an author and his work over time;
knowing how to read, translate, analyze and comment on the texts studied;
know how to use the critical readings proposed by the program and make personal critical considerations.
Prerequisites In order to understand and be able to independently use the knowledge and tools of historical and literary analysis provided by the teaching, the student must have a good linguistic-literary knowledge and a good level of French that allows them to understand the texts of the program. The student obtains this level of knowledge after passing the first and second year of French language and literature. Medieval French presents lexical and syntactic difficulties that will be addressed during the lessons.
These prerequisites are valid for both attending and non-attending students.
Teaching methods The teaching method includes lectures in the classroom and, if necessary and according to the instructions of the University, also on the platform.
Meetings are planned, even outside the hours of the lessons, with national and international scholars to offer students further suggestions for further study.
Other information The teaching uses lectures during which students are encouraged to actively participate with questions, reflections and proposals.
Students will find regularly, on unistudium, the didactic material used during the lessons. This material becomes a full part of the course program.

Students with disabilities and / or SLD: for any information on the University's services, consult the page and contact the Contact Person for the Department.

The lesson timetable is always accompanied by a reception time. Students find the office hours on the teacher's web page.
Students, especially those who cannot regularly attend lessons, are invited to contact the teacher during these hours.
Learning verification modality The exam includes a single final oral test which consists of a discussion / interview on the topics covered during the course and in-depth study of the texts recommended in the bibliography.
To take the test, the student must have read all the texts indicated in the program and the test serves to ascertain the level of knowledge, understanding and critical analysis achieved by the student.
The interview will also evaluate the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired, the student's ability to understand, synthesize and criticize. The interview will also make it possible to verify the student's ability to communicate what has been acquired with method and properties of language.

The duration of the interview varies depending on the progress of the test itself. Generally, the student is asked to begin, for each module included in the program, with the analysis of the work that he deems closest to his interests. The other texts of the program can however be subject to discussion.
The exam, unless otherwise requested by the student, is held in Italian.

Students with disabilities and / or with SLD: for the modality of carrying out the verification tests, students can take advantage of inclusive technologies, compensatory tools and dispensatory measures provided for by the legislation. Technologies, tools and measures must be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of the tests. For general information, consult the University Services on the page and contact the Department Coordinator.
We proceed to the single verbalization with digital signature.
Extended program During the first lessons, the salient moments and the most important texts of the period covered will be presented to underline the historical, cultural, artistic, wineskin and literary aspects. The reading and analysis of significant documents will provide students with all the skills necessary for the study of the works in the program.
The documents analyzed will be published in unistudium and can therefore also be used by non-attending students.
Les Lais de Marie de France, éd. Livre de Poche Classiques (PDFon line);
Marie de France, Lais, testo francese a fronte, Carocci, 2004.
Christine de Pizan, La cite des Dames, Le Livre de Poche Classiques, 2021;
Christine de Pizan, La città delle Dame, a cura di P. Caraffi, Carocci, 2004;

Anonyme, La Farce de maitre Pathelin et La Farce du cuvier, Nouvelle édition, traduction (Ancien français) par Edouard Fournier, Micheline Moreau, Flosse Robinet, Paris, Flammarion 2017;
La farsa di Maistre Pathelin, a cura di Domenico D’Alessandro, Carocci, Biblioteca Medievale Testi, 1994

The editions in Italian are reserved for students of Lettere course

Bibliografia critica:

In addition to the introductions, it is suggested to read at least one article for each topic

Based on their knowledge, the student will complete their preparation with the help of the following literature stories:

Précis de Littérature française du Moyen Age, sous la direction de Daniel Poirion, Paris : P.U.F., 1983 ;
Histoire de la Littérature française, Paris : Nathan, 1984 ;
F. Lestringant - M. Zink (dir.), Histoire de la France Littéraire, Naissances, Renaissances, Moyen Age -XVIe siècle, Paris, PUF, 2006, cap. 3 e 4 ;

Suggested Literature Stories for Literature Students

Sozzi Lionello, Storia europea della letteratura francese. I. Dalle origini al Seicento, Torino, Einaudi, 2013 (the part dedicated to the Middle Ages).