Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code 35078809
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Carlo Pulsoni
  • Carlo Pulsoni
  • 72 ore - Carlo Pulsoni
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Caratterizzante
Area Discipline filologiche
Sector L-FIL-LET/09
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents From latin to romance languages. Textual criticism. Troistan by Thomas.
Reference texts P. G. Beltrami, La filologia romanza, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016.
M. Barbato, Le lingue romanze. Profilo storico-comparativo, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2017.
Tristano di Tommaso, a c. di F. Gambino; A. Punzi, Tristano. Storia di un mito.
Specific information relating to the course and some teaching materials will be available on the Unistudium platform: on the page dedicated to teaching. Students with disabilities and/or with DSA who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can request the compensatory tools provided for by the law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which see the page For the request, the student is invited to contact the teacher, who will put him or her in contact with the Department's Disability and/or DSA contact person (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla:
Educational objectives The course is thought to offer the basis of the Romance philology. Il corso si propone di fornire le basi della disciplina. Per quanto riguarda i risultati di apprendimento si fa riferimento a quanto previsto dai Descrittori di Dublino.
Ricordiamo che i Descrittori di Dublino sono così articolati:
- “Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione”
- “Conoscenze applicate e capacità di comprensione”
- “Autonomia di giudizio”
- “Comunicazione”
- “Capacità di apprendere”
The course aims to provide the basics of the discipline. As regards the learning outcomes, reference is made to the provisions of the Dublin Descriptors.
Let us remember that the Dublin Descriptors are structured as follows:
- “Knowledge and understanding”
- “Applied knowledge and understanding”
- “Autonomy of judgement”
- "Communication"
- “Ability to learn”
Prerequisites Specific knowledge is not expected.
Teaching methods lectures, conferences, musical performances. Students with disabilities and/or DSA, after consultation with the teacher, can request any teaching materials in accessible formats (presentations, handouts, workbooks), provided if necessary in advance of the lessons, as well as the use of other technological tools to facilitate the study phase. For general information, consult the University Services on the page and contact the Department Contact (Prof. A. Di Pilla). In the academic year 2023/2024 the University of Perugia has foreseen that 11 categories of students could be admitted to the use of the DaD. In the Syllabus, any interested students will be invited to verify the possibility of following the lessons on the site in DaD
DAD procedure - University of Perugia (
Other information the course is reserved for students who have never taken an exam in Romance Philology. Students with disabilities and/or DSA: for any information on University services, consult the page and contact the Department Contact (prof. ssa Alessandra Di Pilla:
Learning verification modality For the verification of learning the following are foreseen:
theses written on the topic developed in the monographic course (their preparation is optional, takes place during the lessons and has the aim of monitoring the acquisition of knowledge); final oral test which allows the verification of the overall learning of the notions provided during the course, as well as the degree of autonomy of judgment gained. The final exam has a duration that varies based on the skills demonstrated by the student during the exam.
Students with disabilities and/or with DSA who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, for the purposes of carrying out the verification tests, can benefit from the compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and inclusive technologies provided by the regulations, to be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of the tests. For information, consult the page and contact the contact person of the Department for Disability and DSA (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla: ).
Extended program The course is thought to offer , from one side a view on the transition from the vulgar Latin to the romance languages, from the other side to examine the first documents of the romance languages, also through a palaeographic analysis of the manuscripts that transmit them. There will be also given elements of comparative studies among the romance languages and notions of textual criticism.
The second part of the course is dedicated to the reading of Tristan by Thomas