Course name Foreign languages and cultures
Study-unit Code A001064
Curriculum Comune a tutti i curricula
Lecturer Hermann Dorowin
  • Hermann Dorowin
  • 36 ore - Hermann Dorowin
Course Regulation Coorte 2022
Supplied 2024/25
Supplied other course regulation
Learning activities Affine/integrativa
Area Attività formative affini o integrative
Sector L-LIN/13
Type of study-unit Opzionale (Optional)
Type of learning activities Attività formativa monodisciplinare
Language of instruction Italian
Contents German Literature between the 16th and 17th Centuries - Literary Translation (it's history, theory and criticism)
Reference texts First module:
Mandatory readings (we also recommend the study of the introductions and notes included in the individual editions): LUTERO, Lettera sul tradurre, Marsilio, Venezia, 1998. JOHANN SPIES, Storia del dottor Faust, ben noto mago e negromante, Garzanti, Milano, 1980. ANDREAS GRYPHIUS, Notte, lucente notte. Sonetti, Venezia, Marsilio, 1993. Secondary Literature: M. FRESCHI, La letteratura tedesca, il Mulino, Bologna 2008.
Other suggested readings:
V. ZMEGAC-Z. SKREB-L. SEKULIC, Breve storia della letteratura tedesca. Dalle Origini ai giorni nostri, Einaudi, Torino 1995.
E. SPEDICATO (a cura di), Letteratura tedesca. Manuale per l'università, ETS, Pisa, 2005.
Second module:
During the course, extracts from translated texts will be provided for a comparative analysis (see UniStudium for the didactic materials). See below the bibliography for a critical approach: J. ALBRECHT, Literarische Übersetzung. Geschichte, Theorie, kulturelle Wirkung, WBG, Darmstadt, 1998; U.ECO, Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Esperienze di traduzione, Bompiani, Milano, 2003; G. FOLENA, Volgarizzare e Tradurre, Einaudi, Torino 1991. K. REICHERT, Die unendliche Aufgabe. Zum Übersetzen, Hanser, München, 2003; G.STEINER, After Babel. Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford University Press, London-Oxford-New York, 1973.
Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for the compensatory tools ensured by law (e.g. textbooks in digital format; teaching materials in accessible formats: presentations, handouts, workbooks, provided if necessary in advance of the lessons), for which consult
For the request, students are invited to ask the teacher, who will put them in contact with the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla:
Educational objectives Knowledge of the history and literary history of the German-speaking areas, in-depth interpretation of the works read and their inclusion in their literary and cultural-historical context; knowledge of the theory and history of literary translation, its problems and potential.
Prerequisites Knowledge of the fundamental features of German cultural and literary history. Good knowledge of German language, written and oral.
Teaching methods Frontal lections and seminarial work.
Other information Students with disabilities and/or SLD: for any information on University services, consult the page and contact the Disability and/or DSA Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla:
For the course timetable and the exam dates see the official Department calendar.
Learning verification modality Oral examination

The test, lasting approximately 20 minutes, includes questions on the topics covered in class and on the texts indicated in the bibliography.

The following will be checked and evaluated in equal measure: knowledge of the works studied in class, of the remaining production of their authors and of the historical and cultural context; the ability to comment and compare several translation studied, the ability to organize, critically rework and appropriately expose the contents.

Students with disabilities and/or with SLD who, having completed regular accreditation through SOL, have obtained access to University services, can apply for compensatory tools, dispensatory measures and inclusive technologies ensured by law, to be requested and agreed with the teacher well in advance of tests and exams. For general information, consult the page and contact the Disability and/or SLD Department Coordinator (prof. Alessandra Di Pilla:
Extended program The first module of the course focuses on German literature between the 16th and 17th centuries, a troubled period in German history, between the Reformation and the Thirty Years’ War, in which the foundation of the modern German language was laid, in which new forms of popular and high literature arose and some great poets such as Martin Opitz, Andreas Gryphius and others emerged.
The second module of the course is dedicated to the history and theory of literary translation and the comparative study of different translations of the same literary text.
Obiettivi Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile The aim is to provide Quality Education (Goal 4) and to respect and make respect Gender Equality (Goal 5).